November 2022
- The Customers Tab of the Arcadia Dashboard now enabled sorting and filtering so it’s easier to find the customer you’re searching for.
- [Beta] Added multi-meter interval data support for PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E so that you can access all the interval data from each electric meter associated with a utility account, for sites with multiple meters installed.
- [Beta] New intervals API endpoint to get interval data from all electric meters associated with a utility statement and within the service period of that statement which makes it easier to re-create bill charges when used in conjunction with Genability.
- [Beta] We made our tariff mappings more accurately distinguish between customers on NEM1 vs NEM2 tariffs to make it more accurate to recreate bill charges when used in conjunction with Genability.
- [Beta feature] We will be adding a
field to the Statements API with more details on each of the line item charges in a commercial bill. This beta release will only support Consolidated Edison (New York) to begin with.
Updated 9 days ago