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Data Dictionary

For any given id in its object, it will be denoted as the entityId. In a different object, it will be denoted as <object>Id. For example, in List Providers the provider's unique identifier will be returned as entityId, but in the Retrieve Account endpoint the provider of that account will be noted as providerId.

Provider Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Provider NameproviderNameStringThe commonly known name for the utility company. This field is searchable.
Has Multi Factor AuthenticationhasMultiFactorAuthenticationBooleanIndicates if a provider has some for of multi-factor authentication, captcha, reCAPTCHA, or security question
Required FieldsrequiredFields[String]The inputs needed to submit a request for this provider
Required Field MetadatarequiredFieldMetadata[Object]Detailed information about the required input fields for this provider
Support Real-Time Credential ValidationsupportsCredentialValidationBooleanWhether this provider supports Real-Time validation of credentials. If enabled, credentials can be checked for validity in less than 45 seconds. This field is searchable.
Country Of OperationcountryStringThe primary country of operation for this provider. This field is searchable.
Enabled SolutionsenabledSolutions[String]A list of the solutions supported by this provider
Service TypesserviceTypes[String]A list of the service types that this provider supports. This field is not searchable.
Provider IDproviderId[String]The primary key used to represent this provider
Provider WebsitewebsiteStringThe link Arcadia will use to access the provider’s website. This field is searchable.
Has PrepaidhasPrepaidBooleanIndicates that a provider supports prepaid statements.
Has PostpaidhasPostpaidBooleanIndicates that a provider supports postpaid statements
Mock (Provider)mockBooleanIndicates that a provider is a mock provider for testing

Credential Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Created (Credential)createdDateThe Date the credential was registered in Arcadia's system
Created By (Credential)createdByStringThe system user responsible for creating a credential
Enabled (Credential)enabledBooleanIndicates whether data will continue to be extracted behind this credential.
Last Modified (Credential)lastModifiedDateThe date that a credential was modified last
Last Modified By (Credential)lastModifiedByStringThe system user responsible for modifying a credential most recently
Next Scheduled RunnextScheduledRunDateThe time that this credential is next scheduled to be ran in our system
Status (Credential)statusStringCredential-level statuses that let you know if there are any issues accessing the provider portal, the data, or with the credential itself.
Status Detail (Credential)statusDetailStringA detailed status for the credential
UsernameusernameStringThe provider username
Username 2username2StringOptional parameters required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider.
Username 3username3StringOptional parameters required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider
Username 4username4StringOptional parameters required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider
PasswordpasswordStringA sensitive input required to access the customer’s utility data.
Password 2password2StringOptional sensitive input required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider.
Password 3password3StringOptional sensitive input required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider.
Password 4password4StringOptional sensitive input required by some providers to access data. The provider object will denote which fields are required for each provider.
Update Credential URLupdateUrlString (link)URL that allows a user to update their password for a specified credential via Connect. The URL generated will only work for 72 hours after it is generated.
Update Credential URL ExpirationexpirationDateThe data and time that the update credential URL will expire
Provider NameproviderNameStringThe commonly known name for the utility company.
Run HistoryrunHistoryBooleanIndicates if history is pulled. This will always be true.
Mock (Credential)mockBooleanIndicates a test credential. Test credentials are submitted through a mock provider for testing.
Total AccountstotalAccountsIntegerNumber of accounts behind this credential.

