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Plug API Field Descriptions


Field NameDescription
access_tokenThe access token that can be used to access the Arc API. This token should be included in the “Authorization” header in the format “Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN".
expires_inThe number of seconds until the access token expires. Defaults to 3600 seconds (one hour).
refresh_expires_inIf one is provided, indicates the number of seconds until the refresh token expires. Currently, the refresh token grant type is not supported, so this value will always be 0.
token_typeSpecifies the type of access token, per the OAuth2 spec. Always returns a value of “Bearer”, indicating the access token should be added to requests in the “Authorization” header in the format “Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN”.
not-before-policyA timestamp that specifies the earliest time the access token is valid. A value of 0 means there is no restriction on when the token become valid, and can be used immediately.
scopeThe scope of the access token. This will always currently be “profile email”.
errorA short description of the error that occurred.
error_descriptionA more descriptive, human-readable explanation of the error.
filesAn array of file objects representing what you submitted to Arcadia.


Field NameDescription
idA unique identifier for the entity.
usernameA login input required to access the customer's utility data.
username2Optional parameters required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider.
username3Optional parameters required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider.
username4Optional parameters required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider.
passwordA sensitive input required to access the customer's utility data. This will not be returned in any GET calls for the request object.
password2Optional sensitive input required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider. Like password, this value will not be returned in any GET calls for the request object.
password3Optional sensitive input required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider. Like password, this value will not be returned in any GET calls for the request object.
password4Optional sensitive input required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider. Like password, this value will not be returned in any GET calls for the request object.
statementsAn array of statement objects.
accountEventsEvents associated with the account, such as when the value of a field changes etc.
accountsAn array of the accounts that satisfied the search criteria
credentialEventsEvents associated with the credential, such as when the value of a field changes etc.
credentialsSensitive information used to authenticate with a utility provider in order to log into an utility account online.
pagePage number in the index of object returned.
meterEventsEvents associated with the meter, such as when the value of a field changes etc.
metersAn array of meters.
paymentsDetails of payments made for the account, including amounts, dates, etc.
siteEventsEvents associated with the site, such as when the value of a field changes etc.
sitesAn array of Sites objects.
detailsA map of additional details about the error.
messageHuman readable text that elaborates on the error.
typeThe type of error based on Arcadia's classification for errors.
errorsContains an array of error objects.
correlationIdA string value you can set to help you reconcile with your internal systems. Correlation ID does not have to be unique.
isInteractiveIndicates whether the account supports interactive features or functionalities.

For a provider that supports real time credential validation, you can create a credential with interactive set as true to receive feedback if the credential is valid or invalid.
privacyPolicyUrlThe URL to access the privacy policy you would like to use.
providerIdThe unique identifier of the utility service provider.
termsOfServiceUrlThe URL for the terms of service you want to use.
isActiveIndicates whether the Credential is active for applicable products.
createdAtThe date-time this event occurred
createdByThe user or system that initiated the event.
eventTypeDescribes the change that has been made to an account.
fieldNameFor custom data changes, represents which custom data field was modified.
newValueFor custom data changes, represents the newly assigned value of the field.
oldValueFor custom data changes, represents the previous value of the field.
isCustomerActionRequiredIndicates whether any action is required from you regarding this resource.
isThirdPartyPortalIndicates whether the account requires to be accessed through a third-party portal or platform.
lastModifiedAtThe timestamp indicating when this resource was last modified.
lastModifiedByThe user or system that last modified this resoruce.
nextScheduledAccountRunAtThe scheduled time for the next automated credential job.
statusA high-level status for this credential. See this table for more information.
statusDetailA detailed status for this credential. See this table for more information.
totalAccountsThe total number of accounts.
updateUrlThe Connect URL used for updating or modifying credentials.


