Calc Details & Grouping
You have a lot of flexibility to control how much data you get back from our calculators. In this How-to, we will talk about the various request parameters you can use to control how the “line items” of a calculation are returned. More specifically, we will talk about how results change based on what you pass in for two important calculation request parameters: detailLevel
and groupBy
. This How-to applies to:
So let's get started!
What are Calculated Cost Items?
When a calculation is run or retrieved, the costs are returned wrapped in a Calculated Cost data structure. In the case of the mass calc, multiple Calculated Costs are returned in the results. Within the Calculated Cost, there is a list of items
that have information about the “line items” or details of what costs made up the calculation. We call these Calculated Cost Items, or CCIs for short. It’s the CCIs that can tell you about fixed charges versus energy charges, about how much is paid per day, or hour, and lots of other details. (At this point it’s worth familiarizing yourself with [what exactly makes up a CCI before proceeding][cci]). You use the detailLevel
and groupBy
to impact the cost and time granularity for calculation CCIs, respectively. They do not affect any other part of the result.
The detailLevel
parameter sets both the granularity of costs and how costs are combined/bucketed.
The groupBy
parameter establishes the granularity at which costs are grouped by time. The total cost and other
summary fields are unchanged by these parameters.
detailLevel Argument
The possible values of detailLevel
, from the least to the most detailed, are:
Detail Level Value | Description |
TOTAL | Return only the overall total, without any item breakdown. |
CHARGE_TYPE | Group the rates by charge type, such as FIXED , CONSUMPTION , QUANTITY . |
CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU | Group the rates by charge type, quantity type, season, tariff version, time of use, and tiers. |
RATE | Group the items by rates. |
ALL | Group the calculation results by distinct calculation interval (full details). |
groupBy Argument
Similarly, the possible values of groupBy
, again from the least to the most detailed, are:
Group By Value | Description |
ALL | One group for the entire calculation period. |
YEAR | Groups the calculation details by year. |
MONTH | Groups the calculation details by month. When billingPeriod=true, groups by the billing period instead of the month. |
DAY | Groups the calculation details by day. |
HOUR | Groups the calculation details by hour. |
QTRHOUR | Groups the calculation details by 15 minute intervals. |
Detail Level Examples
Let's take a specific calculation, in this case, an on-demand calculation, and let's look at what is returned with the different
possible values for detailLevel
. For now, we will consistently set groupBy
so that it doesn’t have an impact on the results. (Later we will cover the interaction between
these two parameters when groupBy
Here is the request we will use. It's a calc for one billing period, which we have made a calendar month for simplicity. We are passing in hourly consumption values.
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"minimums": "true",
"detailLevel": "<detailLevel>",
"groupBy": "MONTH",
"billingPeriod": "true",
"propertyInputs": [
"duration": 3600000,
"dataSeries": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0, 63.0, 63.4, 63.8, 64.3, 64.9, 65.1, 65.2, 65.4, 65.4, 66.2, 67.2, 68.1, 69.2, 69.9, 70.5, 71.2, 71.8, 72.0, 72.3, 72.3, 72.5, 73.5, 75.0, 76.5, 78.0, 78.8, 79.3, 79.9, 80.3, 80.8, 81.1, 81.5, 81.9, 82.3, 82.6, 83.0, 83.4, 83.8, 84.4, 84.8, 85.3, 85.1, 84.5, 83.8, 83.2, 82.6, 82.0, 81.3, 80.7, 80.4, 80.4, 80.4, 80.4, 80.7, 80.9, 81.2, 81.4, 80.7, 79.4, 78.2, 76.9, 76.1, 75.7, 75.2, 74.6, 74.1, 73.2, 72.6, 71.7, 70.7, 69.4, 68.2, 66.9, 66.0, 65.3, 64.5, 63.8, 63.0, 62.1, 61.2, 60.3, 60.2, 60.4, 60.7, 60.9, 61.5, 62.3, 63.0, 63.8, 63.9, 63.6, 63.3, 63.1, 63.2, 63.4, 63.7, 63.9, 64.5, 65.3, 