Health Overview
A detailed guide for the metrics on the Overview page.
The Overview page contains high level health metrics at the Organizational level, enabling you to identify and resolves issues with your Credentials and Accounts.
Credential Metrics
The Credentials card details information regarding the state of the Credentials themselves-- their Connection status. Valid Credentials are the key to fetching new data via web navigation. Ensuring Credentials are up to date and have access as expected is critical to obtaining Statement data.
What Data is on the Credentials Card?
- How many total Credentials have been submitted to your organization
- How many Credentials are currently Deactivated (not subscribed to fetch new data)
- How many Credentials are currently Active (subscribed to fetch new data OR still in the process of being validated)
- How many Credentials require user action
- How many Credentials have successfully fetched data
- How many Credentials are in progress to fetch data
Account metrics
The Accounts card portrays data surrounding the health of the Accounts themselves-- their Connection status. An Account's Credential may be valid, but there could still be issues at the Account level to address. E-bills are an example where the Credentials may work as expected, but without e-billing turned on, the Provider will not publish Statements to their website on your Account's behalf.
Additionally, within the Accounts card is detailed data on "Current Statement availability" and "Historical Statement availability". These two nested sections show a breakdown of Active Accounts (excluding Dormant/Finaled accounts
What Data is on the Accounts Card?
- How many total Accounts have been submitted to your organization
- How many Accounts are currently Deactivated (not subscribed to fetch new data)
- How many Accounts are currently Active (subscribed to fetch new data)
- How many Accounts require user action
- How many Accounts have successfully fetched data
- How many Accounts are in progress to fetch data
- How many Accounts are Finaled* or Dormant*
*Finaled Accounts have a most recent Statement explicitly stating service has been discontinued
*Dormant Accounts have not posted a new Statement for at least 45 days after the most recent next expected post date
Current Statement Availability Metrics
Within the current statement availability section, the graphs indicate how many Accounts have their current Statement available on our website and how many Accounts' Statements are not available for which our platform expected new data. This is driven by the Account field Statements product set to true and the status of the Account.
Accounts that have a status of Dormant/Finaled
are not included in these metrics are we do not expect new data for them. Only Accounts that have a connection status of Success
, In progress
, or Action required
are included.
Drilling down in the Current statements unavailable section, you can view data sorted by Next Expected Post Date or NEP. NEP logic is determined by Statement date trends we see over time and when we expect new Statements to be available. Accounts past their NEP are separated into 3 buckets:
- Less than 3 days past NEP
- 3-7 days past NEP
- More than 7 days past NEP
It is not uncommon for a Provider to post their invoices on irregular cadences. Some Providers are consistent, while some Providers have more fluidity. Occasionally, an Account past its NEP date could be the result of a recent Provider website or invoice format change. The status for these Accounts would be Not yet discovered
while we update the templates.
By grouping Accounts based on their past NEP dates, users can address the most time sensitive Accounts with ease by clicking into the Action required
section and making necessary customer updates. For example, if a Provider has updated their website recently and we are still working on the template change, a Bill Pay customer could submit the latest invoice via the Bill uploader.
Accounts with the status of Not yet discovered
will continue to be fetched.
Historical Statement Availability Metrics
Drilling down further, within the Historical statement availability metrics the graph indicates which Accounts have had their initial history fulfilled, Full history
, and which Accounts have not had their initial history fulfilled, Missing history
. This section is driven by your Organization configuration for history across all accounts.
Similar to the Current statement availability section, the Accounts that are marked as Missing history
can be clicked into to address issues directly. Accounts could be missing their full history for a few reasons. The most common reason is that the Provider has moved historical Statements on their website, requiring a template update. If your Organization is contracted for the default 12 months of history, but the Provider only retains 6 months of history of the website, we are unable to fetch the data for the missing 12 months. However, we will consider the history fulfilled after fetching the 6 months available. These missing 6 months, though, could be augmented by dropping the missing invoices into the Bill uploader.
Accounts with the status of Under review
are actively being worked on our internal teams.
Updated 4 months ago