Field NameDescription
publisherProviderAccountIdA Publisher Provider issues the bill and a Pass-Though Provider is only mentioned on the bill. This is account ID of the Publisher Provider.
accountIdAn unique identifier for an account.
accountName1A general description associated with the name of the account. We obtain this description from the bill, when it is available. This field is not often populated. When it is populated, possible values you can expect are the name of the account owner, the name of the company, etc.
accountName2Similar to the field accountName1, this is an additional general description associated with the name of the account. We obtain this description from the bill, when it is available. This field is rarely populated.
accountNumberAn account identifier provided by the commodity provider (often times the bill publisher).
amountDueThe monetary amount that is required to be paid.
amountDueAfterDueDateThe total amount due for the account after the due date, excluding any late fees or penalties.
amountDueBeforeDueDateThe total amount due for the account before the due date, excluding any late fees or penalties.
billingAddressAddress the bill is registered under.
chargesDetails of charges applied, including amounts, currency, etc.
customerNumberThe bill contains a unique identifier for the customer associated with the account. This is not the account number and is seldom populated.
cycleNumberThe code or ID for a meter reading schedule.
disconnectDateThe date on which the service for the account was disconnected.
discountBeforeDueDateAny discounts applied to the account if the outstanding balance is paid before the due date.
dueDateThe due date for payment associated with the account.
facilityNameThe name of the facility indicated on the bill.
facilityNumberA unique identifier for the facility indicated on the bill. This is not the account number.
installmentDueThe amount due for a specific installment payment associated with the account.
installmentOutstandingThe amount outstanding or remaining to be paid for a specific installment.
invoiceNumberThe unique identifier or number assigned to a specific invoice.
mapNumberLike cycle number, the code or ID indicates a meter reading schedule.
meterDatameterData: Data related to individual meters, including meter readings, usage history, etc.
newChargesAny new charges applied to the account since the last billing cycle or statement.
normalizedAccountNumberThe normalized version of the account number (removing things like hyphens, underscores, and leading zeros).
outstandingBalanceThe remaining balance yet to be paid for the account.
paymentAddressNo description
periodEndDateThe end date of the measuring period.
periodStartDateThe start date of the measuring period.
previousBalanceThe balance carried forward from the previous billing period.
providerNo description
statementDateThe date of the statement.
statementIdThe unique identifier of a statement.
totalChargesThe total charges applied for a specific billing period.
usagesDetails of usage data.
accountNumberAn account identifier provided by the commodity provider (often times the bill publisher).
meterDatameterData: Data related to individual meters, including meter readings, usage history, etc.
normalizedAccountNumberThe normalized version of the account number (removing things like hyphens, underscores, and leading zeros).
fieldNameFor custom data changes, represents which custom data field was modified.
eventTypeThe type of event that occurred. This field is searchable.
newValueFor custom data changes, represents the newly assigned value of the field.
oldValueFor custom data changes, represents the previous value of the field.
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
createdByUser or system responsible for creating the entity.
firstExtractedAtThe timestamp for when data was first extracted for the account.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
lastModifiedAtThe timestamp indicating when this resource was last modified.
lastModifiedByThe user or system that last modified this resoruce.
lastSuccessfulStatementExtractionAtThe timestamp indicating the most recent successful data extraction.
latestNewStatementAtThe timestamp indicating the most recent new statement received for the account.
latestStatementDateThe date of the most recent statement.
nextExpectedPostDateThe date we expect to see a new statement for this account.
prepaidIndicates whether the account operates on a prepaid basis, where services are paid for in advance.
providerClassificationIndicates whether this account is associated with the publisher or pass-through provider on the bill. PUBLISHER, PASS_THROUGH
serviceTypesAn array of all types of service supported, such as electricity, water, or gas.
siteNamesAn array of names for Sites.
statusStatus of the resource.
statusDetailReason the resource has the current status.
summaryAccountIdThe unique identifier of the summary account.
summaryAccountNumberThe number or identifier assigned to the summary account by the provider.
typeIndicates the type of the account. Possible values are NORMAL, SUMMARY, SUB_ACCOUNT.
addressTypeEnumeration of strings field that indicates the comprehensiveness of the address for an account. Possible values are: FULL, PARTIAL, CUSTOMER_PREFERRED.
cityThe city associated with the billing address.
countryThe country associated with the billing address.
fullAddressThe complete address associated with the account, including street address, city, postal code, and country.
postalCodeThe postal code or ZIP code associated with the address of the account.
recipientThe recipient for the address.
stateThe state or province associated with the billing address of the account.
streetLine1The first line of the street address.
streetLine2The second line of the street address.
correlationIdA string value you can set to help you reconcile with your internal systems. Correlation ID does not have to be unique.
isActiveIndicates whether the Credential is active for applicable products.
providerIdThe unique identifier of the utility service provider.
customDataYou can use these fields to specify additional metadata.
isStatementsProductActiveIndicates whether the Plug Statements product is active for this account.
amountThe monetary amount associated with a specific transaction or charge.
currencyCurrency of the amount.
paymentDateThe date on which payment was made for the account.
nameThe name of the utility service provider.
supportsCredentialValidationIndicates whether the provider supports credential validation


