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Arc can send webhooks for notable events. For example, this could include if a new statement is available or we notice a credential is now resulting in login failure.

To specify the webhook URL that you would like the events to be POSTed to, you can update it in the Dashboard from the Webhooks page on the Configuration dropdown or using this endpoint.

When sending a webhook, Arcadia looks for a 2xx response. If such a response is not received, Arcadia assumes that the webhook failed to deliver and the Arcadia platform will continue to attempting to send the webhook response three times every six hours for a total of one day (twelve automatic retries maximum). Each subsequent webhook attempt will have an identical message body.

There is an optional interactive boolean flag when creating new credentials. If this is set to true, a webhookUrl is required, and the system will emit Real-Time-Credential-Notification (RTCV) webhook notifications confirming REAL_TIME_CREDENTIAL_VALIDATION_SUCCESS or REAL_TIME_CREDENTIAL_VALIDATION_FAILURE event types. This will also emit pending status notifications. These webhooks are only retried up to three times.

There are endpoints for viewing and resending the webhooks stored in the system here.

Webhook Payloads

The data object we return on the webhook response is the same data that is returned for that resource normally in the API. If your integration only needs that information, you can avoid making additional API calls to get the data.

For STATEMENT webhooks for both event type EXISTING_DATA_UPDATED and NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE webhooks, the data object in the webhook body will show the same values as what's returned from the summarized statement endpoint rather than the detailed statement endpoint.

Webhook Parameters

It is possible to optionally specify additional parameters that will be sent along with all webhooks. Namely, you can set the value of any custom headers or query parameters. This can be useful for authentication purposes to verify that a webhook is coming from Arcadia.

Currently, these values must be set by Arcadia internally and cannot be set via the API or Dashboard. To set up these values, please reach out to customer support via Zendesk and let them know what header name(s) and value(s) are required. The maximum length of the header name is 80 characters, and the maximum length of the header value is 255 characters. Both can only contain alphanumeric characters, as well as _ and - characters. The header value can additionally contain the special characters /, ., \, and ,. Spaces are not allowed.

See below for a complete list of webhook event types with example JSON payloads:

Webhooks Relevant for All Integrations

Event TypeResource TypesDescription
STATUS_CHANGEACCOUNT / CREDENTIAL / FILE / DELETION / DOWNLOADArcadia will send this webhook for all status updatesAll status and status detail updates for Credentials, Accounts, Files, and Meters.
EXISTING_DATA_UPDATEDSTATEMENTArcadia will send this webhook for any updates made to a statement that as already been discovered and stored.

Generally, Arcadia updates existing statement data when there is a minor update to our data extraction logic. You can expect the statement ID and / or the uploaded bill ID for the statement to remain the same while the data will slightly change.
NEW_DATA_AVAILABLESTATEMENTArcadia will send this webhook when a new statement has been discovered for the first time. You can expect to get the latest statement data after receiving this webhook.

Arcadia considered adjustment statements to be new statements with their own new and unique statement ID.

Webhooks ONLY Relevant for Building Your Own "Connect"

Event TypeResource TypeDescription
REAL_TIME_CREDENTIAL_VALIDATION_SUCCESSCREDENTIALThis webhook will only be sent for credentials that supports real time credential validation and interactive has been set to true in the POST Create Credential request.

Arcadia has successfully logged into the utility account.
REAL_TIME_CREDENTIAL_VALIDATION_FAILURECREDENTIALThis webhook will only be sent for credentials that supports real time credential validation and interactive has been set to true in the POST Create Credential request.

Arcadia has failed to logged into the utility account.

Webhooks Exclusive to Interval Customers

Event TypeResource TypesDescription
NEW_DATA_AVAILABLEMETERArcadia will send this webhook when a new Meter has been discovered for the first time. Usually, the status will be INTERVALS_NOT_REQUESTED and interval extraction must be requested. In some circumstances, the status will be INTERVALS_SUCCESS and the earliestIntervalAt and latestIntervalAt fields will already be set.
EXISTING_DATA_UPDATEDMETERArcadia will send this webhook when new interval data is available and the earliestIntervalAt or latestIntervalAt fields are updated.
STATUS_CHANGEMETERArcadia will send this webhook when the status field on a Meter changes. When changing to INTERVALS_SUCCESS, the earliestIntervalAt and latestIntervalAt fields will also be updated.

Webhook Notification Examples


The resource embedded in the data field will be the same schema as the API response for an entity of the corresponding resource type in the resource field


