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Account Rates - Overview

Account Rates

The Account Rates endpoint returns all of the rates associated with an account's tariffs. By default, it returns the currently active rates. If you want rates for a different time period, you can specify a date range that you're interested in.

Most rates update only when the tariff is revised. If your date range spans two or more tariff versions, you will be returned two values for every rate, each with their effective date ranges.

Some rates change on a different schedule than tariff versions, usually more frequently (e.g. Fuel Cost Adjustments). For these variable rates, we return a series of values along with their effective date ranges.

Data Definitions

The Account Rates endpoint returns a list of tariff rates. They are identical to those are returned by the tariff endpoint.

Get Account Rates

The only operation available on the Account Rates endpoint is getting the list of currently-active rates for an account.

Resource URI

GET /rest/v1/accounts/{accountId}/rates
GET /rest/v1/accounts/pid/{providerAccountId}/rates

Request Parameters

The request parameters for this endpoint are very similar to those for the Get Tariffs endpoint.

serviceTypeStringString that indicates the service type to include. Choices are: ELECTRICITYSOLAR_PV (Optional, defaults to ELECTRICITY only).
fromDateTimeDateTimeOnly include tariffs that are effective on or after this date (Optional)
toDateTimeDateTimeOnly include tariffs that are effective on or before this date (Optional)
lookupVariableRatesBooleanWhen true (false by default) any variable price tariff rates will be looked up and returned on the response. Can work in conjunction with a passed in date range. If no date range is supplied, the default range is the first of the current month to the first of next month. (Optional)
bundleRatesBooleanWhen true (false by default) the rates are summarized (bundled) (Optional)


In this example, we'll retrieve the rates for an account located in ZIP code 10030, which gets its electricity service from Consolidated Edison. This example shows the results for an account that has a tariff with many variable rates.

GET /rest/v1/accounts/pid/rate-example/rates?lookupVariableRates=true

  "status": "success",
  "count": 60,
  "type": "TariffRate",
  "results": [

  /* edited for length */

    "tariffRateId": 17286172,
    "tariffId": 3208943,
    "tariffSequenceNumber": 4,
    "rateGroupName": "Supply Charges",
    "rateName": "MSC Rate - Zone J",
    "fromDateTime": "2015-09-01T00:00:00-04:00",
    "toDateTime": "2015-09-02T00:00:00-04:00",
    "territory": {
      "territoryId": 3634,
      "territoryName": "Zone J",
      "lseId": 2252,
      "lseName": "Consolidated Edison Co-NY Inc",
      "parentTerritoryId": 2533,
      "usageType": "TARIFF",
      "itemTypes": "ZIPCODE",
      "deregRes": false,
      "deregCandi": false,
      "centerPoint": {
        "latitude": 40.723772429906475,
        "longitude": -73.93771695950159
    "chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
    "chargeClass": "SUPPLY,CONTRACTED",
    "chargePeriod": "MONTHLY",
    "variableRateKey": "marketSupplyChargeResidentialZoneJ",
    "rateBands": [
        "tariffRateBandId": 10648952,
        "tariffRateId": 17286172,
        "rateSequenceNumber": 1,
        "hasConsumptionLimit": false,
        "hasDemandLimit": false,
        "hasPropertyLimit": false,
        "rateAmount": 9.453,
        "rateUnit": "COST_PER_UNIT",
        "isCredit": false,
        "prevUpperLimit": null
    "tariffRateId": 17286172,
    "tariffId": 3208943,
    "tariffSequenceNumber": 4,
    "rateGroupName": "Supply Charges",
    "rateName": "MSC Rate - Zone J",
    "fromDateTime": "2015-09-02T00:00:00-04:00",
    "toDateTime": "2015-09-03T00:00:00-04:00",
    "territory": {
      "territoryId": 3634,
      "territoryName": "Zone J",
      "lseId": 2252,
      "lseName": "Consolidated Edison Co-NY Inc",
      "parentTerritoryId": 2533,
      "usageType": "TARIFF",
      "itemTypes": "ZIPCODE",
      "deregRes": false,
      "deregCandi": false,
      "centerPoint": {
        "latitude": 40.723772429906475,
        "longitude": -73.93771695950159

  /* more rates */


The rates shown here change every day. The Account Rates endpoint can show the active rates for any time period that you specify.