Field NameDescription
accountsAn array of the accounts this meter belongs to. These accounts are searchable on accountNumber and accountId.
amountDueThe monetary amount that is required to be paid.
amountDueAfterDueDateThe total amount due for the account after the due date, excluding any late fees or penalties.
amountDueBeforeDueDateThe total amount due for the account before the due date, excluding any late fees or penalties.
bulbQuantityQuantity of light bulbs associated with the account, if applicable.
bulbTypeType or specification of light bulbs associated with the account, if applicable.
chargesDetails of charges applied, including amounts, currentcy, etc.
contributionStatus" CONTRIBUTING - Indicates the charge amount is a contributing value to the total bill amount. NON_CONTRIBUTING - Indicates the charge amount does not contribute to the total bill amount. This may be because it's a redundant sub-total, or due to proration."
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
createdByUser or system responsible for creating the entity.
customDataYou can use these fields to specify additional metadata.
customerNumberThe bill contains a unique identifier for the customer associated with the account. This is not the account number
cycleNumberThe code or ID for a meter reading schedule.
deregulationStatusIndicates the deregulation status of the account, if relevant.
disconnectDateThe date on which the service for the account was disconnected.
discountBeforeDueDateAny discounts applied to the account if the outstanding balance is paid before the due date.
dueDateThe due date for payment associated with the account.
eventTypeThe type of event that occurred.
facilityNameThe name of the facility indicated on the bill.
facilityNumberA unique identifier for the facility indicated on the bill. This is not the account number.
fieldNameFor custom data changes, represents which custom data field was modified.
generalDescriptionAsPrintedA general description of the account or service as printed on the bill.
gridPointLineLossThe amount of energy loss that occurs during transmission and distribution at the grid point associated with the account.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
invoiceNumberThe unique identifier or number assigned to a specific invoice.
lastModifiedAtThe timestamp indicating when this resource was last modified.
lastModifiedByThe user or system that last modified this resoruce.
latestStatementDateThe date of the most recent statement.
lineLossThe observed amount of energy lost during transmission and distribution before reaching the meter associated with the account.
mapNumberLike cycle number, the code or ID indicates a meter reading schedule.
meterConstantMultiplierThe multiplier used to convert meter readings to actual usage values for the account. The first conversion after the meter delta is calculated
meterConversionMultiplierThe multiplier used to convert the raw meter readings to actual usage values, typically to adjust for factors such as calibration or unit conversion.
meterIdA unique identifier for a meter.
meterNumberA number assigned to the meter by the commodity provider.
meterReadDateThe date on which the meter reading was taken.
newChargesAny new charges applied to the account since the last billing cycle or statement.
newValueFor custom data changes, represents the newly assigned value of the field.
nextExpectedPostDateThe expected date for the next statement to be posted for this account.
nextReadDateThe date scheduled for the next meter reading.
normalizedMeterNumberThe normalized version of the meter number (removing things like hyphens, underscores, and leading zeros).
normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumberThe normalized version of the Point of Delivery number (removing things like hyphens, underscores, and leading zeros).
normalizedPreviousMeterNumberThe normalized version of the previous meter number (removing things like hyphens, underscores, and leading zeros).
oldValueFor custom data changes, represents the previous value of the field.
outstandingBalanceThe remaining balance yet to be paid for the account.
periodEndDateThe end date of the measuring period.
periodStartDateThe start date of the measuring period.
pipeTypeThis field is only populated when the Service Type of the meter is water. This field describes the pipe type
pointOfDeliveryNumberThe point of delivery number in deregulated markets is an independent identifier for meter location and used by all utility companies.
powerFactorThe observed ratio of real power to apparent power, often used to measure the efficiency of electricity usage.
previousBalanceThe balance carried forward from the previous billing period.
previousMeterConstantMultiplierThe previous multiplier used to convert meter readings to actual usage values.
previousMeterNumberThe number assigned to the previous meter used when printed on the statement.
previousReadDateThe date of the previous meter reading.
rateOrTariffNameAsPrintedThe name of the rate or tariff plan as printed on the bill.
readTypeAsPrintedThe type of meter reading as printed on the bill or statement.
serviceTypeThe type of service supported, such as electricity, water, or gas.
serviceTypeClassificationThe classification for the service type depending on the comprehensiveness of data that can be returned.
siteA physical location or facility associated with the account.
statementDateThe date of the statement.
statementIdThe unique identifier of a statement.
totalChargesThe sum of chargeAmount fields in charges items that have a contributionStatus of "CONTRIBUTING".
totalUsageCalculated by summing measuredUsage fields in the usages items that have a measurementType of "general_consumption", contributionStatus of "CONTRIBUTING", and at least one tariffRateComponent where tariffRateComponentType is "total". If multiple usages meet all these criteria, only ones with a usageUnit of "kWh" are used.
totalUsageUnitThe usageUnit used in the usages items that were used to calculate totalUsage.
usagesDetails of usage data.