66.0, 66.8, 66.9, 66.9, 66.9, 66.9, 67.7, 68.7, 69.6, 70.7, 71.2, 71.4, 71.7, 71.9, 71.8, 71.6, 71.4, 71.1, 72.3, 73.8, 75.6, 77.4, 78.4, 78.8, 79.3, 79.9, 80.3, 80.8, 81.4, 81.8, 82.2, 82.4, 82.7, 82.9, 83.3, 83.8, 84.4, 84.8, 84.9, 84.9, 84.9, 84.9, 84.7, 84.2, 83.6, 83.2, 83.1, 83.1, 83.1, 83.1, 82.8, 82.6, 82.3, 82.1, 81.2, 79.9, 78.7, 77.4, 76.5, 75.8, 75.0, 74.3, 73.7, 73.1, 72.7, 72.2, 71.0, 69.5, 68.0, 66.5, 65.8, 65.6, 65.4, 65.1, 64.2, 62.9, 61.7, 60.4, 60.2, 60.4, 60.7, 60.9, 61.5, 62.3, 63.0, 63.8, 63.9, 63.6, 63.3, 62.6, 61.5, 61.5, 61.5, 61.5, 61.9, 62.2, 62.5, 62.9, 63.0, 62.8, 62.7, 62.7, 63.3, 64.2, 65.1, 66.0, 67.2, 68.2, 69.3, 70.5, 71.0, 71.5, 71.9, 72.2, 73.1, 74.1, 75.0, 76.1, 76.5, 76.8, 76.9, 77.1, 77.1, 77.0, 76.8, 76.6, 76.8, 77.0, 77.3, 77.5, 78.1, 78.9, 79.8, 80.5, 80.5, 80.0, 79.6, 79.1, 78.9, 78.8, 78.6, 78.5, 78.3, 78.0, 77.9, 77.7, 77.9, 78.4, 78.8, 79.3, 78.9, 78.2, 77.4, 76.7, 76.0, 75.5, 74.9, 74.4, 73.5, 72.5, 71.4, 70.4, 69.6, 68.9, 68.3, 67.6, 66.6, 65.5, 64.3, 63.2, 62.2, 61.5, 60.6, 59.7, 59.4, 59.7, 59.8, 60.0, 60.6, 61.2, 62.1, 62.7, 62.8, 62.3, 61.9, 61.2, 60.3, 60.5, 60.6, 60.8, 61.0, 61.3, 61.6, 61.9, 62.1, 61.8, 61.8, 61.8, 62.4, 63.3, 64.2, 64.8, 65.9, 66.9, 68.1, 69.0, 69.6, 69.7, 69.9, 70.2, 70.8, 71.9, 72.9, 73.8, 74.3, 74.4, 74.4, 74.6, 74.4, 74.3, 74.1, 73.8, 74.0, 74.2, 74.4, 74.7, 75.3, 75.9, 76.5, 77.2, 77.2, 76.8, 76.5, 76.1, 75.9, 75.6, 75.5, 75.3, 75.1, 75.0, 75.0, 74.8, 75.2, 75.8, 76.4, 77.0, 76.8, 75.9, 75.3, 74.4, 73.9, 73.6, 73.1, 72.7, 72.0, 71.1, 70.2, 69.3, 68.5, 67.8, 67.2, 66.4, 65.4, 64.2, 63.0, 61.8, 60.9, 60.0, 59.3, 58.5, 58.3, 58.5, 58.8, 58.9, 59.5, 60.3, 61.0, 61.8, 61.7, 61.3, 60.8, 60.0, 59.2, 59.4, 59.7, 59.9, 60.2, 60.4, 60.7, 60.9, 60.9, 60.9, 60.9, 60.9, 61.5, 62.3, 63.0, 63.8, 64.7, 65.7, 66.6, 67.7, 68.1, 68.1, 68.1, 68.1, 68.7, 69.6, 70.7, 71.7, 72.0, 72.0, 72.0, 72.0, 71.8, 71.6, 71.4, 71.1, 71.2, 71.4, 71.7, 71.9, 72.4, 72.8, 73.3, 73.9, 73.8, 73.6, 73.3, 73.1, 72.9, 72.6, 72.3, 72.1, 72.0, 72.0, 72.0, 72.0, 72.6, 73.2, 74.1, 74.7, 74.5, 73.8, 73.0, 72.3, 71.8, 71.6, 71.4, 71.1, 70.5, 69.8, 69.0, 68.3, 67.5, 66.8, 66.0, 65.3, 64.2, 62.9, 61.7, 60.4, 59.5, 58.8, 58.0, 57.3, 57.2, 57.4, 57.7, 57.9, 58.5, 59.3, 60.0, 60.8, 60.7, 60.2, 59.6, 59.8, 60.9, 61.2, 61.3, 61.5, 61.8, 62.0, 62.3, 62.5, 62.7, 62.7, 62.7, 62.7, 63.1, 63.9, 64.8, 65.5, 66.3, 67.2, 68.1, 69.0, 69.3, 69.3, 69.5, 69.6, 70.2, 71.1, 72.1, 73.2, 73.5, 73.5, 73.7, 73.8, 73.7, 73.5, 73.2, 73.1, 73.2, 73.3, 73.5, 73.8, 74.2, 74.5, 75.0, 75.4, 75.4, 75.1, 74.8, 74.5, 74.3, 74.1, 73.8, 73.7, 73.5, 73.5, 73.5, 73.5, 74.1, 74.7, 75.3, 76.0, 75.7, 75.0, 74.2, 73.5, 73.0, 72.8, 72.6, 72.3, 71.7, 70.8, 70.1, 69.3, 68.5, 67.8, 67.0, 66.3, 65.2, 64.1, 62.9, 61.8, 60.9, 60.0, 59.3, 58.5, 58.4, 58.7, 59.0, 59.3, 60.0, 60.6, 61.5, 62.1, 62.2, 61.7, 61.3, 61.6, 62.7, 62.9, 63.0, 63.2, 63.4, 63.6, 63.9, 64.1, 64.2, 64.2, 64.2, 64.2, 64.8, 65.7, 66.6, 67.2, 68.1, 68.7, 69.5, 70.2, 70.5, 70.8, 70.9, 71.1, 71.7, 72.6, 73.5, 74.4, 75.0, 75.1, 75.3, 75.6, 75.5, 75.3, 75.3, 75.0, 75.1, 75.3, 75.3, 75.6, 75.8, 76.3, 76.7, 77.0, 77.0, 76.6, 76.3, 75.9, 75.7, 75.6, 75.4, 75.3, 75.3, 75.3, 75.3, 75.3, 75.6, 76.1, 76.7, 77.2, 76.9, 76.2, 75.4, 74.7, 74.2, 74.0, 73.8, 73.5, 72.9, 72.0, 71.1, 70.2, 69.6, 68.7, 68.1, 67.2, 66.3, 65.3, 64.2, 63.2, 62.2, 61.5, 60.6, 59.7, 59.6, 60.0, 60.4, 60.7, 61.2, 62.1, 62.7, 63.6, 63.6, 63.3, 63.0, 62.8, 63.0, 63.0, 63.0, 63.0, 63.4, 64.0, 64.7, 65.3, 65.4, 65.4, 65.1, 65.1, 65.7, 66.9, 68.0, 69.1, 69.8, 70.3, 70.9, 71.3, 71.4, 71.4, 71.1, 71.1, 71.9, 73.3, 74.6, 76.0, 76.5, 76.8, 76.8, 77.0, 77.2, 77.4, 77.7, 77.9, 78.2, 78.7, 79.0, 79.4, 79.7, 80.2, 80.5, 80.9, 80.8, 80.6, 80.4, 80.1]
Detail Level of TOTAL
Let's start with the least-detailed result level, detailLevel=TOTAL
. In the response, there is just a single cost item (CCI) which has the total cost for the entire calc, as well as the total consumption (in kWh) and the blended per kWh rate (which is simply the total cost divided by the total consumption).