Account Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Status (Account)statusStringAccount-level statuses that let you know if there are any issues accessing the account or the statement behind the account.
Status Detail (Account)statusDetailStringA detailed status for the account.
Type (Account)typeStringIndicates if an account is a normal account, summary account, or sub-account. Responses are NORMAL, SUMMARY, and SUB_ACCOUNT
Meter CountmeterCountIntegerThe number of meters behind this account.
Enabled (Account)enabledBooleanIndicates if an account is active (meaning we are actively monitoring the account)
Account NumberaccountNumberStringThe Account number as extracted from the source
Normalized Account NumbernormalizedAccountNumberStringThe account number normalized (removing things like hyphens, underscores, and leading 0’s)
Provider NameproviderNameStringThe commonly known name for the utility company.
PrepaidprepaidBooleanIndicates that an account is prepaid.
Created (Account)createdDateThe Date the account was registered in Arcadia's system
Created By (Account)createdByStringThe system user responsible for creating a account
Event Type (Account)eventTypeStringDescribes the change that has been made to an account.
Field Changed (Account Events)fieldNameStringFor custom data changes, represents which custom data field was modified
Updated Field Value (Account Events)newValueStringFor custom data changes, represents the newly assigned value of the field
Old Field Value (Account Events)oldValueStringFor custom data changes, represents the previous value of the field
Last Modified (Account)lastModifiedDateThe date that an account was modified last
Last Modified By (Account)lastModifiedByStringThe system user responsible for modifying an account most recently
Latest New Statement`latestNewStatementDateThis represents when we’ve most recently stored any newly extracted data for this account
Latest Statement DatelatestStatementDateDateThis is the most recent statement date among all statements extracted for this account
First ExtractedfirstExtractedDateThe Date that the first extraction job completed for this account.

Statement Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Statement DatestatementDateDateDate the statement was released by utility company
Amount Due By DateamountDueByDateDateDue date from the bill
New ChargesnewChargesNumberNew charges on a utility statement
Total ChargestotalChargesNumberTotal of all charges on a utility statement
Outstanding BalanceoutstandingBalanceNumberThe balance on an account that was not paid in full
Previous BalancepreviousBalanceNumberThe balance on the previous statement
Amount DueamountDueNumberAmount due from the bill
Start DatestartDateDateDate that the billing period started
End DateendDateDateDate that the billing period ended
Service AddressserviceAddressEmbedded Address ObjectAddress receiving the service
Billing AddressbillingAddressEmbedded Address ObjectAddress where the bills are sent
Payment AddresspaymentAddressEmbedded Address ObjectAddress that can receive payment
RecipientrecipientStringThe recipient on the address
CitycityStringThe parsed city from the address
CountrycountryStringThe parsed country from the address
Postal CodepostalCodeStringThe parsed postal code from the address
Raw AddressrawAddressStringThe raw address from the bill
StatestateStringThe parsed state from the address
Street AddressstreetLine1StringThe parsed first line of the street address from the address
Street Address Line 2streetLine2StringThe parsed second line of the street address from the address
Invoice NumberinvoiceNumberStringUtility-assigned unique identifier for the invoice
Statement TypestatementTypeStringDescribes the source document. Options are BILL, NOTICE, ADJUSTMENT, and PREPAID
Created (Statement)createdDateThe Date the statement was created in Arcadia's system
Discovered DatediscoveredDateDateThe Date the statement was discovered by Arcadia's system
Last ModifiedlastModifiedDateThe Date the statement data was last modified in Arcadia's system
Provider NameproviderNameStringThe commonly known name for the utility company
Provider NameproviderAliasStringThe Arcadia's system name for the utility company
Amount Due After Due DateamountDueAfterDueDateNumberThe amount due if you pay late for a specific utility provider
Amount Due Before Due DateamountDueBeforeDueDateNumberThe amount due if you pay early for a specific utility provider
Outstanding BalanceoutstandingBalanceNumberThe balance carry forward from a prior utility statement
Customer NumbercustomerNumberNumberThe statement contains a unique identifier as a customer number. This is not the account number
Cycle NumbercycleNumberNumberThe code or ID for a meter reading schedule
Facility NumberfacilityNumberNumberThe statement contains a unique identifier as a facility number. This is not the account number
Facility NamefacilityNameStringThe statement contains a name for a specific facility
Final Bill NoticefinalBillNoticeStringThis can be either a first disconnect warning or the notice that a final billing has occurred (where applicable).
Map NumbermapNumberNumberLike cycle number, the code or ID indicates a meter reading schedule
Disconnect DatedisconnectDateDateWhen a final bill notice is flagged, this is the date when the service is disconnected.
UsagesusagesNumberStatement level usages are specific to summary/consolidated billing
ChargeschargesNumberStatement level charges are specific to summary/consolidated billing
Provider ClassificationproviderClassificationStringThe provider classification is how Arcadia attempts to track the role a utility provider has played on invoices over the course of Arcadia's history of extracting an account. The provider classification field is not intended to tell the difference between supply and delivery. If Arcadia has seen a provider play both of these roles for an account over time, its provider classification will be both.
Additional Provider AliasadditionalProviderAliasStringA primary provider issues the invoice and a secondary provider is only mentioned or cited via pass-thru charges. The secondary provider will be the additional provider alias when applicable