Field NameDescription
accountDataData related to individual accounts, including billing information, usage history, etc.
amountDueThe monetary amount that is required to be paid.
amountDueAfterDueDateThe total amount due for the account after the due date, excluding any late fees or penalties.
amountDueBeforeDueDateThe total amount due for the account before the due date, excluding any late fees or penalties.
chargesDetails of charges applied, including amounts, currency, etc.
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
credentialIdsAn unique identifier for a credential.
customerNumberThe bill contains a unique identifier for the customer associated with the account. This is not the account number
cycleNumberThe code or ID for a meter reading schedule.
dataIngestionMethodIndicates the method you used to send data to us.
disconnectDateThe date on which the service for the account was disconnected.
discountBeforeDueDateAny discounts applied to the account if the outstanding balance is paid before the due date.
discoveredAtTimestamp indicating when the account data was discovered and added to the system.
dueDateThe due date for payment associated with the account.
idNo description
invoiceNumberThe unique identifier or number assigned to a specific invoice.
isFinalBillNo description
lastModifiedAtThe timestamp indicating when this resource was last modified.
newChargesAny new charges applied to the account since the last billing cycle or statement.
normalizedSummaryAccountNumberThe normalized version of the Summary account number (removing things like hyphens, underscores, and leading zeros).
outstandingBalanceThe remaining balance yet to be paid for the account.
periodEndDateThe end date of the measuring period.
periodStartDateThe start date of the measuring period.
previousBalanceThe balance carried forward from the previous billing period.
previousStatementDateThe date of the previous bill.
providerNo description
sourceTypeThe data format of the data extraction source we used.
statementDateThe date of the statement.
summaryAccountIdThe unique identifier of the summary account.
summaryAccountNumberThe number or identifier assigned to the summary account by the provider.
totalChargesThe total charges applied for a specific billing period.
typeDescribes the source document. Options are BILL, NOTICE, ADJUSTMENT, and PREPAID.
usagesDetails of usage data.


