Identifying Statement Gaps
A detailed walkthrough of the statement gap identification feature.
This feature is being rolled out in waves starting Feb. 12th to our customers over the next month!
Reach out to your Account Manager for any questions on the feature!
Sometimes we are unable to fetch all statements for an account. This can be due to a number of reasons such as a provider website being down, invalid credentials, account closure, or data extraction that needs updating. The Overview page, the statement table on the Account Details page, and the suspected gaps table on the Account Details page provide a visual overview of exactly which statements we have successfully found and processed, as well as where there are known gaps in the data.
Continuous Statement Availability on the Overview Page
On the landing page of the Dashboard, there are metrics enabling you to drill down into Credentials and Accounts with issues. A new card has been added to the accounts section Continuous Statement Availability that pertains to ongoing statement data and identified gaps. Read more about all the metrics on the Overview page here.
In the Continuous Statement Availability section of the Overview page, there are a few filters of note:
Accessible Accounts and Inaccessible Accounts
Accessible Accounts are Accounts for which we are able to check on demand for new utility data whenever necessary, such as Accounts accessible through valid provider login credentials. Inaccessible Accounts are Accounts that we cannot reach on demand for new data, such as an Account discovered on an uploaded bill or an Account with outdated credentials. Accounts created solely via the bill uploader are categorized as inaccessible since they do not have credentials.
The full list of credential status
and statusDetail
to isAccessible
mapping can be found here.
Full History and Missing History
Full history
is when an account either has no gaps or only has gaps with status EXPECTED
. See this table for the potential gap statuses.
Missing history
is when an Account has at least one gap with the status GAP
. See this table for the potential gap statuses.
Action Required and In Progress
Accounts in the Action required
filter have at least one access issue gap. Accounts in the In progress
filter are under review or have an initial history pull scheduled. No accounts in this filter will have an access issue gap.
Viewing Lists of Accounts with Identified Gaps
When you follow one of the filters in Missing history
, you will land on the List Accounts page with a preset filter. The Accounts in this table view do not have Full history
, meaning each account has at least one statement gap with status GAP
. You can click on individual Accounts to see a detailed view of where the identified gaps are chronologically.
Downloading Gap Reports for Many Accounts
If you would like to work with the identified gaps in a CSV format, you can download the list view on the List Accounts page by using the filters from the Overview card. You can download a list of all gaps (up to 10k) or you can download a subset of the results.
Account Detail view of Suspected Gaps
Once you click on an Account to view the Account Detail page, you will see a tab for Statements
in the middle of the page. This tab contains two sub-navigation tabs 1) All statements
2) Suspected gaps
The All statements
tab contains all the statements we have discovered and processed, as well as the gaps we have identified in the statement data including Expected gaps
), Scheduled gaps
), and Suspected gaps
). If there are no Supected gaps
in the statement data, meaning the Full history
your organization expects is present, the All statements
table will display only statement data, Expected gaps
, and Scheduled gaps
The Suspected gaps
tab only shows the gaps we found in the data that have a status of GAP
and does not show EXPECTED
for a concise view.
For any gap in the table, you can select the expand button to view a card with the gap status
and statusDetail
. Every gap will have a start date and an end date, as well as the the length of the gap. Additionally, every Account will have at least one gap for the most recent statement. Pending on when the Account's next expected post-date (NEP) is, the gap may be EXPECTED
or GAP
. If the NEP is in the future, the gap will be EXPECTED
. If the NEP is in the past, the gap will be GAP
. However, note that not all providers are exact in their statement publishing consistency and NEP dates are an estimation. Many providers post their statements before or after the NEP dates. They are a guiding indicator, not a strict data point.
Based on the billing cycle of the Account, you can roughly determine how many statements are missing for the account. For example, if a provider rolls off historical statements after 9 months, you can expect there to be a 3 month expected gap where the data was not available on the provider website.
See the section Data Delay to read more about gap calculations for recently submitted Accounts.
Upload Bills
In the same vein as the example above where the provider rolls off historical statements, if you have a PDF you would like to upload to fill in a gap, you can do so directly from the Account Details page. This option will only present itself when there are gaps for an Account. Alternatively, you can always upload PDFs from the Bill Uploader page.
Update Credentials
If an Account is inaccessible and we are blocked from fetching new data, you can update the Credentials from the Account Details page as well. This option will only present itself when the Credentials are invalid.
Downloading a Suspected Gap Report for a Single Account
If you would like to work with the identified gaps in a CSV format, you can download the gaps for the account you have drilled down into on the Account Details page.
Suspected Gaps
Gaps in the data can come in a number of different varieties. Some gaps should be expected, such as if the statement is not on the provider website or if the Account is inactive. Unexpected gaps may be caused by issues in Arcadia's system failing to store statements, such as data failing accuracy audits.
Suspected Gap Status and Status Details
There are three statuses for an identified gap: EXPECTED
. Expected gaps indicate that the gap is anticipated. Some expected gaps can be expected to remain in perpetuity such as when an Account is inactive. Some expected gaps can be expected to be filled in in due time such as when an Account's next expected post (NEP) is in the future.
See the full list of identified gap status and status details here.
Data Delay
Due to the data processing required to provide statement gap analysis, there is an estimated ~4 hour delay between the gap data you see on the Dashboard and the data in the Plug database. The latest gap analysis run is noted on the Dashboard for reference. This means that you may see a gap, then choose to manually upload the missing statement via our bill uploader. You will not immediately see the gap disappear. However, once the bill is processed and the next gap analysis is run, the gap should disappear and the new statement will show up in the table.
Additionally, if an Account has been discovered since the last data processing (for example, you submit new Credentials), you will not see any calculated gaps immediately. These will appear the next time the data is processed.
Updated 9 days ago