Status and Status Detail Descriptions
Definitions for possible statuses and status details in the Plug API.
status | statusDetail | isCustomer ActionRequired | isAccessible | Description |
CONNECTION_SUCCESS | LOGIN_AND_DATA_DISCOVERY_SUCCESS | false | true | Arcadia was able to log into and discover data for the utility account. |
CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS | PROVIDER_WEBSITE_INACCESSIBLE | false | false | Arcadia was not able to access the provider website due to issues with the provider website. |
- | ISSUE_UNDER_REVIEW | false | true | Arcadia discovered an issue while trying to access the utility website. The Arcadia team has started to investigate the issue and will update the status accordingly |
- | PROVIDER_WEBSITE_NAVIGATION_FAILURE | false | true | Arcadia’s utility website navigation procedure has failed. The Arcadia team has started to investigate the issue and will update the status accordingly. |
- | UNSUPPORTED_CAPTCHA | false | true | Arcadia’s CAPTCHA procedure has failed. The Arcadia team has started to investigate the issue and will update the status accordingly. |
- | EMAIL_APPROVAL | true | false | Arcadia has sent a request for account enrollment and is awaiting the end user confirmation. Data will be blocked until approval is given. |
- | REQUIRES_ENROLLMENT | false | false | Arcadia is in the process of setting up a connection with a third party portal for data access |
- | DATA_EXTRACTION_IN_PROGRESS | false | true | Arcadia has received credentials for a non-RTCV supported provider and is actively running jobs to validate them and fetch data. |
CONNECTION_FAILURE | INVALID_CREDENTIALS | true | false | Arcadia failed to login to the utility account due to incorrect credentials. Please review and update the username and password for the credential. |
- | UNSUPPORTED_MULTI_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION | true | false | Arcadia failed to login because Arcadia does not support multi-factor authentication. You may be able to disable the multi-factor authentication requirement at login by configuring your utility account or reaching out to your provider. |
- | MULTI_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE | true | false | Arcadia failed to login. The multi-factor authentication request failed due to an invalid OTP. |
- | MULTI_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT | true | false | Arcadia failed to login. The multi-factor authentication request failed due to lack of a OTP being submitted in time or the request was abandoned. |
- | MULTI_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_REFRESH_REQUIRED | true | false | Arcadia is unable to login as the multi-factor authenticated session has expired. You can refresh the access by submitting a new OTP for the credential. |
- | OTHER_ACCESS_LIMITATION | true | false | Arcadia is unable to proceed with logging into the account and/or extracting data due to a variety of reasons. These reasons could include but are not limited to: - The utility account is locked - There are no usage activity displayed on the utility account - E-billing needs to be enabled by the account - The utility account holder needs to change the password |
- | UNSUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_APPROVAL | false | false | Arcadia could not access third party portal data as end-user did not grant necessary access |
- | USER_REVOKED_ACCESS | true | false | Arcadia's connection with third party portal was terminated as end-user revoked access |
status | statusDetail | isCustomer ActionRequired | Description |
CONNECTION_SUCCESS | DATA_ACCESSIBLE | false | Arcadia is able to successfully connect to the utility account and extract the latest statement data from the account. |
CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS | ISSUE_UNDER_REVIEW | false | Arcadia was able to access the data from the utility website, however, we are not able to store the data in our systems. This could be due to the data failing our data quality audits or validations. While the exact issue is unknown, our team has started looking into it and will update the status accordingly. |