  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
    "id" : "crd_cf7146fa-3974-fa07-6813-5d7f4e6cbbde",
    "isActive" : true,
    "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
    "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
    "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
    "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "provider" : {
      "country" : "USA",
      "id" : "prv_41428d0c-2804-ca52-e396-4ef9f30754cb",
      "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
      "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
      "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
    "status" : "CONNECTION_SUCCESS",
    "totalAccounts" : 1,
    "username" : "example-username",
    "username2" : null,
    "username3" : null,
    "username4" : null,
    "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
  "id" : "whk_ed622180-4c01-30b7-ecf3-91cf41fcfc1b",
  "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"
  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "accountNumber" : "3323141189896624080",
    "billingCycle" : "MONTHLY",
    "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "createdBy" : "system",
    "customData" : null,
    "firstExtractedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "id" : "act_aa8107f5-0c5d-396f-f11c-c76b9be88934",
    "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
    "isHistoryFulfilled" : false,
    "isStatementsProductActive" : true,
    "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
    "lastSuccessfulStatementExtractionAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "latestNewStatementAt" : "2023-09-28T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "latestStatementDate" : "2023-09-28",
    "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2023-10-28",
    "normalizedAccountNumber" : "3323141189896624080",
    "prepaid" : false,
    "provider" : {
      "country" : "USA",
      "id" : "prv_41428d0c-2804-ca52-e396-4ef9f30754cb",
      "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
      "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
      "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
    "providerClassification" : "PUBLISHER",
    "serviceTypes" : [ ],
    "siteNames" : [ ],
    "status" : "NEW_ACCOUNT",
    "statusDetail" : "DATA_ACCESSIBLE",
    "summaryAccountId" : null,
    "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
    "type" : "NORMAL"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
  "id" : "whk_2929829f-375e-2133-492c-bc267d8f2cac",
  "resource" : "ACCOUNT"
  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "accountNumbers" : [ ],
    "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
    "fileName" : "example-file-name.pdf",
    "id" : "fil_3463af21-32d8-786a-b2af-5028207bad7c",
    "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
    "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "provider" : null,
    "statementDate" : null,
    "statementId" : null,
    "status" : "QUEUED",
    "statusDetails" : [ "READY_FOR_PROCESSING" ],
    "transferMethod" : "CLIENT"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
  "id" : "whk_31f611dc-9b20-a101-1278-9f6451e93e04",
  "resource" : "FILE"
  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "accountCount" : 5,
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
    "deletionTargetId" : "crd_31706680-327f-9301-3a91-026940d08bb9",
    "fileCount" : 0,
    "id" : "del_53e41db0-a1a6-227d-dd28-573570cd1312",
    "meterCount" : 4,
    "siteCount" : 0,
    "statementCount" : 2,
    "status" : "SUCCESS"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
  "id" : "whk_ac048490-6782-eb5d-a5f7-66752ea6fa4a",
  "resource" : "DELETION"
  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "downloadMethod" : "IN_BROWSER",
    "id" : "dwl_c6395d15-623a-8e26-db9b-df24fc7a0068",
    "status" : "SUCCESS",
    "token" : "abcd"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
  "id" : "whk_21cf258f-aa9c-aee1-09ac-5892aa330ae4",
  "resource" : "DOWNLOAD"
  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "accounts" : [ {
      "accountNumber" : "3323141189896624080",
      "id" : "act_aa8107f5-0c5d-396f-f11c-c76b9be88934"
    } ],
    "bulbType" : null,
    "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "createdBy" : "system",
    "currentTariff" : null,
    "customData" : null,
    "earliestIntervalAt" : "2024-01-22T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "generalDescriptionAsPrinted" : null,
    "id" : "mtr_8ed41615-edd4-d81d-bf47-c4ef75edf0d8",
    "isIntervalsProductActive" : true,
    "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
    "latestIntervalAt" : "2024-02-20T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "latestStatementDate" : null,
    "localTimezone" : "US/Eastern",
    "meterConstantMultiplier" : null,
    "meterNumber" : "716749145161466730",
    "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2024-03-21",
    "normalizedMeterNumber" : "716749145161466730",
    "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "11",
    "pipeType" : null,
    "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "11",
    "previousMeterConstantMultiplier" : null,
    "previousMeterNumber" : null,
    "provider" : null,
    "serviceAddress" : null,
    "serviceType" : "electric",
    "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
    "site" : null,
    "status" : "INTERVALS_SUCCESS",
    "statusDetail" : "INTERVALS_AVAILABLE"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
  "id" : "whk_998729e3-6bb0-6c3c-32f1-8c9f71f7a3dd",
  "resource" : "METER"


  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "accounts" : [ {
      "accountNumber" : "2335508569404453379",
      "id" : "act_4203b846-f61f-7f99-6a0d-11ddef14d433"
    } ],
    "bulbType" : null,
    "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "createdBy" : "system",
    "currentTariff" : null,
    "customData" : null,
    "earliestIntervalAt" : null,
    "generalDescriptionAsPrinted" : null,
    "id" : "mtr_ccab4b86-30e6-0eb2-08a0-5bb9b1dc1b2b",
    "isIntervalsProductActive" : false,
    "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
    "latestIntervalAt" : null,
    "latestStatementDate" : null,
    "localTimezone" : null,
    "meterConstantMultiplier" : null,
    "meterNumber" : "7197529664757928628",
    "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2024-03-21",
    "normalizedMeterNumber" : "7197529664757928628",
    "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "19",
    "pipeType" : null,
    "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "19",
    "previousMeterConstantMultiplier" : null,
    "previousMeterNumber" : null,
    "provider" : null,
    "serviceAddress" : null,
    "serviceType" : "electric",
    "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
    "site" : null,
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE",
  "id" : "whk_09f2d3bd-ed09-d597-3a9b-b4c6721a0c99",
  "resource" : "METER"
  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "accountData" : [ {
      "accountId" : "act_4203b846-f61f-7f99-6a0d-11ddef14d433",
      "accountNumber" : "2335508569404453379",
      "amountDue" : 906.48,
      "dueDate" : "2023-02-28",
      "meterData" : [ {
        "amountDue" : 18.23,
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "meterId" : "mtr_3caedefb-98fe-da5e-7007-1711cb3d11c4",
        "meterNumber" : "8919984383921609981",
        "meterReadDate" : "2023-02-14",
        "normalizedMeterNumber" : "8919984383921609981",
        "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "11",
        "outstandingBalance" : 18.23,
        "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "11",
        "previousReadDate" : "2023-01-15",
        "serviceType" : "water",
        "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
        "totalCharges" : 18.23,
        "totalUsage" : 79.4,
        "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
      }, {
        "amountDue" : 888.25,
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "meterId" : "mtr_b2578a56-7035-ffd9-22da-bef61e0bb810",
        "meterNumber" : "4126359823485640831",
        "meterReadDate" : "2023-02-14",
        "normalizedMeterNumber" : "4126359823485640831",
        "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "2",
        "outstandingBalance" : 888.25,
        "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "2",
        "previousReadDate" : "2023-01-15",
        "serviceType" : "water",
        "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
        "totalCharges" : 888.25,
        "totalUsage" : 577.21,
        "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
      } ],
      "normalizedAccountNumber" : "2335508569404453379",
      "outstandingBalance" : 906.48,
      "provider" : {
        "classification" : "PUBLISHER",
        "id" : "prv_2f574b92-e2e1-f016-d899-ae80dd274773",
        "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider",
        "publisherProviderAccountId" : "act_4203b846-f61f-7f99-6a0d-11ddef14d433"
      "totalCharges" : 906.48
    } ],
    "amountDue" : 906.48,
    "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "currencyCode" : null,
    "dataIngestionMethod" : "UTILITY_WEBSITE_ACCESS",
    "discoveredAt" : "2023-02-14T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "dueDate" : "2023-02-28",
    "id" : "stm_652e86f1-6bba-20b5-0111-d2c4ff3628d1",
    "invoiceNumber" : "5627932318895886448",
    "normalizedSummaryAccountNumber" : null,
    "outstandingBalance" : 906.48,
    "periodEndDate" : "2023-02-14",
    "periodStartDate" : "2023-01-15",
    "provider" : {
      "country" : "USA",
      "id" : "prv_2f574b92-e2e1-f016-d899-ae80dd274773",
      "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
      "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
      "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
    "statementDate" : "2023-02-14",
    "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
    "totalCharges" : 906.48,
    "type" : "BILL"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE",
  "id" : "whk_0fc5ded2-9f8c-8eaa-b228-b72ac9288d04",
  "resource" : "STATEMENT"