"status": "success",
"count": 1,
"type": "CalculatedCost",
"requestId": "7034b415-ace3-4238-a9d4-c9410954fcd7",
"results": [
"calculatedCostId": "a62ea337-f64a-403a-860c-1cf49f2cc19c",
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"tariffName": "Large General",
"totalCost": 8302.8,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"currency": "USD",
"summary": {
"subTotalCost": 8302.8,
"taxCost": 0,
"totalCost": 8302.8,
"adjustedTotalCost": 8302.8,
"kWh": 50552.8,
"kW": 85.3
"accuracy": 100,
"items": [
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.16424008,
"itemQuantity": 50552.8,
"cost": 8302.79584411
"assumptions": [...]
Detail Level of CHARGE_TYPE
If you need a little more detail than just the totals for a period, you can ask for items to be split out by the type of charge, such as Fixed, Energy, or Demand. To do this ask for detailLevel=CHARGE_TYPE
. When doing so you will get one CCI for each of the following, when the tariff has a rate of that type:
Charge Type | Description |
For our example, the response for detailLevel=CHARGE_TYPE has all 5 components. Note that the chargeType
property is now populated on each CCI so that you know which type of charge it is. Note also that only the items of the response have changed. The rest of the response (ignoring the calculation ID) is the same as when detailLevel
"status": "success",
"count": 1,
"type": "CalculatedCost",
"requestId": "e834ed3f-f07d-4811-94e5-908f09c8dd84",
"results": [
"calculatedCostId": "49bc0677-7739-404e-9fbc-006f2de80fff",
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"tariffName": "Large General",
"totalCost": 8302.8,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"currency": "USD",
"summary": {
"subTotalCost": 8302.8,
"taxCost": 0,
"totalCost": 8302.8,
"adjustedTotalCost": 8302.8,
"kWh": 50552.8,
"kW": 85.3
"accuracy": 100,
"items": [
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 340,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 340,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10041591,
"itemQuantity": 50552.8,
"cost": 5076.305232,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "demand",
"rateAmount": 31.14206331,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 2656.418,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "quantity",
"rateAmount": 1,
"itemQuantity": 0,
"cost": 230.07261211,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "minimum",
"rateAmount": 340,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 340,
"chargeType": "MINIMUM"
"assumptions": [...]
{% endhighlight %}
This detail level combines cost items that share the same charge type (chargeType
), data definition (quantityKey
), season (seasonId
), tariff version (tariffId
), time of use (touId
), and tier (tierLowerLimit
, tierUpperLimit
Consumption cost items (chargeType=CONSUMPTION_BASED
charge type only, a further step is taken to combine a "flat" item such as a non-time of use items into the time of use items, prorating by the kWh consumed during the TOU interval. Non-season items are combined into season items, prorating by the kWh consumed during the season. Finally, non-tiered items are combined into tiered items, prorating by the kWh consumed in that tier.
In most cases there will only be one set of items to combine a flat item into. Occasionally there will be more than one [season group][season_group]. If there is more than one season group among the items, the flat rate will only be rolled into one group. There will be a preference to roll into items that do not have an [applicability][applicability]. If both or neither of the groups have items with applicabilities, the group with the lower season group id will be chosen.
Tiered items will not be rolled into other items. For example, a tiered item with no TOU will NOT be rolled into a tiered item with TOU.
In the example below, the values for the "System Cost Adjustment" and "California Energy Surcharge" items have been prorated across the PEAK
consumption items.