Meter Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Service TypeserviceTypeStringThe meter’s service type.
Meter Read DatemeterReadDateStringThe date when this meter was read on this statement
Previous Read DateprevReadDateStringThe previous date when this meter was read on the statement
Meter NumbermeterNumberStringThe meter number as extracted from the source
Normalized Meter NumbernormalizedMeterNumberStringThe meter number normalized (removing things like hyphens, underscores, and leading 0’s)
Deregulation StatusderegulationStatusStringSupply only, delivery only, or full service
Service AddressserviceAddressEmbedded Address ObjectAddress receiving the utility service
Contribution StatuscontributionStatusStringNon-contributing is not calculated for audits or total charges or total usages
Total ChargestotalChargesNumberTotal of all charges on this meter on the utility statement
Total UsagetotalUsageNumberTotal of all usages on this meter on the utility statement
Total Usage UnittotalUsageUnitStringThe meter’s total usage unit of measure
Account NumbersaccountNumbersArrayThe reference to all account numbers associated over time to this meter
CreatedcreatedDateThe date when this meter was created in Arcadia's system
Previous Meter NumberpreviousMeterNumberStringWhen a meter number change occurs, this is the previous meter number printed on the statement.
Normalized Previous Meter NumbernormalizedPreviousMeterNumberStringRemoves non-standard characters from the previous meter number
Pod NumberpodNumberStringThe point of delivery number in deregulated markets. This is an independent identifier for meter location and used by all utility companies in deregulated markets.
Normalized Pod NumbernormalizedPodNumberStringRemoves non-standard characters from the pod number
Meter Constant MultipliermeterConstantMultiplierNumberThe first conversion after the meter delta is calculated
Previous Meter Constant MultiplierpreviousMeterConstantMultiplierNumberWhen a meter number change occurs, this is the previous meter constant multiplier printed on the statement.
Service DescriptionserviceDescriptionStringThe meter description of the service
Bulb TypebulbTypeStringWhen the meter is lighting, this field describes the bulb type
Pipe TypepipeTypeStringWhen the meter is water, this field describes the pipe type

