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Advanced Tariff Filtering

Advanced Tariff Filtering

Some markets, such as California, have many tariffs to choose from. Customers in these markets should consider using their experience and expertise when faced with longer lists. We will cover some special use cases that require slightly more advanced filtering techniques.

Filtering Tariffs with Additional Eligibility Requirements

Some utilities require customers to switch to a different tariff when they move to solar or have tariffs only open to customers with an electric vehicle. Arcadia captures these additional eligibility criteria in the tariff properties collection, specifically in properties with a propertyType of APPLICABILITY.

These are the three arguments you need to provide when using the Tariff endpoint to filter by eligibility:

  1. populateProperties=true - Ensures the data needed to filter is considered.
  2. filterByApplicability=true - Applies a rule that results should also be filtered by applicability (i.e., additional eligibility properties).
  3. applicabilityFilters[solarPvEligible]=true - Specifies the applicability criteria to filter by.

For an Electric Vehicle or EV case, you would supply the parameter hasElectricVehicle=true instead of solarPvEligible=true.

Filtering Tariffs Based on Rate Characteristics

Occasionally, you might want to retrieve a list of tariffs that include rates with a specific characteristic, such as ones that vary by Time of Use. We support the following explicit parameters that you can filter on:

hasNetMeteringBooleanReturn tariffs that have or do not have any net-metered tariff rates (Optional)
hasTimeOfUseRatesBooleanReturn tariffs that have or do not have any time-of-use rates (Optional)
hasTieredRatesBooleanReturn tariffs that have or do not have any tiered rates (Optional)
hasContractedRatesBooleanReturn tariffs that have or do not have any contracted rates (Optional)

Filtering Out Tariffs That Are Closed to New Enrollment

Sometimes utilities retire tariff rate plans. These retired tariff rate plans are flagged with the date they were closed.

If you are presenting a list of tariffs that customers could change to, you’ll typically want to remove all closed tariffs. To accomplish this:

  • Pass in a date value to the openOn property, which will usually be the same date used for the effectiveOn property.
  • Don’t filter on this property if your use case is to select or choose the existing tariff a customer is on, as they might be grandfathered into a closed tariff.