Field NameDescription
accountNumbersAn array of account identifiers provided by the commodity provider (often times the bill publisher).
correlationIdA string value you can set to help you reconcile with your internal systems. Correlation ID does not have to be unique.
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
createdByUser or system responsible for creating the entity.
fileNameThe name of the file when it was originally submitted.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
isCustomerActionRequiredIndicates whether any action is required from you regarding this resource.
lastModifiedAtThe timestamp indicating when this resource was last modified.
statementDateThe date of the statement.
statementIdThe unique identifier of a statement.
statusStatus of the resource.
statusDetailsReasons the resource has the current status.
transferMethodIndicates the method you used to send data to us.


Field NameDescription
additionalRateMultiplierThis field represents an additional multiplier applied to rates, possibly for specific services or circumstances.
averageUnitCostAsPrintedAverage cost per unit (e.g., per kWh, per gallon) of energy or water usage as printed on the bill.
chargeAmountCurrencyThe name of the currency of the charge amount.
chargeCurrencyCodeThe three-digit ISO currency code representing the currency of the charge (e.g., USD, EUR).
chargeGroupHeadingAdditional charge description as seen on the bill.
chargeNameAsPrintedThe name of the charge as printed on the bill.
chargeRateThe rate applied for a specific charge, such as a usage charge or service fee.
chargeRateAdderAdditional rate added to the base charge rate, if applicable.
chargeRateBaseBase rate used for calculating charges.
chargeRateCurrencyCurrency code for the charge rate (e.g., USD, EUR).
chargeTypeType of the charge applied to the account (Debit or Credit).
chargeUnitsUsedUnit of measure for any variable charges, where declared (not calculated).
contributionStatus CONTRIBUTING - Indicates the charge amount is a contributing value to the total bill amount. NON_CONTRIBUTING - Indicates the charge amount does not contribute to the total bill amount. This may be because it's a redundant sub-total, or due to proration.
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
lifecycleStageLifecycle section for a specific charge. Values can be: BUNDLED, GENERATION, TRANSMISSION, DISTRIBUTION, COMBINED_DELIVERY.
measurementTypeDelivery terms for the tariff: General consumption, demand, bi-directional in, bi-directional out, deduct, deliveries
periodEndDateThe end date of the measuring period.
periodStartDateThe start date of the measuring period.
prorationStatus PRORATED - Indicates this charge is the result of a proration calculation; for example, prorating an account level charge down to individual meters. PRORATION_SOURCE - Indicates this charge was an original charge extracted from the bill, but we performed proration calculations on it to push it down in the statement graph. * null - Indicates this charge has no participation in a proration calculation.
tariffRateComponentsThe components or elements that make up the tariff rate, such as base charges, usage charges, and taxes.
unitsPerRateWhen a rate is assessed on unit number greater than one.
usageUnitThe unit of measurement for energy or water usage, such as kWh (kilowatt-hour) or gallons.


