JUMP TOAPI ReferenceAPI OverviewAPI BasicsAuthenticationRequestsResponsesDates & TimesTools & LibrariesVersioning & ReleasesEcho APIsEcho APIgetEcho API - HellogetEcho API - ErrorsgetEcho API- AuthenticategetEcho API - ValidategetTariff APIsTariffs APILoad Serving Entities APIGet LSEsgetGet One LSEgetTerritories APIGet TerritoriesgetGet One TerritorygetSeasons APIGet SeasonsgetTime of Uses APIGet TOU GroupgetGet TOU Group IntervalsgetGet TOUgetGet TOU IntervalsgetAdd Private TOUpostCalendars APIGet CalendarsgetGet One CalendargetGet Calendar DatesgetProperties APIGet PropertiesgetGet One PropertygetTariff History APIGet Tariff HistorygetAccount APIAccount - OverviewGet All AccountsgetGet Account with {accountId}getGet Account with {providerAccountId}getAdd AccountpostDelete Account with {accountId}deleteDelete Account with {providerAccountId}deleteAccount Tariff - OverviewGet Available Tariff Rate Plans for an Account with {accountId}getGet Available Tariff Rate Plans for an Account with {providerAccountId}getAdd or Update an Account Tariff with {accountId}putAdd or Update an Account Tariff with {providerAccountId}putDelete an Account Tariff with {accountId}deleteDelete an Account Tariff with {providerAccountId}deleteAccount Properties - OverviewGet Account PropertiesgetUpdate Account Info and Properties with {accountId}putUpdate Account Info and Properties with {providerAccountId}putDelete Account PropertydeleteAccount Rates - OverviewGet Account Rates with {accountId}getGet Account Rates with {providerAccountId}getAccount Cost CalculatorAccount Calculation with {accountId}postAccount Calculation with {providerAccountId}postProfile APIsProfile - OverviewGet All ProfilesgetGet Profile with {profileId}getGet Profile with {providerProfileId}getAdd or Update ProfileputDelete Profile with {profileId}deleteDelete Profile with {providerProfileId}deleteStorage Profile APIAdd Storage ProfilepostGet Storage Profile with {profileId}getGet Storage Profile with {providerProfileId}getAnalysis APIsRunning a Savings AnalysisGetting a Historical Savings AnalysisSavings AnalysispostGet Savings Analyses with {accountId}getGet One Savings Analysis with {accountId}getGet Savings Analyses with {providerAccountId}getGet One Savings Analysis with {providerAccountId}getSolar Incentives APIGet Solar Incentives APIgetGet One Incentive APIgetGet Incentive Applicabilities APIgetOther APIsLookups APIGet LookupgetGet Lookup StatsgetTypical Baselines APIGet Best BaselinegetZip Codes APIGet Zip CodesgetGet One Zip CodegetGet Account with {providerAccountId}get https://api.genability.com/rest/v1/accounts/pid/{providerAccountId}Return a single account using your chosen {providerAccountId} value.