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API Field Mapping

Note that these tables only include fields that have been renamed or removed - they do not include new fields on these resources.

API Wide Schema Mappings

ResourceLegacy Plug Field2024-02-21 Field (Detailed Statement)
Allclient_user_idcorrelationId - note that this field is only included in Credential and File response schemas currently, but can be used to search for Accounts, Meters and Statements.
AllsandboxedNot included in response schemas

Account Schema Mappings

ResourceLegacy Plug Field2024-02-21Field (Detailed Statement)
Accountutility_credential_idNot included in the Account schema, but accountIds is a search option on the List Credentials endpoint
Accountservice_address_street_oneRemoved from the Account schema but is available from a Detailed Statement response under accountData[].billingAddress
Accountservice_address_street_twoRemoved from the Account schema but is available from a Detailed Statement response under accountData[].billingAddress
Accountservice_address_cityRemoved from the Account schema but is available from a Detailed Statement response under accountData[].billingAddress
Accountservice_address_stateRemoved from the Account schema but is available from a Detailed Statement response under accountData[].billingAddress
Accountservice_address_zipRemoved from the Account schema but is available from a Detailed Statement response under accountData[].billingAddress
Accountservice_customer_nameRemoved from the Account schema but is available from a Detailed Statement response under accountData[].billingAddress
Accountsupplier_account_idRemoved from the Account schema but is available from a Detailed Statement response under accountData[].customerNumber
Accountstatusstatus however the possible values have changed. This field reflects Arcadia's ability to access the account, not it's status within the Provider. See statusDetail as well.
Accountmost_recent_tariffRemoved from the Account schema but is available from a Detailed Statement response under accountData[].charges[].tariff
Accountfeature_availabilityFeature availability as a concept has been removed, but the isStatementsProductActive field is similar.
Accountutility_metersNot included in the Account schema, but accountId is a search option on the List Meters endpoint

Credential Schema Mappings

ResourceLegacy Plug Field2024-02-21 Field (Detailed Statement)
Credentialaccounts_load_in_progressRoughly equivalent to status == 'CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS'
Credentialverification_statusstatus and statusDetail
Credentialverification_updated_atNo equivalent, although nextScheduledAccountRunAt is available to know when verification will checked next
Credentialuses_test_scenarioNo equivalent, but all sandboxed Credentials should use a test scenario.

Statement Schema Mappings

ResourceLegacy Plug Field2024-02-21 Field (Detailed Statement)
Statementsupplier_chargeaccountData[].meterData[].charges(need to identify the appropriate charge using the lifecycleStage field)
Statementgas_charge.accountData[].meterData[].charges(need to identify the appropriate charge using the lifecycleStage field)
Statementpdf_urlNot included in the response schema, but can be downloaded directly from the Download Statement Source endpoint.
Statementservice_window_inclusive_of_end_dateNot available yet
Statementvirtual_net_meteringThis information should be available in accountData[].meterData[]
Statementmost_recent_payment_detailNot included in the response schema, but see the List Account's Payments endpoint
Statementcommercial_line_items_detailThis information should be available in accountData[].meterData[]