Demand cost items (chargeType=DEMAND_BASED
)For detailLevel=CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU
, Demand cost items differ from consumption items in that:
- Demand rates can have a different
(depending on the utility and tariff) - Demand rates without a time of use are not merged into time of use cost items by interval
Demand and quantityKey
Demand charges can apply to different time spans (monthly vs. annual) and measure demand at different levels of granularity (15-minute, hourly, etc.). The quantityKey
in each demand cost item defines both the time span and the measurement granularity. Because utilities can calculate demand using a different quantityKey
within the same tariff, demand charges are grouped by quantityKey
For example, while two on-peak demand rates could have the same charge type and TOU, one might be based on max 15-minute demand over the last 12 months and the other based on the max 30 minute demand in the current billing period.
Demand rates with no time of use (flat demand rates)
Unlike consumption time of use definitions, which are contiguous, many tariffs have "incomplete" demand TOU definitions which do not cover all time intervals in the billing/calculation period. In the time intervals where no demand TOU period is active, demand rates that have no TOU component cannot be assigned to a particular TOU period by the time interval in which demand is measured. To deal with this ambiguity, detailLevel=CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU
will produce separate cost
items for demand charges with no associated touId
Quantity charges (chargeType=QUANTITY
)Quantity charges rarely have time of use (or seasonal) components and thus are placed into cost items primarily based on quantityKey
, with one cost item for each unique quantityKey
Fixed costs (chargeType=FIXED_PRICE
)Fixed costs have no time of use, season, or varying data sources (quantityKey
). All fixed costs are merged for each interval returned by the calculation, determined by groupBy
Minimums (chargeType=MINIMUM
)Minimums have no applicable time of use and thus are calculated and returned as a single cost item.
Time of use vs. Period
General time of use labels/categories are provided via period
in each applicable CalculatedCostItem
. The possible period values are {OFF_PEAK
In rare cases, a tariff may contain more TOUs than periods. For example, some tariffs separate off-peak charges into off-peak and "super-off-peak". In these cases, different TOUs will be assigned the same period value (OFF_PEAK
). To keep these TOU charges separate, detailLevel=CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU
returns a separate cost item for each distinct time of use, which corresponds to a unique item for each touId
, not each period
Items are ordered by tariff version (tariffId
), season (seasonId
), charge type (chargeType
), data definition (quantityKey
), period (period
), time of use (touId
), start date (fromDateTime
) and tier (tierLowerLimit
, tierUpperLimit
). The charge type (chargeType
Example 1
Here is a sample request where the detailLevel
, the groupBy
, and there is a season split:
POST /rest/v1/ondemand/calculate
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-11-23T00:00:00-08:00",
"masterTariffId": 525,
"detailLevel": "CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU",
"groupBy": "MONTH",
"billingPeriod": true,
“fields”: “ext”,
"propertyInputs": [{
"keyName": "consumption",
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 3600000,
"dataSeries": [...]
The response will return the tier rates for each season. Here is a snippet of the response (not the full response as it is very long):
"tariffId": 3263532,
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-11-23T00:00:00-08:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.15131,
"tierLowerLimit": 0,
"tierUpperLimit": 35.46128138,
"itemQuantity": 35.46128138,
"cost": 5.3656471,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3263532,
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-11-23T00:00:00-08:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.21055,
"tierLowerLimit": 35.46128138,
"tierUpperLimit": 70.92256277,
"itemQuantity": 35.46128138,
"cost": 7.46637341,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3263532,
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-11-23T00:00:00-08:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.36995,
"tierLowerLimit": 70.92256277,
"itemQuantity": 150.76743723,
"cost": 55.77637977,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3263532,
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-11-23T00:00:00-08:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.15565,
"tierLowerLimit": 0,
"tierUpperLimit": 246.90304783,
"itemQuantity": 246.90304783,
"cost": 38.43043033,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 776,
"touName": "Winter Off Peak",
"seasonId": 281,
"seasonName": "Winter"
"tariffId": 3263532,
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-11-23T00:00:00-08:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.21488,
"tierLowerLimit": 246.90304783,
"tierUpperLimit": 493.80609566,
"itemQuantity": 246.90304783,
"cost": 53.05449785,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 776,
"touName": "Winter Off Peak",
"seasonId": 281,
"seasonName": "Winter"
"tariffId": 3263532,
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-11-23T00:00:00-08:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.37429,
"tierLowerLimit": 493.80609566,
"itemQuantity": 342.33390434,
"cost": 128.13221538,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 776,
"touName": "Winter Off Peak",
"seasonId": 281,
"seasonName": "Winter"
Example 2
Here is a sample request where the detailLevel
, the groupBy
, and there is a tariff version split:
POST /rest/v1/ondemand/calculate
"fromDateTime": "2016-07-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-08-23T00:00:00-07:00",
"masterTariffId": 525,
"detailLevel": "RATE",
"groupBy": "MONTH",
"billingPeriod": true,
“fields”: “ext”,
"propertyInputs": [{
"keyName": "consumption",
"fromDateTime": "2016-07-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 3600000,
"dataSeries": [...]
