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Historical Utility Statements Discovered

Webhook posted when historical utility statements are discovered.

Request Body Schema

Property nameData typeRequired?Description
typestringyesValue: "historical_utility_statements_discovered"
created_atstring <date-time>yes
dataobject (Data)yes


Property nameData typeRequired?Description
utility_statementsArray of objects (UtilityStatement)yes


Property nameData typeRequired?Description
tariffnull or object (Tariff)yesInformation about a tariff.
utility_namestringyesThe list of supported Arcadia utilities can be found here.
utility_long_namestringyesProvides greater detail than utility_name. The list of supported Arcadia utilities can be found here
statement_datestring <date-time>yes
due_datenull or string <date-time>yes
service_start_datestring <date-time>yes
service_end_datestring <date-time>yes
utility_chargenumberyesTotal dollar amount billed by the utility on this statement.
supplier_chargenull or numberyesTotal dollar amount billed by the energy supplier.

Note: Not available for all utilities yet.
gas_chargenull or numberyesTotal dollar amount billed by the utility for natural gas.

Note: Not available for all utilities that provide gas service yet.
past_duenull or booleanyes
created_atstring <date-time>yes
updated_atstring <date-time>yes
pdf_urlnull or stringyesA url to the utility created PDF bill for this statement. Note that this url will only be valid for 600 seconds.
final_billboolean or nullyesIndicates if this is the final bill that this account will receive before closing.
billing_flagsarray of objects (BillingFlags)yesNot applicable for historical Utility Statements.
virtual_net_meteringnull or object (VirtualNetMetering)yesDetails on the customer's virtual net metering credit data. Currently only supported for National Grid New York and Central Maine Power
service_window_inclusive_of_end_datebooleanyesIndicates that the service window for this UtilityStatement includes the service_end_date.
most_recent_payment_detailnull or object (MostRecentPaymentDetail)yesDetail on the most recent payment. Currently only supported for National Grid Massachusetts and NYSEG.
commercial_line_items_detailnull or object (CommercialLineItemsDetail)yesThis field is in beta. Click here for a description on Arcadia's release phases. -- Details on line items specific to commercial accounts. Currently only supported for the ConEd utility.


Property nameData typeRequired?Description
main_tariff_idstringyesThe Genability 'masterTariffId' unique identifier for this tariff. See Genability documentation for details.
supplier_namestring or nullyesThe name of the retail electricity supplier or the community choice aggregator. If there is no retail electricity supplier or community choice aggregator, this field is null.
tariff_codestringyesAbbreviation code of the tariff used for this calculation.
tariff_namestringyesFull name of the tariff used for this calculation.
utility_namestringyesName of the utility associated with this tariff
property_inputsarrayyesProperties applied to this tariff which may affect the calculated cost of electricity.


Property nameData typeRequired?Description
typestringyesEnum: "possible_rebill"
detailsobjectyes{ conflicting_utility_statement_id: integer}


Property nameData typeRequired?Description
supply_energy_kwhnumber or nullyesThe energy supply cost, in dollars.
supply_demand_kwnumber or nullyes
supply_demand_costnumber or nullyesThe demand supply cost, in dollars.
supply_customer_chargenumber or nullyesThe customer charge for energy supply, in dollars.
supply_merchant_function_chargenumber or nullyesThe charge for merchant function in energy supply, in dollars.
supply_taxesnumber or nullyesAny other charges for taxes on energy supply, in dollars.
supply_total_chargenumber or nullyesThe total cost of energy supply, in dollars.
delivery_energy_kwhnumber or nullyesThe energy delivery cost, in dollars.
delivery_energy_costnumber or nullyesThe energy delivery cost, in dollars.
delivery_demand_kwnumber or nullyes
delivery_demand_costnumber or nullyesThe demand delivery cost, in dollars.
delivery_customer_chargenumber or nullyesThe customer charge for energy delivery, in dollars.
delivery_system_benefit_costnumber or nullyesThe delivery system benefit cost, in dollars.
delivery_processing_chargenumber or nullyesThe delivery processing charge, in dollars.
delivery_taxesnumber or nullyesAny other charges for taxes on energy delivery, in dollars.
delivery_total_chargenumber or nullyesThe total cost of energy delivery, in dollars.
sales_taxnumber or nullyesSales taxes applied to the total bill, in dollars.
electric_chargenumber or nullyesThe total combined charge for this bill - supply, delivery, and taxes - in dollars.


Property nameData typeRequired?Description
most_recent_payment_received_amountnumberyesTotal dollar amount received on the most recent payment.
most_recent_payment_received_datestringyesThe date of the most recent payment.


Property nameData typeRequired?Description
current_cycle_generated_creditsnumber or nullyesThe amount of credits generated during the current cycle, in dollars
current_cycle_applied_creditsnumber or nullyesThe amount of credits applied during the current cycle, in dollars
last_cycle_carry_over_creditsnumber or nullyesThe amount of credits carried over from the last cycle, in dollars
next_cycle_carry_over_creditsnumber or nullyesThe amount of credits carried over to the next cycle, in dollars
current_cycle_generated_kwhnumber or nullyesThe kwh generated during the current cycle
current_cycle_applied_kwhnumber or nullyesThe kwh applied during the current cycle
last_cycle_carry_over_kwhnumber or nullyesThe kwh carried over to the next cycle
next_cycle_carry_over_kwhnumber or nullyesThe kwh carried over to the next cycle
current_cycle_expiring_kwhnumber or nullyesThe kwh that are expiring during the current cycle

Request sample

Content type: application/json

{ "type": "historical_utility_statements_discovered", "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "data": { "client_user_id": "fff57dc7-3a2b-4395-8a62-e3486d46dabe", "utility_account_id": 1234, "utility_statements": [ { "id": 123, "client_user_id": "fff57dc7-3a2b-4395-8a62-e3486d46dabe", "tariff": { "master_tariff_id": "gen_mtid_3331108", "main_tariff_id": "gen_mtid_3331108", "supplier_name": "East Bay Community Energy", "tariff_code": "EV-2A-TOU", "tariff_name": "Residential - Time of Use - Plug-In Electric Vehicle 2", "utility_name": "Pacific Gas & Electric" }, "utility_name": "PG&E", "utility_long_name": "Pacific Gas & Electric", "utility_account_id": 2243, "statement_date": "2019-08-24", "due_date": "2019-09-24", "service_start_date": "2019-08-24", "service_end_date": "2019-09-24", "kwh": 100, "utility_charge": 90.33, "supplier_charge": 41.54, "gas_charge": 23.32, "past_due": false, "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "sandboxed": false, "pdf_url": null, "final_bill": false, "virtual_net_metering": null, "service_window_inclusive_of_end_date": true } ] } }