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Utility Taxes API

Sales and use taxes that cities and counties sometimes apply to utility services.

Utility taxes are sales and use taxes that cities and counties sometimes put in place on utility services. This page outlines the data definitions and basic API operations for utility taxes.


This data is only available to our utility customers using our Signal Product.

Data Definitions


UtilityTax shares some similarities with Tariff and TariffRate objects, but has far fewer properties.

utilityTaxIdIntegerMArcadia ID of the Utility Tax
rateNameStringMUtility tax name
fromDateTimeDateTimeThe date when the utility tax became or will become effective.
toDateTimeDateTimeThe date when the utility tax expires.
rateAmountElectricityDecimalMThe value of the utility tax rate for electricity service.
rateAmountGasDecimalMThe value of the utility tax rate for gas service.
territoryTerritoryMTerritory covered by the utility tax.
customerClassesArrayMThe class/classes of customer of this utility tax.


Resource URI

GET /rest/v1/utilitytaxes

Get One Utility Tax

This endpoint retrieves a particular utility tax object by zipCode.

GET /rest/v1/utilitytaxes/{utilityTaxId}



GET /rest/v1/utilitytaxes/329


  "status": "success",  
  "count": 1,  
  "type": "UtilityTax",  
  "results": [  
      "utilityTaxId": 329,  
      "rateName": "Alameda County UUT",  
      "fromDateTime": "2014-01-01",  
      "toDateTime": null,  
      "rateAmountElectricity": 0.065,  
      "rateAmountGas": 0.065,  
      "territory": {  
        "territoryId": 10248,  
        "territoryName": "Unincorporated Alameda County",  
        "lseId": 734,  
        "usageType": "UTILITY_TAX",  
        "itemTypes": "COUNTY"  
      "customerClasses": [  

Get a List of Utility Taxes

This allows you to search for a set of utility tax and get them back as a list of Utility Tax objects. There is also the capability to do a text search on a few fields. One search option is location which
will search the value field of all of the territory items in a utility tax's territory. This has the effect that location can match on a city, county, or zip code.

Request Parameters

territoryIdIntegerArcadia ID of the Territory covered by the utility tax.
customerClassesArrayA customer class specification can be one or more of RESIDENTIAL, GENERAL, or SPECIAL_USE
fromDateTimeDateTimeThe date when the utility tax became or will become effective.
toDateTimeDateTimeThe date when the utility tax expires.
lseIdIntegerArcadia ID of the utility associated with one or more utility taxes.
searchOnListA comma-separated list of fields to search on. Currently one of utilityTaxId, taxName, or location
searchStringThe value to search for in the utility taxes.
sortOnListA comma-separated list off fields to search on. Currently one of utilityTaxId, taxName, rateAmountElectricity, rateAmountGas, fromDateTime or toDateTime.
sortOrderStringASC for ascending or DESC for descending.


This example will get a list of utility taxes whose location contains the word "Alameda" and sorted by the tax name.




  "status": "success",  
  "count": 2,  
  "type": "UtilityTax",  
  "results": [  
      "utilityTaxId": 329,  
      "rateName": "Alameda County UUT",  
      "fromDateTime": "2014-01-01",  
      "toDateTime": null,  
      "rateAmountElectricity": 0.065,  
      "rateAmountGas": 0.065,  
      "territory": {  
        "territoryId": 10248,  
        "territoryName": "Unincorporated Alameda County",  
        "lseId": 734,  
        "usageType": "UTILITY_TAX",  
        "itemTypes": "COUNTY"  
      "customerClasses": [  
      "utilityTaxId": 330,  
      "rateName": "Alameda UUT",  
      "fromDateTime": "2014-01-01",  
      "toDateTime": null,  
      "rateAmountElectricity": 0,  
      "rateAmountGas": 0,  
      "territory": {  
        "territoryId": 10298,  
        "territoryName": "City of Alameda",  
        "lseId": 734,  
        "usageType": "UTILITY_TAX",  
        "itemTypes": "CITY"  
      "customerClasses": [  
  "pageStart": 0,  
  "pageCount": 1  