The response will return the tier rates for each tariff version. Here is a snippet of the response which shows the Summer Off Peak tier rates for two tariff versions (partial response shows as the full response is longer):
"tariffId": 3258138,
"fromDateTime": "2016-07-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-08-23T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.1499,
"tierLowerLimit": 0,
"tierUpperLimit": 36.94889885,
"itemQuantity": 36.94889885,
"cost": 5.53865384,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3258138,
"fromDateTime": "2016-07-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-08-23T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.20869,
"tierLowerLimit": 36.94889885,
"tierUpperLimit": 48.03356851,
"itemQuantity": 11.08466966,
"cost": 2.31333388,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3258138,
"fromDateTime": "2016-07-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-08-23T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.20869,
"tierLowerLimit": 48.03356851,
"tierUpperLimit": 73.89779771,
"itemQuantity": 25.8642292,
"cost": 5.39754572,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3261119,
"fromDateTime": "2016-07-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-08-23T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.14983,
"tierLowerLimit": 0,
"tierUpperLimit": 97.36766588,
"itemQuantity": 97.36766588,
"cost": 14.58857186,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3261119,
"fromDateTime": "2016-07-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-08-23T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.2086,
"tierLowerLimit": 97.36766588,
"tierUpperLimit": 194.73533175,
"itemQuantity": 97.36766588,
"cost": 20.31086958,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3261119,
"fromDateTime": "2016-07-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-08-23T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.36672,
"tierLowerLimit": 194.73533175,
"itemQuantity": 383.39466825,
"cost": 140.59850218,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
Example 3
Here is a sample request where the detailLevel
, the groupBy
POST /rest/v1/ondemand/calculate
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-11-23T00:00:00-08:00",
"masterTariffId": 525,
"detailLevel": "CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU",
"groupBy": "HOUR",
"billingPeriod": true,
“fields”: “ext”,
"propertyInputs": [{
"keyName": "consumption",
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-24T00:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 3600000,
"dataSeries": [...]
The response will return the tier rates for each hour. Here is a snippet of the response which shows that from 7 AM to 8 AM on 10/25/2016 when the tier changed from Summer Off Peak Tier 1 to Summer Off Peak Tier 2 (response edited for length).
"tariffId": 3263532,
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-25T07:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-10-25T08:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.15131,
"tierLowerLimit": 0,
"tierUpperLimit": 35.46128138,
"itemQuantity": 0.50128138,
"cost": 0.0758511,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3263532,
"fromDateTime": "2016-10-25T07:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-10-25T08:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.21055,
"tierLowerLimit": 35.46128138,
"tierUpperLimit": 70.92256277,
"itemQuantity": 1.50871862,
"cost": 0.31763889,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 777,
"touName": "Summer Off Peak",
"seasonId": 280,
"seasonName": "Summer"
Note: In the case where the calculation fails to reach the highest consumption tier, we return cost items for an extra "empty" tier. These cost items define the tierUpperLimit
, tierLowerLimit
and rateAmount
for the unused tiers.
This detail level provides a line-item view of the calculation results (particularly when groupBy=MONTH
In the response for detailLevel=RATE, the 97 items have been combined into 12 items. All items for the same rate
have been combined.
"status": "success",
"count": 1,
"type": "CalculatedCost",
"requestId": "2b8756e5-98cb-48f6-be09-f68ca279fb8c",
"results": [
"calculatedCostId": "cc07a38a-9e25-4f43-b428-89c3b4da9604",
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"tariffName": "Large General",
"totalCost": 8302.8,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"currency": "USD",
"summary": {
"subTotalCost": 8302.8,
"taxCost": 0,
"totalCost": 8302.8,
"adjustedTotalCost": 8302.8,
"kWh": 50552.8,
"kW": 85.3
"accuracy": 100,
"items": [
"tariffRateId": 17148628,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439957,
"rateSequenceNumber": 0,
"rateGroupName": "Customer Charge",
"rateName": "Customer Charge",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 340,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 340,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"tariffRateId": 17148629,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439958,
"rateSequenceNumber": 1,
"rateGroupName": "Excess Transformer Capacity",
"rateName": "Excess Transformer Capacity",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "excessTransformerCapacity",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 1,
"itemQuantity": 0,
"cost": 0,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"tariffRateId": 17148630,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439959,
"rateSequenceNumber": 2,
"rateGroupName": "System Cost Adjustment",
"rateName": "System Cost Adjustment",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.0123,
"itemQuantity": 50552.8,
"cost": 621.79944,
"tariffRateId": 17148631,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439960,
"rateSequenceNumber": 3,
"rateGroupName": "Public Benefits Charge",
"rateName": "Public Benefits Charge",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateType": "PERCENTAGE",
"rateAmount": 2.85,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 230.07261211,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"tariffRateId": 17148632,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439961,
"rateSequenceNumber": 4,
"rateGroupName": "Demand Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 8.5,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 725.05,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148638,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439967,
"rateSequenceNumber": 6,
"rateGroupName": "Energy Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Mid-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.096,
"itemQuantity": 17124.2,
"cost": 1643.9232,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148635,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439964,
"rateSequenceNumber": 7,
"rateGroupName": "Demand Charge",
"rateName": "Summer On-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 18.08,
"itemQuantity": 83.8,
"cost": 1515.104,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T16:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148639,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439968,
"rateSequenceNumber": 7,
"rateGroupName": "Energy Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Off-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.0698,
"itemQuantity": 25718.5,
"cost": 1795.1513,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148636,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439965,
"rateSequenceNumber": 8,
"rateGroupName": "Demand Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Mid-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 4.88,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 416.264,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148637,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439966,
"rateSequenceNumber": 9,
"rateGroupName": "Energy Charge",
"rateName": "Summer On-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.1298,
"itemQuantity": 7710.1,
"cost": 1000.77098,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17368254,
"tariffRateBandId": 10770116,
"rateSequenceNumber": 999,
"rateGroupName": "California Energy Surcharge",
"rateName": "California Energy Surcharge",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.00029,
"itemQuantity": 50552.8,
"cost": 14.660312,
"tariffRateId": 17148642,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439971,
"rateSequenceNumber": 999,
"rateGroupName": "Minimum Charge",
"rateName": "Minimum Charge",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "minimum",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 340,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 340,
"chargeType": "MINIMUM"
"assumptions": [...]