  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "accountData" : [ {
      "accountId" : "act_550d9055-ba93-79bd-0ecc-7f2319dd716f",
      "accountNumber" : "6466508566457188658",
      "amountDue" : 314.59,
      "dueDate" : "2023-10-30",
      "meterData" : [ {
        "amountDue" : 314.59,
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "meterId" : "mtr_0704c97f-0e52-9bcc-a26c-a335831b8c55",
        "meterNumber" : "4698299459428819657",
        "meterReadDate" : "2023-10-16",
        "normalizedMeterNumber" : "4698299459428819657",
        "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "5",
        "outstandingBalance" : 314.59,
        "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "5",
        "previousReadDate" : "2023-09-16",
        "serviceType" : "water",
        "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
        "totalCharges" : 314.59,
        "totalUsage" : 163.12,
        "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
      } ],
      "normalizedAccountNumber" : "6466508566457188658",
      "outstandingBalance" : 314.59,
      "provider" : {
        "classification" : "PUBLISHER",
        "id" : "prv_2627a36a-1592-b76a-f996-cf5a68b7900c",
        "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider",
        "publisherProviderAccountId" : "act_550d9055-ba93-79bd-0ecc-7f2319dd716f"
      "totalCharges" : 314.59
    } ],
    "amountDue" : 314.59,
    "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "currencyCode" : null,
    "dataIngestionMethod" : "UTILITY_WEBSITE_ACCESS",
    "discoveredAt" : "2023-10-16T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "dueDate" : "2023-10-30",
    "id" : "stm_e1fcdcae-2144-0cee-5d5f-408cca528a86",
    "invoiceNumber" : "1381997427380093758",
    "normalizedSummaryAccountNumber" : null,
    "outstandingBalance" : 314.59,
    "periodEndDate" : "2023-10-16",
    "periodStartDate" : "2023-09-16",
    "provider" : {
      "country" : "USA",
      "id" : "prv_2627a36a-1592-b76a-f996-cf5a68b7900c",
      "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
      "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
      "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
    "statementDate" : "2023-10-16",
    "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
    "totalCharges" : 314.59,
    "type" : "BILL"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "eventType" : "EXISTING_DATA_UPDATED",
  "id" : "whk_b4d44abf-8975-88a6-cff4-ab55cfb38a10",
  "resource" : "STATEMENT"


  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
    "id" : "crd_9f140095-1253-26b3-3bfe-e305ffe6ff30",
    "isActive" : true,
    "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
    "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
    "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
    "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "provider" : {
      "country" : "USA",
      "id" : "prv_f0919a74-b84e-1388-3dce-23bce2f7db19",
      "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
      "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
      "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
    "status" : "CONNECTION_SUCCESS",
    "totalAccounts" : 1,
    "username" : "example-username",
    "username2" : null,
    "username3" : null,
    "username4" : null,
    "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "id" : "whk_c65e9551-3c73-5f5e-9e31-ebcb78999294",
  "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"


  "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
  "data" : {
    "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
    "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
    "id" : "crd_c285ed74-860d-61b0-d434-53341c1fa59e",
    "isActive" : false,
    "isCustomerActionRequired" : true,
    "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
    "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
    "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
    "provider" : {
      "country" : "USA",
      "id" : "prv_c829956e-40d3-675a-3636-53822907c00f",
      "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
      "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
      "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
    "status" : "CONNECTION_FAILURE",
    "statusDetail" : "INVALID_CREDENTIALS",
    "totalAccounts" : 0,
    "username" : "example-username",
    "username2" : null,
    "username3" : null,
    "username4" : null,
    "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
  "errors" : [ ],
  "id" : "whk_a69fbae6-ce18-6527-58f1-71ceb933fffb",
  "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"

Example Scenarios

Successful RTCV Submission

  1. Credentials submitted

  2. Optionally, credential login event emitted:


    This is only emitted if the credential was submitted using "interactive": true,via this endpoint.

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "id" : "crd_8560e539-21da-663c-b0c0-a97d23426ca5",
        "isActive" : true,
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
        "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
        "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_5ce49928-4246-305b-6f4b-3b9c3922dda3",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
          "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
        "status" : "CONNECTION_SUCCESS",
        "statusDetail" : "LOGIN_AND_DATA_DISCOVERY_SUCCESS",
        "totalAccounts" : 1,
        "username" : "example-username",
        "username2" : null,
        "username3" : null,
        "username4" : null,
        "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "id" : "whk_08367c3c-b707-53ff-5a48-acd2e90bfe69",
      "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"
  3. Credential event emitted:

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "id" : "crd_8560e539-21da-663c-b0c0-a97d23426ca5",
        "isActive" : true,
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
        "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
        "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_5ce49928-4246-305b-6f4b-3b9c3922dda3",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
          "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
        "status" : "CONNECTION_SUCCESS",
        "statusDetail" : "LOGIN_AND_DATA_DISCOVERY_SUCCESS",
        "totalAccounts" : 1,
        "username" : "example-username",
        "username2" : null,
        "username3" : null,
        "username4" : null,
        "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_3ca4c373-38ee-3846-f6d0-7f49f6a0517f",
      "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"
  4. Account(s) discovered

