This page gives an overview of various statuses mentioned in the web Console ( These aren't all directly correlated with statuses in the API, but it will be outlined how to reproduce them.
Credential Status
Console Status
API Search
The full list of all credentials in the system
The list of all credentials that aren't in a successful state
The list of enabled accounts with OLD status, which means that it's been 15 days since we expected the next statement to post and we haven't yet seen it.
The list of accounts that are still being targeted for data extraction
The list of accounts that are not being targeted for data extraction
Meter Status
Console Status
API Search
Active Meters
This list of meters in the system that are up to date with the most recent statement.
New Meters
The list of meters that have been discovered in the past month
All Meters
The full list of all meters in the system
Missing Site
The list of meters that are not associated with a Site record
File Status
Console Status
API Search
All Files
The full list of files that have been submitted.
Successful Files
The list of files that have been successfully processed with statement data stored in the system.
Failure Files
The list of files that resulted in a terminal failure (several reasons this may happen)
Pending Files
The list of files that had an issue that we are investigating and may later move to a successful state