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Obtaining Meter Level Usage via the API

This guide is for interpreting electric and gas data from bills issued by providers that operates in the United States. This will cover how to obtain the meter level usage totals for a few different scenarios:

  • General case : When there are no duplicate meter readings for the same meter in a measurement period.
  • Edge cases: When there are duplicate meter readings for the same meter in a measurement period. In these edge cases, to avoid double-counting and ensure accuracy, you will need to determine which value to use. There are two reasons why meter readings duplications occur:
    • When accounts from additional/secondary providers are present on a bill, refer to this Guide.
    • When adjustment bills are present for an account, refer to this Guide.

General case


Obtain the total consumption for a given meter for a given service period and associate the consumption to a given meter’s site.

Contextual notes

To know the start and end date of a service period, use the meter-level periodStart and periodEnd as these are always dates we extract from the bill. Do not use the periodStart and periodEnd fields at the account or statement level as those may be inferred from the dates we extract at the meter level.


When an account has only one meter associated with it:

  1. Use the List Meter Details endpoint to make a request by specifying the meterId.
  2. The response will include a list of usages at the JSON path ._embedded.meters[0].usages. Identify the relevant usage using its periodStart and periodEnd fields. Once the desired usage record is found, the totalUsage field will show its total consumption.
  3. Use the Retrieve Meter’s Site endpoint to make a request by specifying the meterId. In the response, you will see the information for the Site that the meter is associated with.

When an account has more than one meter associated with it:

  1. Find out how many meters are present on an account and get their respective meterIds by using the List Account’s Meters endpoint and specifying the accountId in the request.
  2. Obtain the totalUsage for each meter by following the same steps as the case for when an account has only one meter associated with it.