  5. Account event(s) emitted (1 per account under the credential):

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountNumber" : "8200191242590839254",
        "billingCycle" : "MONTHLY",
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "system",
        "customData" : null,
        "firstExtractedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "id" : "act_c022ce54-fba7-4f1a-e301-9ed3b47bf99b",
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
        "isHistoryFulfilled" : false,
        "isStatementsProductActive" : true,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
        "lastSuccessfulStatementExtractionAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "latestNewStatementAt" : "2023-05-20T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "latestStatementDate" : "2023-05-20",
        "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2023-06-19",
        "normalizedAccountNumber" : "8200191242590839254",
        "prepaid" : false,
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_5ce49928-4246-305b-6f4b-3b9c3922dda3",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
          "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
        "providerClassification" : "PUBLISHER",
        "serviceTypes" : [ {
          "serviceType" : "natural_gas",
          "serviceTypeClassification" : "SUPPLEMENTAL"
        }, {
          "serviceType" : "sewer",
          "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE"
        }, {
          "serviceType" : "water",
          "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE"
        } ],
        "siteNames" : [ ],
        "status" : "NEW_ACCOUNT",
        "statusDetail" : "DATA_ACCESSIBLE",
        "summaryAccountId" : null,
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "type" : "NORMAL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_e28f64d8-1a66-2dd8-ca9e-45f246158d52",
      "resource" : "ACCOUNT"
  6. Statement(s) discovered

  7. Statement event(s) emitted (1 per statement):

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountData" : [ {
          "accountId" : "act_c022ce54-fba7-4f1a-e301-9ed3b47bf99b",
          "accountNumber" : "8200191242590839254",
          "amountDue" : 1400.27,
          "dueDate" : "2023-06-03",
          "meterData" : [ {
            "amountDue" : 686.36,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_d4af6eac-3d12-9130-456e-92e85cdc07a9",
            "meterNumber" : "4404303161106713403",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-05-20",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "4404303161106713403",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "9",
            "outstandingBalance" : 686.36,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "9",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-04-20",
            "serviceType" : "sewer",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
            "totalCharges" : 686.36,
            "totalUsage" : 361.33,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          }, {
            "amountDue" : 604.6,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_fe3bdecb-b738-0fe6-3a98-172a5ebf3861",
            "meterNumber" : "7898248729712635997",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-05-20",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "7898248729712635997",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "3",
            "outstandingBalance" : 604.6,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "3",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-04-20",
            "serviceType" : "natural_gas",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "SUPPLEMENTAL",
            "totalCharges" : 604.6,
            "totalUsage" : 442.63,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          }, {
            "amountDue" : 109.31,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_021835aa-343d-5f9e-e67f-25edd5d648aa",
            "meterNumber" : "785246857211584963",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-05-20",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "785246857211584963",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "9",
            "outstandingBalance" : 109.31,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "9",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-04-20",
            "serviceType" : "water",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
            "totalCharges" : 109.31,
            "totalUsage" : 512.64,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          } ],
          "normalizedAccountNumber" : "8200191242590839254",
          "outstandingBalance" : 1400.27,
          "provider" : {
            "classification" : "PUBLISHER",
            "id" : "prv_5ce49928-4246-305b-6f4b-3b9c3922dda3",
            "name" : "Example RTCV Provider",
            "publisherProviderAccountId" : "act_c022ce54-fba7-4f1a-e301-9ed3b47bf99b"
          "totalCharges" : 1400.27
        } ],
        "amountDue" : 1400.27,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "dataIngestionMethod" : "UTILITY_WEBSITE_ACCESS",
        "discoveredAt" : "2023-05-20T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "dueDate" : "2023-06-03",
        "id" : "stm_e7c66600-ea8c-0211-b9f0-6220c1a9d144",
        "invoiceNumber" : "4771234994523997829",
        "normalizedSummaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "outstandingBalance" : 1400.27,
        "periodEndDate" : "2023-05-20",
        "periodStartDate" : "2023-04-20",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_5ce49928-4246-305b-6f4b-3b9c3922dda3",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
          "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
        "statementDate" : "2023-05-20",
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "totalCharges" : 1400.27,
        "type" : "BILL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE",
      "id" : "whk_f6225bfe-353b-1697-d62e-2c7843027745",
      "resource" : "STATEMENT"

Unsuccessful RTCV Submission

  1. Credentials submitted

  2. Optionally, credential login event emitted:


    This is only emitted if the credential was submitted using "interactive": true,via this endpoint.

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "id" : "crd_e3073c1b-bdac-d10e-0786-40e4f4dd9653",
        "isActive" : false,
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : true,
        "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
        "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_c8f5df44-8a06-4e7d-e308-d7b03374c9b6",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
          "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
        "status" : "CONNECTION_FAILURE",
        "statusDetail" : "INVALID_CREDENTIALS",
        "totalAccounts" : 0,
        "username" : "example-username",
        "username2" : null,
        "username3" : null,
        "username4" : null,
        "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "id" : "whk_03194ac2-aa4a-eec0-aa97-64521f067b8d",
      "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"
  3. Credential failure or pending event emitted:


    A pending event indicates that the data extraction failed for a presumably temporary reason, such as the provider website being down.

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "id" : "crd_e3073c1b-bdac-d10e-0786-40e4f4dd9653",
        "isActive" : false,
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : true,
        "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
        "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_c8f5df44-8a06-4e7d-e308-d7b03374c9b6",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
          "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
        "status" : "CONNECTION_FAILURE",
        "statusDetail" : "INVALID_CREDENTIALS",
        "totalAccounts" : 0,
        "username" : "example-username",
        "username2" : null,
        "username3" : null,
        "username4" : null,
        "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_3fba3873-1d17-65ce-d8a8-cb86df66a7bb",
      "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"


      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "id" : "crd_e3073c1b-bdac-d10e-0786-40e4f4dd9653",
        "isActive" : false,
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
        "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
        "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_c8f5df44-8a06-4e7d-e308-d7b03374c9b6",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : true,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : true,
          "name" : "Example RTCV Provider"
        "status" : "CONNECTION_IN_PROGRESS",
        "statusDetail" : "PROVIDER_WEBSITE_INACCESSIBLE",
        "totalAccounts" : 0,
        "username" : "example-username",
        "username2" : null,
        "username3" : null,
        "username4" : null,
        "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_40275c3a-e5a5-67bb-c364-ec3cf350df50",
      "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"

