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Net Metering vs Net Billing Tariff Calculations

Net billing tariffs apply different rates to imported and exported energy, so using a net metering approach, which calculates based on net usage, may yield less accurate results. This approach doesn’t account for cases where energy imports and exports occur within the same interval period.


Net Billing Tariffs (NBT) and Net Metering represent two distinct methods of crediting solar customers for the energy they export to the grid.

  • NBT applies separate rates for energy imports and exports, often aligning with real-time energy market pricing.
  • Net Metering credits customers at a one-to-one rate for exported energy based on the retail energy price.

Both systems influence customer bills, energy usage patterns, and annual reconciliations, such as true-ups.

AspectNet MeteringNet Billing Tariffs (NBT)
Energy Credit1:1 credit for exported energy based on retail rates.Exported energy credited at a separate (lower) rate.
Netting MethodTotal net energy (imports - exports) within a billing period.Separate rates applied for imports and exports, real-time or interval-based netting.
Financial ImpactMore favorable for customers exporting surplus energy.May reduce compensation for exported energy.
ComplexitySimpler to calculate.Requires detailed interval data for imports and exports.

Historical Background

  • Net Metering was designed to incentivize early solar adoption, offering simple credit systems.
  • NBT evolved to align solar credits with real-time energy market values, reflecting broader grid economics.

System Implementation

Tariff Modeling

Our system categorizes tariffs using the transaction_type property, defining how energy imports and exports are managed. This guide explains how to distinguish between Net Metering (NM) and Net Billing Tariffs (NBT), with a focus on helping you identify them in our system and understand their billing mechanics.

  • BUY: Charges only for imported energy.
  • SELL: Credits only for exported energy.
  • NET (NM): Charges or credits based on net usage within a chargePeriod.
  • BUY_IMPORT/SELL_EXPORT (IMPORT/ EXPORT): Real-time resolution of imports and exports (instantaneous netting).

These configurations allow accurate modeling for both NBT and Net Metering scenarios.

Key differences:

FeatureNet Metering (NM)Net Billing Tariff (NBT)
Energy OffsetImports and exports are netted (kWh-for-kWh offset).Imports and exports are billed/credited separately.
Export Credit RateOften retail or near-retail rate.Lower rate, like wholesale or avoided cost.
True-Up PeriodTypically annual.Monthly true-ups with annual reconciliations.
Transaction TypesNET or BUYBUY or SELL and BUY_IMPORT or SELL_EXPORT.

Identifying NM and NBT in Our System

  1. Net Metering (NM):
    • Transaction Types:
      • NET: Energy usage is calculated as imports minus exports over a billing period.
      • BUY: Applies when customers import more than they export.
    • Behavior:
      • Monthly netting determines charges or credits.
      • Exports offset imports at retail rates.
    • Example:
      • PG&E E-1 (Net Metering) uses NET and BUY for monthly netting.
  2. Net Billing Tariffs (NBT):
    • Transaction Types:
      • BUY: Applies to imported energy.
      • BUY_IMPORT and SELL_EXPORT: Track imports and exports separately.
      • SELL (optional): Determines export credit value, often at lower-than-retail rates.
    • Behavior:
      • Imports and exports are billed separately.
      • Exported energy is credited at a reduced rate (e.g., wholesale or avoided cost).
      • Surplus export energy may be compensated at the SELL rate during the annual true-up.
    • Example:
      • NEM 3 tariffs use BUY, BUY_IMPORT, SELL_EXPORT, and sometimes SELL for net surplus compensations during true-up, reflecting a Net Billing setup.

In both cases, interval data will be entered as a property input. For net billing, enter two interval data series—one for imports and one for exports—both with the same duration and start time. While using a net billing approach can yield accurate results for net metering tariffs, the reverse is not true.

Calculator Functionality

Net Metering Approach:

using a single consumption object with a dataSeries containing both positive and negative values

"propertyInputs": [
        "keyName": "consumption",
        "fromDateTime": "2024-09-01T00:00:00-07:00",
      	// ^ Start dateTime of interval list, may vary from start time of calculation 
        "dataFactor": 1,
        "dataSeries": [
            //comma-separated values in this list 1,2,3,...
        "duration": 3600000
        // ^ millisecond value for 60 minutes

Net Billing Approach:

using independent dataSeries and exportDataSeries lists to separate imports and exports

 "propertyInputs": [
    "keyName": "consumption",  
    "fromDateTime": "2024-08-01T07:00:00.000Z",  
    "unit": "kWh",  
    "duration": 3600000,  
    "dataSeries": [  
    "exportDataSeries": [  