- | EMAIL_APPROVAL | true | Arcadia has sent a request for account enrollment and is awaiting the end user confirmation. Data will be blocked until approval is given. |
- | REQUIRES_ENROLLMENT | false | Arcadia is in the process of setting up a connection with a third party portal for data access |
NEW_ACCOUNT | NO_ACTION_REQUIRED | false | Arcadia discovered a new account when checking for data associated with a credential. Note that this state is transient and will be updated the next time Arcadia checks for more data. This state is primarily intended to make it easier to process the scenario when new accounts are discovered. It is not related to the number of statements associated with an account. |
DATA_ACCESS_FAILURE | CREDENTIAL_ISSUE | true | Arcadia is unable to connect to the utility account due to an issue with the credentials provided. Please refer to the status and status detail of the related credential for more details. |
- | NO_DATA_AVAILABLE | true | Arcadia is able to access the utility account and there is no data for this specific account, though there was data for this account in the past. Please check if there is data available for this specific account by logging into the utility provider website. |
- | UNSUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_APPROVAL | false | Arcadia could not access third party portal data as end-user did not grant necessary access |
- | USER_REVOKED_ACCESS | true | Arcadia's connection with third party portal was terminated as end-user revoked access |
INACTIVE | NO_BILLS_DISCOVERED_AFTER_MOST_RECENT_NEXT_EXPECTED_POST_DATE | false | Arcadia has not discovered a new bill for at least 45 days after the nextExpectedPostDate . |
- | NO_BILLS_DISCOVERED_AFTER_FINAL_BILL_NOTICE | false | Arcadia does not expect to discover new bills for this account as it has received a Final Bill notice or has been marked as inactive on the utility provider website. ⚠️ Arcadia will treat an account as "finaled" if we see "final bill" explicitly written on the bill. If an account is finaled and the provide chooses to not communicate that on a bill, Arcadia would not be able to treat those accounts as "finaled" accounts. |
status | statusDetail | isCustomerActionRequired | Description |
INTERVALS_NOT_REQUESTED | INTERVALS_EXTRACTION_NOT_REQUESTED | false | Initial state, When intervals have not been activated |
INTERVALS_PENDING | REQUIRES_ENROLLMENT | false | Arcadia is in the process of setting up a connection with a third party portal for data access |
- | EMAIL_APPROVAL | true | Arcadia has sent a request for account enrollment and is awaiting the end user confirmation. Data will be blocked until approval is given. |
INTERVALS_SUCCESS | INTERVALS_AVAILABLE | false | Intervals available up to a recent date |
INTERVALS_FAILURE | INVALID_CREDENTIALS | true | Credentials not valid |
- | ACCOUNT_INACCESSIBLE | true | Unable to access account |
- | INTERVALS_ACCESS_ERROR | false | Error in data collection, processing or delivery |
- | UTILITY_SITE_ERROR | false | Transient error in data collection due to a site issue. Generally resolves itself in re-try |
- | UNSUCCESSFUL_EMAIL_APPROVAL | false | Arcadia could not access third party portal data as end-user did not grant necessary access |
- | USER_REVOKED_ACCESS | true | Arcadia's connection with third party portal was terminated as end-user revoked access |
INTERVALS_NOT_SUPPORTED | SERVICE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | false | Meter of an unsupported service type |
- | PROVIDER_NOT_SUPPORTED | false | Provider not supported for plug intervals |
- | INTERVALS_NOT_PUBLISHED | false | The provider publishes smart meter data in general but has not provided intervals for this specific meter (it may not be upgraded to a smart meter yet). |
All statusDetails
are considered fatal errors. Arcadia will no longer check for new interval data for that meter. All statusDetails
are considered temporary errors which require either customer or Arcadia intervention to resolve. Currently, only the INTERVALS_ACCESS_ERROR
is a statusDetail
that will be resolved by Arcadia's internal teams.
