This endpoint is in beta. Click here for a description on Arcadia's release phases.
Returns the Utility Intervals for the time span of the given Utility Statement. If the Utility Statement contains charges for multiple Utility Meters, this endpoint will aggregate each Utility Meter's Utility Intervals together to create one set of Utility Intervals.
Note that the Utility Intervals feature is limited to a subset of utilities at this time:
- PG&E
- ComEd
- Delmarva (DE & MD)
- BG&E
- Southern Company
- PEPCO (DC and MD)
- National Grid NY
- Florida Power and Light
- Duke Energy (IN, KY, NC, OH, Progress FL, Progress NC, Progress SC, SC)
Note of the availability of interval data:
- When an account is first enrolled we retrieve interval data from the utility if available
- We will retrieve new utility interval data whenever a new utility statement is discovered
To test Utility Intervals using a test account scenario:
- Select one of the utilities supported above
- Enter a test username that has at least one electric account