The most granular detail level. Most notably for the CONSUMPTION_BASED
charge type there is an item for every
individual time of use period, for example, in the calculation response below, there is a cost item
for each PARTIAL_PEAK period:
- June 1st, 7 am - 12 pm
- June 1st, 5 pm - 11 pm
- June 2nd, 7 am - 12 pm
- June 2nd, 5 pm - 11 pm
- June 3rd, 7 am - 12 pm
- ...
The response for detailLevel=ALL has been truncated as it is very long. In total, there were 97 items returned.
"status": "success",
"count": 1,
"type": "CalculatedCost",
"requestId": "9b1d6e21-97b0-4c2b-95d4-8724162d84d4",
"results": [
"calculatedCostId": "2ab02015-6931-48db-bd99-0d750e6c11ae",
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"tariffName": "Large General",
"totalCost": 8302.8,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"currency": "USD",
"summary": {
"subTotalCost": 8302.8,
"taxCost": 0,
"totalCost": 8302.8,
"adjustedTotalCost": 8302.8,
"kWh": 50552.8,
"kW": 85.3
"accuracy": 100,
"items": [
"tariffRateId": 17148628,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439957,
"rateSequenceNumber": 0,
"rateGroupName": "Customer Charge",
"rateName": "Customer Charge",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 340,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 340,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"tariffRateId": 17148629,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439958,
"rateSequenceNumber": 1,
"rateGroupName": "Excess Transformer Capacity",
"rateName": "Excess Transformer Capacity",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "excessTransformerCapacity",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 1,
"itemQuantity": 0,
"cost": 0,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"tariffRateId": 17148630,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439959,
"rateSequenceNumber": 2,
"rateGroupName": "System Cost Adjustment",
"rateName": "System Cost Adjustment",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.0123,
"itemQuantity": 50552.8,
"cost": 621.79944,
"tariffRateId": 17148631,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439960,
"rateSequenceNumber": 3,
"rateGroupName": "Public Benefits Charge",
"rateName": "Public Benefits Charge",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateType": "PERCENTAGE",
"rateAmount": 2.85,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 230.07261211,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"tariffRateId": 17148632,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439961,
"rateSequenceNumber": 4,
"rateGroupName": "Demand Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T19:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 8.5,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 725.05,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148638,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439967,
"rateSequenceNumber": 6,
"rateGroupName": "Energy Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Mid-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T07:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T12:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.096,
"itemQuantity": 326,
"cost": 31.296,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148638,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439967,
"rateSequenceNumber": 6,
"rateGroupName": "Energy Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Mid-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T17:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T23:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.096,
"itemQuantity": 430.1,
"cost": 41.2896,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148638,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439967,
"rateSequenceNumber": 6,
"rateGroupName": "Energy Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Mid-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T07:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T12:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.096,
"itemQuantity": 405.6,
"cost": 38.9376,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148638,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439967,
"rateSequenceNumber": 6,
"rateGroupName": "Energy Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Mid-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T17:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T23:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.096,
"itemQuantity": 507.9,
"cost": 48.7584,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffRateId": 17148638,
"tariffRateBandId": 10439967,
"rateSequenceNumber": 6,
"rateGroupName": "Energy Charge",
"rateName": "Summer Mid-Peak Rate",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-03T07:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T12:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.096,
"itemQuantity": 404.6,
"cost": 38.8416,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"assumptions": [...]
Group By Examples
Let's look at an on-demand calculation, with different
values for groupBy. For both of the groupBy
we set detailLevel=CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU
. Our first example has a groupBy larger than the request interval, and our
second example has a groupBy smaller than the request interval.
POST /rest/v1/ondemand/calculate/
Generalized request body
We will use the following request, with different groupBy
values for our first two examples below.