We will give you as much information as possible throughout the file processing journey through statuses and status details. For example, in addition to telling you that a file is in FAILURE
status we will tell you all failure reasons applicable via the statusDetails
Possible status transitions

Possible status transitions diagram
status | statusDetail | Description |
QUEUED | READY_FOR_PROCESSING | Arcadia has started processing the bill. |
FAILURE | PROVIDER_UNIDENTIFIABLE | Arcadia is not able to obtain the provider name from the bill. |
SERVICE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Arcadia does not currently support the service type of the bill. | |
LANGUAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Arcadia does not currently support the language of the bill. | |
REQUIRED_DATA_FIELDS_MISSING | Arcadia is not able to obtain one or more required fields from the bill. | |
BILL_INSUFFICIENTLY_LEGIBLE | Arcadia is not able to read the bill. This could be due to the structure of the bill, image quality, or the uploaded bill containing multiple statements (or invoices). | |
TIMED_OUT | Arcadia was not able to process the bill within 2 weeks, therefore the bill is timed out. | |
IN_PROGRESS | IDENTIFYING_PROVIDER | Arcadia was not able to automatically detect the provider. Our staff will try to identify the provider name from the bill. |
BILL_ANOMALY_FLAGGED | Arcadia has identified some anomalies on the bill and has started reviewing the bill to ensure accurate data extraction. | |
DATA_EXTRACTION_FAILURE_INVESTIGATION_STARTED | The bill has failed automated data extraction. The bill will be reviewed for further processing. | |
DATA_AUDIT_FAILURE_INVESTIGATION_STARTED | The bill has failed automated data quality audits. The bill will be reviewed for further processing. | |
COVERAGE_REQUEST | REQUEST_CREATED | Arcadia will develop an automated way to extract data from the bill. |
IN_PROGRESS | Arcadia has started the development process for automating data extraction for the bill. | |
SUCCESS | DATA_EXTRACTION_SUCCESSFUL | Arcadia was able to extract data from the bill submitted |
status | Description |
SUCCESS | The requested download is ready. |
PREPARING | The requested download is being prepared. Arcadia will send a webhook and email to notify you when the download is ready. |
FAILURE | The requested download has failed. Please try again. |
NO_CONTENT | The requested download is ready. However, there is no content in the download. |
status | Description |
REQUESTED | The deletion has been requested. |
IN_PROGRESS | The deletion request is in progress. It can not be canceled at this stage. Arcadia will send a webhook to notify you if the deletion has succeeded or failed. |
SUCCESS | The deletion request has been successfully executed. |
FAILURE | The deletion request has been successfully executed. |
status | Description |
WAITING_RESEND | Arcadia will send the webhook again. |
FAILURE | Arcadia has failed to send the webhook. |
SUCCESS | Arcadia has successfully sent the webhook. |
Identified Statement Gaps
This feature is being rolled out to General Availability in Q1 2025.
Status | Status Detail | Description |
EXPECTED | TIME_FRAME_OUTSIDE_OF_HISTORY_WINDOW | Gap due to manual bill upload outside of expected history window, causing a false positive “gap window”. |
- | ACCOUNT_INACTIVE_DURING_STATEMENT_PERIOD | Account was not activated for the entirety of the expected statement period. |
- | STATEMENT_NOT_ON_WEBSITE | Statement not found on provider website. |
- | ACCOUNT_INACTIVE | Account is inactive. No active jobs running. |
- | FUTURE_NEXT_EXPECTED_POST_DATE | This gap is a time frame after the Account's current, most recent statement to the present day. The next statement for this Account may cover this gap, once it is posted on or around the NEP date |
- | HISTORICAL_STATEMENT_NOT_UPLOADED | Account is not associated with any credentials and all Statements must be provided via the Bill Uploader feature. This gap is at the beginning of the history period for the Account. |
GAP | DATA_ACCESS_FAILURE | Issues stemming from access limitations (e-bills, invalid credentials, etc). |
- | ISSUE_UNDER_REVIEW | Arcadia action required. |
SCHEDULED | HISTORY_JOB_QUEUED | Initial history pull attempts are in progress. If successful, data will be shown in the form of statements on the table view. If unsuccessful, the gaps will organically move to the appropriate GAP or EXPECTED status. |
& statusDetail
for Smart Meter Texas
& statusDetail
for Smart Meter TexasOnce the meter number, ESI ID and email is submitted via connect or API, the status
& statusDetail
for the following entities will be:
Entity | status | statusDetail |
Once a data sharing agreement is initiated, an email is sent by SMT to the end-user. The status
& statusDetail
get updated as follows indicating that the end-user needs to approve the email.
Entity | status | statusDetail |
Once email approval is granted, we begin collecting data for the meter and the status
& statusDetail
are updated.
Entity | status | statusDetail |
Once data collection is successful, the meter status changes to INTERVALS_SUCCESS indicating the meter has the latest published data.
Entity | status | statusDetail |
If end user does not grant access, the status and status details are updated to reflect that Arcadia cannot collect data due to unsuccessful email approval.
Entity | status | statusDetail |
If end user does revokes access, the status and status details are updated to reflect that Arcadia cannot collect data due as end-user has revoked access.
Entity | status | statusDetail |
Updated 26 days ago
If you are migrating or considering to migrate from the Legacy Utility Cloud API, please refer to the old and new status mapping.