Charge Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Measured UsagemeasuredUsageNumberRepresents actual consumption at the meter location
Meter Reading RawmeterReadingRawNumberThe raw reading from the meter on the utility statement
Meter Reading Raw PreviousmeterReadingRawPreviousNumberThe previous raw reading from the meter on the utility statement
Meter Constant MultipliermeterConstantMultiplierNumberMeter raw reads constant multiplier to convert raw reading to comodity amount
Usage Actual NameusageActualNameStringThe usage name on the utility statement
Contribution StatuscontributionStatusStringNon-contributing is not calculated for audits or total charges or total usages
Usage UnitusageUnitStringThe meter’s usage unit of measure
Measurement TypemeasurementTypeStringDelivery terms of the tariff: General consumption, demand, bi-directional in, bi-directional out, deduct, deliveries
Meter Read TypemeterReadTypeStringMeter’s most recent read date in the statement. This field can be acutal or estimated
Previous Meter Read TypepreviousMeterReadTypeStringMeter’s previous read date in the statement. This field can be acutal or estimated
Tariff Rate ComponentstariffRateComponentsArrayArray of tariffs
Tariff NametariffNameStringThe tariff name on the utility statement
Traiff Rate Component TypetariffRateComponentTypeStringRate components are also known as tariff rate components and are a way to establish the purpose/classification of a charge with respect to the rate plan.
Cited UsagecitedUsageNumberThis usage is not measured by a meter reading on the current statement. This is the billed usage.
Measured UsagemeasuredUsageNumberThis usage is measured by a meter reading on the current statement. This is the actual usage.
Noncoincidental UsagenoncoincidentalUsageNumberThis a special type of electric demand reading
Hours of UsehoursOfUseStringAny time of use tariff
Load FactorloadFactorNumberThe observed load factor on the meter
Power FactorpowerFactorNumberThe observed power factor on the meter
Previous UsagepreviousUsageNumberA prior period’s usage amount is published by a meter reading on the current statement
Meter Reading DeltameterReadingDeltaNumberThe raw reading difference from the meter printed on the statement
Meter Reading Delta PreviousmeterReadingDeltaPreviousNumberThe raw reading difference from the meter from the previous month printed on the current statement
Number of Days in PeriodnumberOfDaysInPeriodNumberThe number of days in a billing cycle printed on the bill
Pressure MultiplierpressureMultiplierNumberAdditional multiplier, if required, to measure units used (for natural gas)
Meter Constant MultipliermeterConstantMultiplierNumberThe first conversion after the meter delta is calculated
Meter Conversion MultipliermeterConversionMultiplierNumberConversion factor, when required, for delivering a change in units of measure
Calorific ValuecalorificValueNumberConversion multiplier to heat
Read Type as PrintedreadTypeAsPrintedStringField for determining if read was actual or estimated as printed on the bill
Previous Read Type as PrintedpreviousReadTypeAsPrintedStringField for determining if read was actual or estimated for the last statement as printed on the bill
Rate or Tariff Actual NamerateOrTariffActualNameStringName of the rate or tariff
Reading SchedulereadingScheduleStringPublished meter reading schedule
Outage BlockoutageBlockStringPublished outage block schedule
Meter Read DatemeterReadDateDateDate the meter was read
Prev Read DateprevReadDateDateDate of the last time the meter was read on the current statement
Meter Reading Usage Delta UnitmeterReadingUsageDeltaUnitStringCommodity energy unit when specified for meter reading deltas

Usage Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Charge AmountchargeAmountNumberThe line item charge amount
Charge Actual NamechargeActualNameStringThe charge name on the utility statement
Charge NamechargeNameStringArcadia's system category for the charges.
Charge Amount CurrencychargeAmountCurrencyStringCurrency used by the provider when representing the amount that was charged
Charge Rate CurrencychargeRateCurrencyStringThe rate per commodity unit for a specific charge.
Tariff Rate ComponentstariffRateComponentsStringRate components are also known as tariff rate components and are a way to establish the purpose/classification of a charge with respect to the rate plan.
Created (Tariff)createdDateThe Date the tariff was registered in Arcadia's system
Tariff NametariffNameStringThe tariff name on the utility statement
Provider AliasproviderAliasStringArcadia's system name for the utility company
Provider NameproviderNameStringThe commonly known name for the utility company
Contribution StatuscontributionStatusStringNon-contributing is not calculated for audits or total charges or total usages
Charge TypechargeTypeStringDebit or Credit
Charge AmountchargeAmountNumberThe amount for a line item charge
Charge Group HeadingchargeGroupHeadingStringAdditional charge description
Lifecycle StagelifecycleStageStringLifecycle section for a specific charge. Values can be: bundled, generation, transmission, distribution, combined delivery
Measurement TypemeasurementTypeStringDelivery terms of the tariff: General consumption, demand, bi-directional in, bi-directional out, deduct, deliveries, base, nomination, positive inbalance, negative inbalance
Usage UnitusageUnitStringThe meter’s usage unit of measure
Charge Units UsedchargeUnitsUsedStringUnits measured for any variable charges, where declared (not calculated)
Charge RatechargeRateNumberPrice/rate per unit when declared on the invoice (not calculated)
Charge Rate BasechargeRateBaseNumberA base rate for a specific charge when printed on the bill
Charge Rate AdderchargeRateAdderNumberAn adder for the base rate for a specific charge when printed on the bill
Units Per RateunitsPerRateNumberWhen a rate is assessed on unit number greater than 1
Additional Rate MultiplieradditionalRateMultiplierNumberIf necessary, a second rate multiplier as printed on the bill