Successful Non-RTCV Submission

  1. Credentials submitted

  2. Credential event emitted:

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "id" : "crd_5b4a3c86-3879-654d-98a5-4c36c7d44e6c",
        "isActive" : true,
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
        "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
        "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_3ac39cf2-fdcf-5efd-1d98-0840559258ab",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "status" : "CONNECTION_SUCCESS",
        "statusDetail" : "LOGIN_AND_DATA_DISCOVERY_SUCCESS",
        "totalAccounts" : 1,
        "username" : "example-username",
        "username2" : null,
        "username3" : null,
        "username4" : null,
        "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_a40cb6c4-17ca-141c-7a28-d7c2be2d4080",
      "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"
  3. Account(s) discovered

  4. Account event(s) emitted (1 per account under the credential):

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountNumber" : "2904783206795329220",
        "billingCycle" : "MONTHLY",
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "system",
        "customData" : null,
        "firstExtractedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "id" : "act_9b3ac933-dc05-db96-aa6d-c284efe7dff4",
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
        "isHistoryFulfilled" : false,
        "isStatementsProductActive" : true,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
        "lastSuccessfulStatementExtractionAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "latestNewStatementAt" : "2023-09-04T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "latestStatementDate" : "2023-09-04",
        "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2023-10-04",
        "normalizedAccountNumber" : "2904783206795329220",
        "prepaid" : false,
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_3ac39cf2-fdcf-5efd-1d98-0840559258ab",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "providerClassification" : "PUBLISHER",
        "serviceTypes" : [ {
          "serviceType" : "lighting",
          "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE"
        }, {
          "serviceType" : "natural_gas",
          "serviceTypeClassification" : "SUPPLEMENTAL"
        } ],
        "siteNames" : [ ],
        "status" : "NEW_ACCOUNT",
        "statusDetail" : "DATA_ACCESSIBLE",
        "summaryAccountId" : null,
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "type" : "NORMAL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_5ce638b8-071d-88c6-f04e-6945e6912929",
      "resource" : "ACCOUNT"
  5. Statement(s) discovered

  6. Statement event(s) emitted (1 per statement):

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountData" : [ {
          "accountId" : "act_9b3ac933-dc05-db96-aa6d-c284efe7dff4",
          "accountNumber" : "2904783206795329220",
          "amountDue" : 480.47,
          "dueDate" : "2023-09-18",
          "meterData" : [ {
            "amountDue" : 452.41,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_70dfb081-cf58-3868-8be3-2b720b2eb6e4",
            "meterNumber" : "3781243442887905123",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-09-04",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "3781243442887905123",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "9",
            "outstandingBalance" : 452.41,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "9",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-08-05",
            "serviceType" : "lighting",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
            "totalCharges" : 452.41,
            "totalUsage" : 531.3,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          }, {
            "amountDue" : 28.06,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_f94897e2-80da-70da-dfa5-b0a03e7172a8",
            "meterNumber" : "6270239762449179538",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-09-04",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "6270239762449179538",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
            "outstandingBalance" : 28.06,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-08-05",
            "serviceType" : "natural_gas",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "SUPPLEMENTAL",
            "totalCharges" : 28.06,
            "totalUsage" : 168.37,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          } ],
          "normalizedAccountNumber" : "2904783206795329220",
          "outstandingBalance" : 480.47,
          "provider" : {
            "classification" : "PUBLISHER",
            "id" : "prv_3ac39cf2-fdcf-5efd-1d98-0840559258ab",
            "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider",
            "publisherProviderAccountId" : "act_9b3ac933-dc05-db96-aa6d-c284efe7dff4"
          "totalCharges" : 480.47
        } ],
        "amountDue" : 480.47,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "dataIngestionMethod" : "UTILITY_WEBSITE_ACCESS",
        "discoveredAt" : "2023-09-04T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "dueDate" : "2023-09-18",
        "id" : "stm_199fa171-d729-e2df-c4da-c43f78475896",
        "invoiceNumber" : "4334075956818835921",
        "normalizedSummaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "outstandingBalance" : 480.47,
        "periodEndDate" : "2023-09-04",
        "periodStartDate" : "2023-08-05",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_3ac39cf2-fdcf-5efd-1d98-0840559258ab",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "statementDate" : "2023-09-04",
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "totalCharges" : 480.47,
        "type" : "BILL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE",
      "id" : "whk_c2a311fb-6109-5c87-2dde-19b81ce6aa60",
      "resource" : "STATEMENT"

Unsuccessful Non-RTCV Submission

  1. Credentials submitted
  2. Credential failure event emitted:
      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "id" : "crd_52d9cfd2-54c9-568e-00f6-b6506541032f",
        "isActive" : false,
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : true,
        "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
        "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_e019cc24-8628-d363-1bce-6d0d5ee1687e",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "status" : "CONNECTION_FAILURE",
        "statusDetail" : "INVALID_CREDENTIALS",
        "totalAccounts" : 0,
        "username" : "example-username",
        "username2" : null,
        "username3" : null,
        "username4" : null,
        "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_e3cf8615-c199-27ca-e945-de73c2d4e859",
      "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"

Existing Credential Stops Working

  1. Credential login fails
  2. Credential failure event emitted:
      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "id" : "crd_96033ff1-3721-05cf-efc7-c0b17e53d5b9",
        "isActive" : true,
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : true,
        "isThirdPartyPortal" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "[email protected]",
        "nextScheduledAccountRunAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_cffcbe6a-f19c-8c00-9483-70228911897b",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "status" : "CONNECTION_FAILURE",
        "statusDetail" : "INVALID_CREDENTIALS",
        "totalAccounts" : 1,
        "username" : "example-username",
        "username2" : null,
        "username3" : null,
        "username4" : null,
        "website" : "https://example.provider.site"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_46106989-b814-3372-f36a-fe386b7fa139",
      "resource" : "CREDENTIAL"

