Provider Coverage
Real time data showing what providers are supported on Plug Statements and Plug Intervals.
The provider coverage page lists the full catalogue of providers supported on both Plug Statements and Plug Intervals.
Where does this data come from?
The data on the provider coverage page is fetched from the List Providers endpoint each time you refresh the page.
Dashboard field mapping
Field mapping from List Providers endpoint.
Column | Definition | API Field |
Name | Name of the provider in Arcadia's system. | |
Statements supported | Indicates the provider is supported on Plug Statements. | providers.statements.isSupported |
Statements service type | Indicates the service types supported for the provider on Plug Statements. | providers.statements.serviceTypes |
Statement history | Indicates if the provider offers at least 1 month of historical statements data on its website. | providers.statements.isHistorySupported |
Web navigation supported | Indicates if Arcadia can access the provider’s website. If not supported, users can upload their bills manually. | providers.statements.isWebNavigationSupported |
Intervals supported | Indicates the service types supported for the provider on Plug Intervals. | providers.intervals.isSupported |
Intervals service types | Indicates the service types supported for the provider on Plug Intervals. | providers.intervals.serviceTypes |
Intervals history | Indicates if the provider has at least 1 month of historical interval data on its website. | providers.intervals.isHistorySupported |
Country | Country where the provider provides service. | |
Region | Continent where the provider providers service. | providers.region |
Real time validation | Indicates if Arcadia can verify the credentials synchronously. | providers.isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported |
MFA | Indicates if the provider requires multi-factor authentication to retrieve data. | providers.isMultiFactorAuthenticationSupported |
Provider ID | Uniquer identifier of the provider in our system (GUID). | |
Website | Website of the provider where data is retrieved. | |
Provider details page
When you select a provider name, you will navigate to the Provider details page. This page will show all the high level information for a specific provider as well as an additional section for Required fields.
Required fields are specific to each provider for login purposes. Some providers require a username and password. Some providers require an email and a pin code. For any given provider supported by Plug, you can verify in the Provider details page what a provider requires to login.
Updated 6 months ago