Site Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Last Modified (Site)lastModifiedDateThe date that the site was last modified in Arcadia's system
Created (Site)createdDateThe date that the site was created in Arcadia's system
Created By (Site)createdByStringThe system user responsible for creating a site
Last Modified By (Site)lastModifiedByStringThe system user responsible for modifying the site most recently
Site NumbersiteNumberStringCustom field to input site number. This field is optional
Site NamesiteNameStringCustom field to input site name. This field is optional
Site CodesiteCodeStringCustom field to input site code. This field is optional
RegionregionStringCustom field to input site’s region. This field is optional
Sub RegionsubRegionStringCustom field to input site’s sub region. This field is optional
Facility TypefacilityTypeStringCustom field to input site’s facility type. This field is optional
Service AddressserviceAddressStringThe service address for this site
RecipientrecipientStringThe recipient on the address
Street Line 1streetLine1StringThe parsed first line of the street address from the address
Street Line 2streetLine2StringThe parsed second line of the street address from the address
CitycityStringThe parsed city from the address
StatestateStringThe parsed state from the address
CountrycountryStringThe parsed country from the address
Postal CodepostalCodeStringThe parsed postal code from the address
Full AddressfullAddressStringThe full service address

Custom Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Account Custom Data Field 1accountCustomData1NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 2accountCustomData2NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 3accountCustomData3NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 4accountCustomData4NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 5accountCustomData5NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 6accountCustomData6NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 7accountCustomData7NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 8accountCustomData8NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 9accountCustomData9NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Account Custom Data Field 10accountCustomData10NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the account level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 1meterCustomData1NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 2meterCustomData2NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 3meterCustomData3NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 4meterCustomData4NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 5meterCustomData5NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 6meterCustomData6NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 7meterCustomData7NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 8meterCustomData8NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 9meterCustomData9NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
Meter Custom Data Field 10meterCustomData10NameStringCustomer-created field that can be set at the meter level. There can be up to 10 different custom data fields.
NamenameStringYour Arcadia organization’s name
Correlation IDcorrelationIdStringA credential level value set by you. It can be any string you would like.
Download LinkdownloadString (link)Link to download data or source document
Created Date (Download Link)createdDateDateThe date and time that the link to download a file was created.

Organization Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Allowed Email DomainsallowedEmailDomainsStringComma-separated list of allowed e-mail domains for users within this organization
Created By (Organization)createdByStringUser who created this organization
Default Webhook URLdefaultWebhookUrlString (link)The webhook URL used with Arcadia Connect integration
Default Job TimeoutdefaultTimeoutStringThe timeout value used with Arcadia Connect integration
Default Historical Job Date RangedefaultDataCapturePeriodMonthsStringThe number of months of data that will be extracted
Created Date (Organization)createdDateDateDate the organization was created
Last Modified By (Organization)lastModifiedByStringMost recent user to modify this organization
Last Modified Date (Organization)lastModifiedDateDateDate this organization was most recently modified
Organization NamenameStringName of this organization
Privacy Policy URLprivacyPolicyString (link)A URL for your company’s privacy policy. This will be linked in the Arcadia Connect UI
Terms Of Service URLtermsOfServiceString (link)A URL for your company’s terms of service. This will be linked in the Arcadia Connect UI
Organization Unique IDuniqueIdStringUnique ID for the Organization

User Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Created By (User)createdByStringUser who added the user in question to the organization.
Created Date (User)createdDateDateDate the users was added to the organization
Last Modified By (User)lastModifiedByStringMost recent user to modify a user
Last Modified Date (User)lastModifiedDateDateDate this user was most recently modified
Name (user)nameStringUser’s name
EmailemailStringThe user’s email
Name (Role)nameStringName of the user’s role

Consent Data

Field NameFieldTypeDescription
Consent StatusconsentStatusStringIndicates if the status of consent is active or otherwise.
Credential Created DatecredentialCreatedDateDateThe date that the credential was collected and consent was received
Last Modified DatelastModifiedDateDateIf consent was modified, this indicates the date it was modified
Origin of ConsentoriginStringIndicates the source responsible for collecting consent and credentials. Response can be API or CONNECT
Privacy Policy URLprivacyPolicyUrlString (link)Link to the privacy policy that the user consented to
Revoke Consent DaterevokeDateDateDate that the user revoked their consent
Terms of Service URLtermsOfServiceUrlString (link)Link to the terms of service that the user consented to