New Statement Discovered Under Existing Credential

  1. Statement discovered
  2. Statement event emitted:
      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountData" : [ {
          "accountId" : "act_b4959376-ce6c-2264-a56f-b3c6165f2030",
          "accountNumber" : "5259855414716385627",
          "amountDue" : 218.75,
          "dueDate" : "2023-07-03",
          "meterData" : [ {
            "amountDue" : 218.75,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_ce21d956-7d20-4b56-2f36-4b120efc5317",
            "meterNumber" : "4579340490711809375",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-06-19",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "4579340490711809375",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "4",
            "outstandingBalance" : 218.75,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "4",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-05-20",
            "serviceType" : "irrigation",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
            "totalCharges" : 218.75,
            "totalUsage" : 600.53,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          } ],
          "normalizedAccountNumber" : "5259855414716385627",
          "outstandingBalance" : 218.75,
          "provider" : {
            "classification" : "PUBLISHER",
            "id" : "prv_866c1681-7cb5-c5cc-6ae6-04c37af5faa7",
            "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider",
            "publisherProviderAccountId" : "act_b4959376-ce6c-2264-a56f-b3c6165f2030"
          "totalCharges" : 218.75
        } ],
        "amountDue" : 218.75,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "dataIngestionMethod" : "UTILITY_WEBSITE_ACCESS",
        "discoveredAt" : "2023-06-19T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "dueDate" : "2023-07-03",
        "id" : "stm_294496d2-db8e-578c-2311-302abcc886ba",
        "invoiceNumber" : "4713211246408171234",
        "normalizedSummaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "outstandingBalance" : 218.75,
        "periodEndDate" : "2023-06-19",
        "periodStartDate" : "2023-05-20",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_866c1681-7cb5-c5cc-6ae6-04c37af5faa7",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "statementDate" : "2023-06-19",
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "totalCharges" : 218.75,
        "type" : "BILL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE",
      "id" : "whk_8cdfc218-8c1e-54fe-7b98-a48f8008452d",
      "resource" : "STATEMENT"

Statement Data Changed

  1. Statement discovered

  2. Statement event emitted:

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountData" : [ {
          "accountId" : "act_a73d0035-9349-3462-992e-2627d1784610",
          "accountNumber" : "9082839858871928420",
          "amountDue" : 1801.31,
          "dueDate" : "2023-11-30",
          "meterData" : [ {
            "amountDue" : 973.02,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_22f8c274-fa14-fb46-0ff8-0328608fb9ce",
            "meterNumber" : "5054876103637543193",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-11-16",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "5054876103637543193",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "6",
            "outstandingBalance" : 973.02,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "6",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-10-17",
            "serviceType" : "natural_gas",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "SUPPLEMENTAL",
            "totalCharges" : 973.02,
            "totalUsage" : 149.82,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          }, {
            "amountDue" : 363.76,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_0d9753d7-f8f2-2b93-1401-7a5e197121f9",
            "meterNumber" : "8543281613601682056",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-11-16",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "8543281613601682056",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "13",
            "outstandingBalance" : 363.76,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "13",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-10-17",
            "serviceType" : "natural_gas",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "SUPPLEMENTAL",
            "totalCharges" : 363.76,
            "totalUsage" : 891.54,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          }, {
            "amountDue" : 464.53,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_0c09ae21-3ad8-0f98-fc37-e5581122c212",
            "meterNumber" : "5037777525089024684",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-11-16",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "5037777525089024684",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "5",
            "outstandingBalance" : 464.53,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "5",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-10-17",
            "serviceType" : "lighting",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
            "totalCharges" : 464.53,
            "totalUsage" : 920.69,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          } ],
          "normalizedAccountNumber" : "9082839858871928420",
          "outstandingBalance" : 1801.31,
          "provider" : {
            "classification" : "PUBLISHER",
            "id" : "prv_2f22b8fd-2c45-2ddb-5f9e-d7296f4b4aeb",
            "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider",
            "publisherProviderAccountId" : "act_a73d0035-9349-3462-992e-2627d1784610"
          "totalCharges" : 1801.31
        } ],
        "amountDue" : 1801.31,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "dataIngestionMethod" : "UTILITY_WEBSITE_ACCESS",
        "discoveredAt" : "2023-11-16T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "dueDate" : "2023-11-30",
        "id" : "stm_af63c1de-d765-338d-7fe8-72a30d821a3e",
        "invoiceNumber" : "4031450722819636662",
        "normalizedSummaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "outstandingBalance" : 1801.31,
        "periodEndDate" : "2023-11-16",
        "periodStartDate" : "2023-10-17",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_2f22b8fd-2c45-2ddb-5f9e-d7296f4b4aeb",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "statementDate" : "2023-11-16",
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "totalCharges" : 1801.31,
        "type" : "BILL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE",
      "id" : "whk_b2c8687e-6168-85b2-ded9-bf811d71632a",
      "resource" : "STATEMENT"
  3. Much later, Arcadia's data extraction for the provider is updated

  4. Extracted statement data changes

  5. Modified statement event emitted:

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountData" : [ {
          "accountId" : "act_a73d0035-9349-3462-992e-2627d1784610",
          "accountNumber" : "9082839858871928420",
          "amountDue" : 1801.31,
          "dueDate" : "2023-11-30",
          "meterData" : [ {
            "amountDue" : 973.02,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_22f8c274-fa14-fb46-0ff8-0328608fb9ce",
            "meterNumber" : "5054876103637543193",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-11-16",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "5054876103637543193",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "6",
            "outstandingBalance" : 973.02,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "6",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-10-17",
            "serviceType" : "natural_gas",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "SUPPLEMENTAL",
            "totalCharges" : 973.02,
            "totalUsage" : 149.82,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          }, {
            "amountDue" : 363.76,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_0d9753d7-f8f2-2b93-1401-7a5e197121f9",
            "meterNumber" : "8543281613601682056",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-11-16",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "8543281613601682056",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "13",
            "outstandingBalance" : 363.76,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "13",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-10-17",
            "serviceType" : "natural_gas",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "SUPPLEMENTAL",
            "totalCharges" : 363.76,
            "totalUsage" : 891.54,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          }, {
            "amountDue" : 464.53,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_0c09ae21-3ad8-0f98-fc37-e5581122c212",
            "meterNumber" : "5037777525089024684",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-11-16",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "5037777525089024684",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "5",
            "outstandingBalance" : 464.53,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "5",
            "previousReadDate" : "2023-10-17",
            "serviceType" : "lighting",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
            "totalCharges" : 464.53,
            "totalUsage" : 920.69,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          } ],
          "normalizedAccountNumber" : "9082839858871928420",
          "outstandingBalance" : 1801.31,
          "provider" : {
            "classification" : "PUBLISHER",
            "id" : "prv_2f22b8fd-2c45-2ddb-5f9e-d7296f4b4aeb",
            "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider",
            "publisherProviderAccountId" : "act_a73d0035-9349-3462-992e-2627d1784610"
          "totalCharges" : 1801.31
        } ],
        "amountDue" : 1801.31,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "dataIngestionMethod" : "UTILITY_WEBSITE_ACCESS",
        "discoveredAt" : "2023-11-16T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "dueDate" : "2023-12-07",
        "id" : "stm_af63c1de-d765-338d-7fe8-72a30d821a3e",
        "invoiceNumber" : "4031450722819636662",
        "normalizedSummaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "outstandingBalance" : 1801.31,
        "periodEndDate" : "2023-11-16",
        "periodStartDate" : "2023-10-17",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_2f22b8fd-2c45-2ddb-5f9e-d7296f4b4aeb",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "statementDate" : "2023-11-16",
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "totalCharges" : 1801.31,
        "type" : "BILL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "EXISTING_DATA_UPDATED",
      "id" : "whk_d37a5e16-b4fe-8a8d-292c-82461796ae78",
      "resource" : "STATEMENT"

