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Echo is a simple call that allows you to validate how you are calling the ArcadiaAPIs. This is designed for the user who is just beginning to use our APIs as well as for debugging help. For example, you can call the /validate method to verify the date format you are passing in with your requests is valid. As with all calls, you will need to use a valid App ID and App Key to make these calls.


Echo returns a simple success message when the passed-in credentials are valid or an unauthorized response when they are invalid.


Hello returns a "Hello World!" response when the passed-in credentials are valid or an unauthorized response when they are invalid.

Resource URI

GET /rest/echo/hello


GET /rest/echo/hello


Errors allow you to simulate receiving several possible error messages. This is especially helpful for seeing how your application responds to different error messages as well as quickly learning all the possible errors that may be returned from the APIs.

To simulate an error, pass in the desired error code on the URL and the response will be a simulated error condition with that error code.

Resource URI

GET /rest/echo/errors/{errorCode}


Authenticate allows you to quickly validate the appId and appKey you are using. A successful response indicates they are valid.

Resource URI

GET /rest/echo/authenticate


GET /rest/echo/authenticate


Validate is a helpful method to make sure the data you are inputting is in a valid and recognized format. This helps a lot with dates and times. Integers and arrays can also be validated.

Resource URI

GET /rest/echo/validate

Request Parameters

Along with the required security parameters, the following parameters are sent as part of the request. Only one can be validated at a time. If multiple are sent in, the first one is validated.

dateTimeStringValidates the passed-in string to the ISO 8601 format (e.g. the date and time you want to validate). See the example below for a valid format.
integerIntegerValidates the passed-in integer to validate it is recognized as an integer.
arrayArrayValidates the passed-in array to validate it is in a recognized format. Read more about accepted Array Inputs.


GET /rest/echo/validate?dateTime=2011-10-26T12:00:00.0-0400

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!