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"minimums": "true",
"detailLevel": "CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU",
"groupBy": "<groupBy>",
"billingPeriod": "true",
"propertyInputs": [
"duration": 3600000,
"dataSeries": [63.0, 63.0, 63.0, 63.0, 63.4, 63.8, 64.3, 64.9, 65.1, 65.2, 65.4, 65.4, 66.2, 67.2, 68.1, 69.2, 69.9, 70.5, 71.2, 71.8, 72.0, 72.3, 72.3, 72.5, 73.5, 75.0, 76.5, 78.0, 78.8, 79.3, 79.9, 80.3, 80.8, 81.1, 81.5, 81.9, 82.3, 82.6, 83.0, 83.4, 83.8, 84.4, 84.8, 85.3, 85.1, 84.5, 83.8, 83.2, 82.6, 82.0, 81.3, 80.7, 80.4, 80.4, 80.4, 80.4, 80.7, 80.9, 81.2, 81.4, 80.7, 79.4, 78.2, 76.9, 76.1, 75.7, 75.2, 74.6, 74.1, 73.2, 72.6, 71.7, 70.7, 69.4, 68.2, 66.9, 66.0, 65.3, 64.5, 63.8, 63.0, 62.1, 61.2, 60.3, 60.2, 60.4, 60.7, 60.9, 61.5, 62.3, 63.0, 63.8, 63.9, 63.6, 63.3, 63.1, 63.2, 63.4, 63.7, 63.9, 64.5, 65.3, 66.0, 66.8, 66.9, 66.9, 66.9, 66.9, 67.7, 68.7, 69.6, 70.7, 71.2, 71.4, 71.7, 71.9, 71.8, 71.6, 71.4, 71.1, 72.3, 73.8, 75.6, 77.4, 78.4, 78.8, 79.3, 79.9, 80.3, 80.8, 81.4, 81.8, 82.2, 82.4, 82.7, 82.9, 83.3, 83.8, 84.4, 84.8, 84.9, 84.9, 84.9, 84.9, 84.7, 84.2, 83.6, 83.2, 83.1, 83.1, 83.1, 83.1, 82.8, 82.6, 82.3, 82.1, 81.2, 79.9, 78.7, 77.4, 76.5, 75.8, 75.0, 74.3, 73.7, 73.1, 72.7, 72.2, 71.0, 69.5, 68.0, 66.5, 65.8, 65.6, 65.4, 65.1, 64.2, 62.9, 61.7, 60.4, 60.2, 60.4, 60.7, 60.9, 61.5, 62.3, 63.0, 63.8, 63.9, 63.6, 63.3, 62.6, 61.5, 61.5, 61.5, 61.5, 61.9, 62.2, 62.5, 62.9, 63.0, 62.8, 62.7, 62.7, 63.3, 64.2, 65.1, 66.0, 67.2, 68.2, 69.3, 70.5, 71.0, 71.5, 71.9, 72.2, 73.1, 74.1, 75.0, 76.1, 76.5, 76.8, 76.9, 77.1, 77.1, 77.0, 76.8, 76.6, 76.8, 77.0, 77.3, 77.5, 78.1, 78.9, 79.8, 80.5, 80.5, 80.0, 79.6, 79.1, 78.9, 78.8, 78.6, 78.5, 78.3, 78.0, 77.9, 77.7, 77.9, 78.4, 78.8, 79.3, 78.9, 78.2, 77.4, 76.7, 76.0, 75.5, 74.9, 74.4, 73.5, 72.5, 71.4, 70.4, 69.6, 68.9, 68.3, 67.6, 66.6, 65.5, 64.3, 63.2, 62.2, 61.5, 60.6, 59.7, 59.4, 59.7, 59.8, 60.0, 60.6, 61.2, 62.1, 62.7, 62.8, 62.3, 61.9, 61.2, 60.3, 60.5, 60.6, 60.8, 61.0, 61.3, 61.6, 61.9, 62.1, 61.8, 61.8, 61.8, 62.4, 63.3, 64.2, 64.8, 65.9, 66.9, 68.1, 69.0, 69.6, 69.7, 69.9, 70.2, 70.8, 71.9, 72.9, 73.8, 74.3, 74.4, 74.4, 74.6, 74.4, 74.3, 74.1, 73.8, 74.0, 74.2, 74.4, 74.7, 75.3, 75.9, 76.5, 77.2, 77.2, 76.8, 76.5, 76.1, 75.9, 75.6, 75.5, 75.3, 75.1, 75.0, 75.0, 74.8, 75.2, 75.8, 76.4, 77.0, 76.8, 75.9, 75.3, 74.4, 73.9, 73.6, 73.1, 72.7, 72.0, 71.1, 70.2, 69.3, 68.5, 67.8, 67.2, 66.4, 65.4, 64.2, 63.0, 61.8, 60.9, 60.0, 59.3, 58.5, 58.3, 58.5, 58.8, 58.9, 59.5, 60.3, 61.0, 61.8, 61.7, 61.3, 60.8, 60.0, 59.2, 59.4, 59.7, 59.9, 60.2, 60.4, 60.7, 60.9, 60.9, 60.9, 60.9, 60.9, 61.5, 62.3, 63.0, 63.8, 64.7, 65.7, 66.6, 67.7, 68.1, 68.1, 68.1, 68.1, 68.7, 69.6, 70.7, 71.7, 72.0, 72.0, 72.0, 72.0, 71.8, 71.6, 71.4, 71.1, 71.2, 71.4, 71.7, 71.9, 72.4, 72.8, 73.3, 73.9, 73.8, 73.6, 73.3, 73.1, 72.9, 72.6, 72.3, 72.1, 72.0, 72.0, 72.0, 72.0, 72.6, 73.2, 74.1, 74.7, 74.5, 73.8, 73.0, 72.3, 71.8, 71.6, 71.4, 71.1, 70.5, 69.8, 69.0, 68.3, 67.5, 66.8, 66.0, 65.3, 64.2, 62.9, 61.7, 60.4, 59.5, 58.8, 58.0, 57.3, 57.2, 57.4, 57.7, 57.9, 58.5, 59.3, 60.0, 60.8, 60.7, 60.2, 59.6, 59.8, 60.9, 61.2, 61.3, 61.5, 61.8, 62.0, 62.3, 62.5, 62.7, 62.7, 62.7, 62.7, 63.1, 63.9, 64.8, 65.5, 66.3, 67.2, 68.1, 69.0, 69.3, 69.3, 69.5, 69.6, 70.2, 71.1, 72.1, 73.2, 73.5, 73.5, 73.7, 73.8, 73.7, 73.5, 73.2, 73.1, 73.2, 73.3, 73.5, 73.8, 74.2, 74.5, 75.0, 75.4, 75.4, 75.1, 74.8, 74.5, 74.3, 74.1, 73.8, 73.7, 73.5, 73.5, 73.5, 73.5, 74.1, 74.7, 75.3, 76.0, 75.7, 75.0, 74.2, 73.5, 73.0, 72.8, 72.6, 72.3, 71.7, 70.8, 70.1, 69.3, 68.5, 67.8, 67.0, 66.3, 65.2, 64.1, 62.9, 61.8, 60.9, 60.0, 59.3, 58.5, 58.4, 58.7, 59.0, 59.3, 60.0, 60.6, 61.5, 62.1, 62.2, 61.7, 61.3, 61.6, 62.7, 62.9, 63.0, 63.2, 63.4, 63.6, 63.9, 64.1, 64.2, 64.2, 64.2, 64.2, 64.8, 65.7, 66.6, 67.2, 68.1, 68.7, 69.5, 70.2, 70.5, 70.8, 70.9, 71.1, 71.7, 