Query available tariff rate plans for an account using the corresponding {accountId}. In order to use this endpoint, the account must have a valid address. Specifically, the account's zip field and customerClass property must be populated.
Let's query the example account's tariffs.
GET /rest/v1/accounts/1c06e306-bbb0-473a-973c-93d947f0761b/tariffs
Here is the resulting response:
"status": "success",
"count": 17,
"type": "Tariff",
"results": \[
"tariffId": 3155887,
"masterTariffId": 522,
"tariffCode": "E-1",
"tariffName": "Residential",
"lseId": 734,
"lseName": "Pacific Gas & Electric Co",
"priorTariffId": 3154354,
"tariffType": "DEFAULT",
"customerClass": "RESIDENTIAL",
"customerCount": 3321385,
"customerLikelihood": 74.03,
"territoryId": 807,
"effectiveDate": "2013-01-01",
"endDate": null,
"timeZone": "US/Pacific",
"billingPeriod": "MONTHLY",
"currency": "USD",
"chargePeriod": "DAILY",
"hasTimeOfUseRates": true,
"hasTieredRates": true,
"hasContractedRates": false,
"hasRateApplicability": true,
"isActive": true
/* truncated for space */
"tariffId": 3155907,
"masterTariffId": 3153889,
"tariffCode": "E-7-FERA",
"tariffName": "Residential - FERA, Time of Use",
"lseId": 734,
"lseName": "Pacific Gas & Electric Co",
"priorTariffId": 3154806,
"tariffType": "ALTERNATIVE",
"customerClass": "RESIDENTIAL",
"customerCount": 1,
"customerLikelihood": 0,
"territoryId": 807,
"effectiveDate": "2013-01-01",
"endDate": null,
"timeZone": "US/Pacific",
"billingPeriod": "MONTHLY",
"currency": "USD",
"chargePeriod": "DAILY",
"hasTimeOfUseRates": true,
"hasTieredRates": true,
"hasContractedRates": false,
"hasRateApplicability": true,
"isActive": true