Account Created Via File Upload

  1. Account discovered

  2. Account event emitted:

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountNumber" : "6261216952107022980",
        "billingCycle" : "MONTHLY",
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "system",
        "customData" : null,
        "firstExtractedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "id" : "act_f7a99e66-5d2b-fe62-df24-36e7049f0a3e",
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : false,
        "isHistoryFulfilled" : false,
        "isStatementsProductActive" : true,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
        "lastSuccessfulStatementExtractionAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "latestNewStatementAt" : "2023-01-09T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "latestStatementDate" : "2023-01-09",
        "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2023-02-08",
        "normalizedAccountNumber" : "6261216952107022980",
        "prepaid" : false,
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_746a3349-3c5c-4020-23a9-39db1d094027",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "providerClassification" : "PUBLISHER",
        "serviceTypes" : [ {
          "serviceType" : "irrigation",
          "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE"
        } ],
        "siteNames" : [ ],
        "status" : "NEW_ACCOUNT",
        "statusDetail" : "DATA_ACCESSIBLE",
        "summaryAccountId" : null,
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "type" : "NORMAL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_9eeba4c4-72af-fd35-c9d2-633ab75a91c1",
      "resource" : "ACCOUNT"
  3. Statement discovered

  4. Statement event emitted (1 per file uploaded):

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountData" : [ {
          "accountId" : "act_f7a99e66-5d2b-fe62-df24-36e7049f0a3e",
          "accountNumber" : "6261216952107022980",
          "amountDue" : 461.11,
          "dueDate" : "2023-01-23",
          "meterData" : [ {
            "amountDue" : 461.11,
            "currencyCode" : null,
            "meterId" : "mtr_310754d5-47db-8740-344d-9cde05140acc",
            "meterNumber" : "5543991471039568371",
            "meterReadDate" : "2023-01-09",
            "normalizedMeterNumber" : "5543991471039568371",
            "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "19",
            "outstandingBalance" : 461.11,
            "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "19",
            "previousReadDate" : "2022-12-10",
            "serviceType" : "irrigation",
            "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
            "totalCharges" : 461.11,
            "totalUsage" : 435.65,
            "totalUsageUnit" : "kWh"
          } ],
          "normalizedAccountNumber" : "6261216952107022980",
          "outstandingBalance" : 461.11,
          "provider" : {
            "classification" : "PUBLISHER",
            "id" : "prv_746a3349-3c5c-4020-23a9-39db1d094027",
            "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider",
            "publisherProviderAccountId" : "act_f7a99e66-5d2b-fe62-df24-36e7049f0a3e"
          "totalCharges" : 461.11
        } ],
        "amountDue" : 461.11,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "currencyCode" : null,
        "dataIngestionMethod" : "BILL_UPLOAD",
        "discoveredAt" : "2023-01-09T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "dueDate" : "2023-01-23",
        "id" : "stm_b9869a30-4ea9-abf9-c1df-4083a21b95b7",
        "invoiceNumber" : "6633179451935500554",
        "normalizedSummaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "outstandingBalance" : 461.11,
        "periodEndDate" : "2023-01-09",
        "periodStartDate" : "2022-12-10",
        "provider" : {
          "country" : "USA",
          "id" : "prv_746a3349-3c5c-4020-23a9-39db1d094027",
          "isIntervalDataSupported" : false,
          "isRealTimeCredentialValidationSupported" : false,
          "name" : "Example Non-RTCV Provider"
        "statementDate" : "2023-01-09",
        "summaryAccountNumber" : null,
        "totalCharges" : 461.11,
        "type" : "BILL"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE",
      "id" : "whk_9b9ee649-f4c7-e4a2-49c0-5553016e4d53",
      "resource" : "STATEMENT"

File Data Extraction Fails

  1. File is uploaded
  2. File reviewed and unable to extract data
  3. File failure event emitted:
      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountNumbers" : [ ],
        "correlationId" : "example-correlation-id",
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "fileName" : "example-file-name.pdf",
        "id" : "fil_df563657-df8c-6ec8-5b33-1a7da258fe55",
        "isCustomerActionRequired" : true,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "provider" : null,
        "statementDate" : null,
        "statementId" : null,
        "status" : "FAILURE",
        "statusDetails" : [ "TIMED_OUT" ],
        "transferMethod" : "CLIENT"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_7cf801a5-b023-36a6-6aad-7dcd0d195c5e",
      "resource" : "FILE"

Deletion Successful

  1. Deletion is scheduled via deletion log
  2. Deletion is performed
  3. Deletion successful event emitted:
      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accountCount" : 6,
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "[email protected]",
        "deletionTargetId" : "crd_24a64cfd-a75c-a8b0-5e7c-1c99699306c9",
        "fileCount" : 0,
        "id" : "del_bb79dbe4-562f-9035-5177-17f4224479e2",
        "meterCount" : 4,
        "siteCount" : 0,
        "statementCount" : 2,
        "status" : "SUCCESS"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_d0b7c43d-8063-d22a-e60a-01e8e968468d",
      "resource" : "DELETION"

