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Utility Remittance Item Scheduled (Beta)

Webhook Event posted when a Utility Remittance Item is scheduled for remittance with the associated user's Utility.

Request Body Schema

Property nameData typeRequired?Description
typestringyesValue: utility_remittance_item_scheduled
created_atstring <date-time>yesDate and time this Webhook Event was generated. Given in UTC.
dataobject (UtilityRemittanceItem)yesData relevant to this Webhook Event.


Property nameData typeRequired?Description
idintegeryesUnique id generated by Arcadia to identify this resource.
client_user_idstringyesYour organization's unique key provided to associate Arcadia resources with your user.
utility_statement_idintegeryesUnique id generated by Arcadia to identify the Utility Statement associated with this resource.
amount_centsintegeryesMonetary amount of this Utility Remittance Item. Given in cents.
created_atstring <date-time>yesDate and time at which this resource was created. Given in UTC.
updated_atstring <date-time>yesDate and time at which this resource was most recently updated. Given in UTC.
scheduled_atnull or string <date-time>yesDate and time this Utility Remittance Item is scheduled to be remitted to the user's associated Utility. Given in UTC.
remitted_atnull or string <date-time>yesDate and time this Utility Remittance Item was successfully remitted to the user's associated Utility. Given in UTC.
sandboxedbooleanyesIf true, this resource is in the sandboxed environment. If false, this resource is in the live environment.

Request sample

Content type: application/json

  "type": "utility_remittance_item_scheduled",
  "created_at": "2022-09-30T14:15:22Z",
  "data": {
		"id": 352,
    "client_user_id": 'testing-123',
    "utility_statement_id": "17925627",
		"amount_cents": 2329,
    "status": "scheduled",
		"scheduled_at": null,
		"created_at": "2022-09-29 16:49:14 UTC",
		"updated_at": "2022-09-29 16:49:14 UTC",
    "scheduled_at": null,
		"remitted_at": null,
		"sandboxed": true