Field NameDescription
calorificValueThe calorific value associated with the energy source, if applicable (e.g., for natural gas).
citedUsageThis usage is not measured by a meter reading on the current statement. This is the billed usage.
contributionStatus CONTRIBUTING - Indicates the charge amount is a contributing value to the total bill amount. NON_CONTRIBUTING - Indicates the charge amount does not contribute to the total bill amount. This may be because it's a redundant sub-total, or due to proration.
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
hoursOfUseThe total number of hours the account or service has been used within a specific period.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
lastModifiedAtThe timestamp indicating when this resource was last modified.
loadFactorThe observed ratio of average demand to peak demand for the account, indicating the efficiency of energy usage.
loadTypeThe type of load associated with the account.
measuredUsageRepresents actual consumption at the meter for the account within a specific period.
measurementTypeDelivery terms for the tariff: General consumption, demand, bi-directional in, bi-directional out, deduct, deliveries
meterConstantMultiplierThe multiplier used to convert meter readings to actual usage values for the account. The first conversion after the meter delta is calculated
meterConversionMultiplierThe multiplier used to convert the raw meter readings to actual usage values, typically to adjust for factors such as calibration or unit conversion.
meterReadDateThe date on which the meter reading was taken.
meterReadTypeThe meter's most recent read date in the statement. This field can be acutal or estimated.
meterReadingDeltaThe difference between the current meter reading and the previous meter reading, representing the usage during a specific period.
meterReadingDeltaPreviousThe previous difference between meter readings of consecutive periods.
meterReadingDeltaUsageUnitThe unit of measure used for expressing the meter reading delta (e.g., kWh, gallons).
meterReadingRawThe raw meter reading value before any adjustments or conversions.
meterReadingRawPreviousThe previous raw meter reading value before any adjustments or conversions.
numberOfDaysInPeriodThe total number of days in the billing period or reporting period.
outageBlockPublished outage schedule by the provider.
periodEndDateThe end date of the measuring period.
periodStartDateThe start date of the measuring period.
powerFactorThe observed ratio of real power to apparent power, often used to measure the efficiency of electricity usage.
pressureMultiplierThis field is only populated when the Service Type for the meter is natrual gas. It is an additional multiplier to measure units used.
prevReadDateThe date of the previous meter reading.
previousMeterReadTypeThe type or method of meter reading used for the previous meter.
previousReadTypeAsPrintedThe type of previous meter reading as printed on the bill.
previousUsageThe previous usage of the compodity within a specific period.
prorationStatus PRORATED - Indicates this usage is the result of a proration calculation; for example, prorating an account level usage down to individual meters. PRORATION_SOURCE - Indicates this usage was an original usage extracted from the bill, but we performed proration calculations on it to push it down in the statement graph. INFERRED - This status indicates a usage value was calculated from multiple other usages. Generally, this would happen if a bill provides usage sub-totals (e.g. for off_peak, on_peak, etc.) but no total. We would calculate an additional usage record representing the full total. null - Indicates this usage has no participation in a proration calculation.
rateOrTariffNameAsPrintedThe name of the rate or tariff plan as printed on the bill.
readTypeAsPrintedThe type of meter reading as printed on the bill or statement.
readingScheduleThe frequency of meter readings.
tariffRateComponentsThe components or elements that make up the tariff rate, such as base charges, usage charges, and taxes.
usageNameAsPrintedThe name or label assigned to usage data as printed on the bill.
usageUnitThe unit of measurement for energy or water usage, such as kWh (kilowatt-hour) or gallons.

Service Type

Field NameDescription
serviceTypeThe type of service supported, such as electricity, water, or gas.
serviceTypeClassificationThe classification for the service type depending on the comprehensiveness of data that can be returned.


Field NameDescription
tariffNameThe name of the tariff.
tariffRateComponentTypeA way to establish the purpose/classification of a charge with respect to the rate plan.


Field NameDescription
pageNo description
providersAn array of unique identifiers of the utility service provider
fieldLabelThis field is only relevant to you if you are building your own Connect component. It will help your UX mimic that of the utility login page so you can provide a more realistic sign-in experience to your end users. This is the label you should use for the input field.
fieldLengthThis field is only relevant to you if you are building your own Connect component. It will help your UX mimic that of the utility login page so you can provide a more realistic sign-in experience to your end users. This is the length of the input field. You can use this to build input validations.
fieldNameThis field is only relevant to you if you are building your own Connect component. It will help your UX mimic that of the utility login page so you can provide a more realistic sign-in experience to your end users. This is the name that corresponds to the field you would use when submitting a credential to the API (e.g. username, username2, etc.).
fieldNumberThis field is only relevant to you if you are building your own Connect component. It will help your UX mimic that of the utility login page so you can provide a more realistic sign-in experience to your end users. This is for indicating the order that login inputs appear on the page.
fieldPartThis field is only relevant to you if you are building your own Connect component. It will help your UX mimic that of the utility login page so you can provide a more realistic sign-in experience to your end users. This is for handling input fields when they are are split by dashes or other symbols, indicating with part this input corresponds to.
countryThe country associated with the billing address.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
isHistorySupportedIndicates whether the provider supports historical data at the account level.
isMultiFactorAuthenticationSupportedThis field indicates whether Arcadia is able to support MFA for the provider. It does not indicate whether the provider requires MFA.
isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupportedIndicates whether the provider supports Real-Time Credential Validation.
isThirdPartyPortalSupportedIndicates whether the provider supports integration with third-party portals or platforms.
nameThe name of the utility service provider.
requiredFieldMetadataDetailed information about the required input fields for this provider.
requiredFieldsThe inputs needed to submit a request for this provider.
serviceTypesAn array of all type of service supported, such as electricity, water, or gas.
websiteThe website for the provider.