Download Ready

  1. Download is requested
  2. Download is prepared
  3. Download status change event emitted:
      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "downloadMethod" : "IN_BROWSER",
        "id" : "dwl_e4da9de7-0211-deef-24b3-af21e714c19b",
        "status" : "SUCCESS",
        "token" : "abcd"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_26539b9e-6cd9-b5a3-6c73-3e93ae2c9024",
      "resource" : "DOWNLOAD"

Interval Data Extraction

  1. Credentials are submitted and a Meter is discovered.

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accounts" : [ {
          "accountNumber" : "2365359048501209244",
          "id" : "act_72364211-400d-3880-3e11-67592950b1dc"
        } ],
        "bulbType" : null,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "system",
        "currentTariff" : null,
        "customData" : null,
        "earliestIntervalAt" : null,
        "generalDescriptionAsPrinted" : null,
        "id" : "mtr_6f3a89ac-baa1-9f90-8be2-5dcc738538d2",
        "isIntervalsProductActive" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
        "latestIntervalAt" : null,
        "latestStatementDate" : null,
        "localTimezone" : null,
        "meterConstantMultiplier" : null,
        "meterNumber" : "4230389196102592373",
        "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2024-03-21",
        "normalizedMeterNumber" : "4230389196102592373",
        "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
        "pipeType" : null,
        "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
        "previousMeterConstantMultiplier" : null,
        "previousMeterNumber" : null,
        "provider" : null,
        "serviceAddress" : null,
        "serviceType" : "electric",
        "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
        "site" : null,
        "status" : "INTERVALS_NOT_REQUESTED",
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE",
      "id" : "whk_8ed4648f-b6a2-0abd-790a-425d18bee95b",
      "resource" : "METER"
  2. Customer uses the Dashboard or API to request interval extraction for the Meter.

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accounts" : [ {
          "accountNumber" : "2365359048501209244",
          "id" : "act_72364211-400d-3880-3e11-67592950b1dc"
        } ],
        "bulbType" : null,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "system",
        "currentTariff" : null,
        "customData" : null,
        "earliestIntervalAt" : null,
        "generalDescriptionAsPrinted" : null,
        "id" : "mtr_6f3a89ac-baa1-9f90-8be2-5dcc738538d2",
        "isIntervalsProductActive" : false,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
        "latestIntervalAt" : null,
        "latestStatementDate" : null,
        "localTimezone" : null,
        "meterConstantMultiplier" : null,
        "meterNumber" : "4230389196102592373",
        "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2024-03-21",
        "normalizedMeterNumber" : "4230389196102592373",
        "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
        "pipeType" : null,
        "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
        "previousMeterConstantMultiplier" : null,
        "previousMeterNumber" : null,
        "provider" : null,
        "serviceAddress" : null,
        "serviceType" : "electric",
        "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
        "site" : null,
        "status" : "INTERVALS_IN_PROGRESS",
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_399e0929-3452-496c-ae2c-301017a5b0f4",
      "resource" : "METER"
  3. The first interval extraction finishes and the data is available.

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accounts" : [ {
          "accountNumber" : "2365359048501209244",
          "id" : "act_72364211-400d-3880-3e11-67592950b1dc"
        } ],
        "bulbType" : null,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "system",
        "currentTariff" : null,
        "customData" : null,
        "earliestIntervalAt" : "2024-01-22T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "generalDescriptionAsPrinted" : null,
        "id" : "mtr_6f3a89ac-baa1-9f90-8be2-5dcc738538d2",
        "isIntervalsProductActive" : true,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
        "latestIntervalAt" : "2024-02-20T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "latestStatementDate" : null,
        "localTimezone" : "US/Eastern",
        "meterConstantMultiplier" : null,
        "meterNumber" : "4230389196102592373",
        "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2024-03-21",
        "normalizedMeterNumber" : "4230389196102592373",
        "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
        "pipeType" : null,
        "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
        "previousMeterConstantMultiplier" : null,
        "previousMeterNumber" : null,
        "provider" : null,
        "serviceAddress" : null,
        "serviceType" : "electric",
        "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
        "site" : null,
        "status" : "INTERVALS_SUCCESS",
        "statusDetail" : "INTERVALS_AVAILABLE"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "STATUS_CHANGE",
      "id" : "whk_c99fe2a7-2285-686d-b0a7-fe4118f60d4a",
      "resource" : "METER"
  4. Time passes and a scheduled interval extraction occurs. The status does not change, but existing data is updated.

      "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
      "data" : {
        "accounts" : [ {
          "accountNumber" : "2365359048501209244",
          "id" : "act_72364211-400d-3880-3e11-67592950b1dc"
        } ],
        "bulbType" : null,
        "correlationIds" : [ "example-correlation-id" ],
        "createdAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "createdBy" : "system",
        "currentTariff" : null,
        "customData" : null,
        "earliestIntervalAt" : "2024-01-22T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "generalDescriptionAsPrinted" : null,
        "id" : "mtr_6f3a89ac-baa1-9f90-8be2-5dcc738538d2",
        "isIntervalsProductActive" : true,
        "lastModifiedAt" : "2024-02-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "lastModifiedBy" : "system",
        "latestIntervalAt" : "2024-03-21T00:00:00.000+00:00",
        "latestStatementDate" : null,
        "localTimezone" : "US/Eastern",
        "meterConstantMultiplier" : null,
        "meterNumber" : "4230389196102592373",
        "nextExpectedPostDate" : "2024-03-21",
        "normalizedMeterNumber" : "4230389196102592373",
        "normalizedPointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
        "pipeType" : null,
        "pointOfDeliveryNumber" : "7",
        "previousMeterConstantMultiplier" : null,
        "previousMeterNumber" : null,
        "provider" : null,
        "serviceAddress" : null,
        "serviceType" : "electric",
        "serviceTypeClassification" : "CORE",
        "site" : null,
        "status" : "INTERVALS_SUCCESS",
        "statusDetail" : "INTERVALS_AVAILABLE"
      "errors" : [ ],
      "eventType" : "EXISTING_DATA_UPDATED",
      "id" : "whk_c483662c-f525-4277-a579-70c2554d46f4",
      "resource" : "METER"