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Data Model Guide

Utility Cloud allows you to capture and measure your energy consumption.

Data Structure

The data model has several resources:

  • Credentials: the set of PII (often, but not always username/email and password) used to access an online Account on a Provider’s website or data portal
  • Bill: a document, typically in PDF form, that details line item charged for and billing account information issued by a Provider
    • Selectable Bill: a sub-type of Bill where you can drag your cursor to select content within the Bill (this is relevant because these types of Bills have a higher likelihood of being processed successfully)
    • OCR Bill: sub-type of Bill where the contents of the bill are an image, such as a scanned copy of a paper bill
  • Accounts: distinct trade lines within the end-user's utility credential. Statements are issued to Accounts.
    • Summary Account: a sub-type of Account where a parent Account is used to tally up all the charges across all the Sub-accounts owned by the same Account holder developed to make tracking charges more convenient, typically only for commercial Accounts.
    • Sub-account: a sub-type of Account that has a master tracking account, known as a Summary Account
    • Normal Account: the most common sub-type of an Account; where a single Account has no sub-accounts
      Statement – the processed, standardized, machine-readable entry within the platform that represents the content of a Bill issued by a Provider.
  • Statement: invoices issued by the Provider for charges associated with a specific Account
  • Payment: payments made by the Account owner to their Provider. Each level has a one-to-many relationship with the level beneath it.
  • Meters: one or more devices that record consumption on a Statement.
    • Usages: consumption of a specific commodity service.
    • Charges: cost of the service that is typically driven by usage quantities. 
  • Sites: enables grouping meters by a location or another logical grouping for your system.
  • Providers: the entity providing service and issuing bills (informally known as a utility)

What’s Next

View detailed field information on each resource in the Data Dictionary.