Field NameDescription
accountCountThe number of accounts.
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
createdByUser or system responsible for creating the entity.
deletionTargetIdThe ID of the primary resource being deleted. May belong to an Account, Credential, File or Site.
fileCountThe total number of files that are requested to be deleted.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
meterCountThe total number of meters associated with the account.
siteCountThe total number of Sites.
statementCountThe total number of statements.
statusStatus of the resource.


Field NameDescription
accountIdsAn array of accountIds from which you wish to download statements.
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
downloadMethodMethod used for downloading data.
endDateThe end date of the billing period.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
meterIdsAn array of unique identifiers for multiple meters.
outputFormatThe format in which output data is provided.
siteIdsAn array of unique identifiers for multiple Sites.
startDateThe date indicating the start of a billing cycle or service period.
statementIdsAn array of unique identifiers for statements.
statusStatus of the resource.
tokenWe require this token to be provided when you want to access the requested download file. If you made the request via an API call, this token can be found in our response to you. If you made the request via the Dashboard, this token already be included in the email we would send you.


Field NameDescription
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
eventTypeThe type of webhook. This field indicates the reason the webhook was emitted.
idThe id of the webhook itself, not the resource that the webhook references.
lastAttemptedSendAtThe timestamp indicating when we last attempted to send this webhook to you.
lastSendHttpStatusThe HTTP status code received for the most recent attempt to send this webhook.
messageThe body payload of the webhook as a JSON string.
nextScheduledSendAtThe scheduled time for the next webhook to be sent.
numberOfAttemptsThe number of attempts we have made to send this webhook.
resourceThe resource type of the entity that the webhook references. This field determines the structure of the payload contained in the data field of the webhook body.
statusStatus of the resource.
webhooksAn array of webhook objects.
webhookUrlThe URL in Live mode used for you to receive webhook notifications or callbacks.

Custom Data

Field NameDescription
accountCustomData1NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData2NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData3NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData4NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData5NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData6NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData7NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData8NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData9NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
accountCustomData10NameCustom data fields associated with each account, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
meterCustomData1NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData2NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData3NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData4NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData5NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData6NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData7NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData8NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData9NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
meterCustomData10NameCustom data fields associated with each meter, allowing for additional metadata or information to be stored. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields for an account.
nameThe name for the resource.

Organization and Users

Field NameDescription
activeProductsActive products of this organization
createdAtA timestamp indicating when the entity account was created.
createdByUser or system responsible for creating the entity.
defaultWebhookUrlThe webhook URL used for any events in Live mode. The default webhook URL we will use.
displayNameName to be shown for this organization in the Arcadia Connect UI.
emailThe email address associated with the account.
idA unique identifier for the entity.
lastModifiedAtThe timestamp indicating when this resource was last modified.
lastModifiedByThe user or system that last modified this resource.
lastSuccessfulLoginAtThe timestamp indicating the most recent successful login attempt.
nameName of this organization
pageNo description
passwordThe password associated with the account
passwordModifiedAtThe timestamp indicating when the account password was last modified.
privacyPolicyA URL for your company's privacy policy. This will be linked in the Arcadia Connect UI.
rolesThe roles a user has.
sandboxWebhookUrlThe URL for testing and receiving webhooks in sandbox mode.
termsOfServiceA URL for your company's terms of service. This will be linked in the Arcadia Connect UI.
tokenWe require this token to be provided when you want to update the password. If you made the password reset request via an API call, this token can be found in our response to you. If you made the password reset request via the Dashboard, this token already be included in the email we would send you.
uniqueIdUnique ID for the organization used in Connect.
usersAn array of user objects.