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API Reference

The following APIs represent the endpoints that provide data about Utilities and other Load Serving Entities (LSEs) including their tariffs, where they operate (their Territories), and other data about how they charge their customers.

  • Load Serving Entity - LSE is the company selling the electricity (supplying the load). Commonly called the utility or electric company.
  • Tariff - the pricing/rates for a given category of customer or service
  • Territory - defines an area that an LSE, Tariff, or specific Tariff Rate applies to. Currently only part of the tariff data, but we will roll out operations to access this in the next few weeks.
  • Season - defines a part of the year that can be used for different rate amounts (e.g. summer and winter rates being different amounts).
  • Time of Use - defines the times of the day that a tariff can have different prices for.
  • Calendar - defines important dates that are associated with tariffs, including billing dates, holiday schedules (which are typically off-peak and thus have lower rates), and "dynamic" events such as smart days, critical peaks, and system peaks.
  • Property Key - defines the attributes that determine applicability for a set of rates within a tariff, such as connection type or city limits.
  • Tariff History - gives you the complete history of revisions for a given tariff, as defined by its masterTariffId.
  • Utility Tax - sales and use taxes that cities and counties sometimes put in place on utility services.