72.6, 73.5, 74.4, 75.0, 75.1, 75.3, 75.6, 75.5, 75.3, 75.3, 75.0, 75.1, 75.3, 75.3, 75.6, 75.8, 76.3, 76.7, 77.0, 77.0, 76.6, 76.3, 75.9, 75.7, 75.6, 75.4, 75.3, 75.3, 75.3, 75.3, 75.3, 75.6, 76.1, 76.7, 77.2, 76.9, 76.2, 75.4, 74.7, 74.2, 74.0, 73.8, 73.5, 72.9, 72.0, 71.1, 70.2, 69.6, 68.7, 68.1, 67.2, 66.3, 65.3, 64.2, 63.2, 62.2, 61.5, 60.6, 59.7, 59.6, 60.0, 60.4, 60.7, 61.2, 62.1, 62.7, 63.6, 63.6, 63.3, 63.0, 62.8, 63.0, 63.0, 63.0, 63.0, 63.4, 64.0, 64.7, 65.3, 65.4, 65.4, 65.1, 65.1, 65.7, 66.9, 68.0, 69.1, 69.8, 70.3, 70.9, 71.3, 71.4, 71.4, 71.1, 71.1, 71.9, 73.3, 74.6, 76.0, 76.5, 76.8, 76.8, 77.0, 77.2, 77.4, 77.7, 77.9, 78.2, 78.7, 79.0, 79.4, 79.7, 80.2, 80.5, 80.9, 80.8, 80.6, 80.4, 80.1]
In this example groupBy is larger than the five-day request interval, so we see a single item for each CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU key.
Note that a five-day request interval is used here and in the example below to keep the responses short and easier
to read. Five days is not a typical request interval.
"status": "success",
"count": 1,
"type": "CalculatedCost",
"requestId": "d83793ff-00dd-409f-8e12-1b7689640525",
"results": [
"calculatedCostId": "a5bb2b86-2469-4b0f-92ec-7836acdf9a82",
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"tariffName": "Large General",
"totalCost": 3949.88,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"currency": "USD",
"summary": {
"subTotalCost": 3949.88,
"taxCost": 0,
"totalCost": 3949.88,
"adjustedTotalCost": 3949.88,
"kWh": 8607.6,
"kW": 85.3
"accuracy": 100,
"items": [
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 4941,
"cost": 407.089,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10859,
"itemQuantity": 2519.6,
"cost": 273.6034,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.14239,
"itemQuantity": 1147,
"cost": 163.3213,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 8.5,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 725.05,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 4.88,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 416.264,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 18.08,
"itemQuantity": 83.8,
"cost": 1515.104,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T16:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 340,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 340,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "minimum",
"rateAmount": 340,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 340,
"chargeType": "MINIMUM"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "excessTransformerCapacity",
"rateAmount": 1,
"itemQuantity": 0,
"cost": 0,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 2.85,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 109.45230299,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"assumptions": [...]
In this example the groupBy is smaller than the five-day request interval, so we see an item for each CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU
key for each day.
You can see that the summary information is the same as for groupBy=MONTH, we simply have a more granular item list.
This response does not have five times the number of items. There are five days for consumption OFF_PEAK.
However, there are only consumption ON_PEAK items for three days, as the two weekend days had zero ON_PEAK charges.
There are only demand items for the day on which the highest demand occurred, as the demand charge was zero on the
other days.
A note on prorating
In the detailLevel=CHARGETYPE_AND_TOU example above, we saw an example of non-TOU consumption charges being combined into TOU charges. This was an example of _prorating by quantity. The value is prorated by kWh itemQuantity.
In this groupBy=DAY example, you can see that FIXED and QUANTITY charges have been split up into the charge for each day. This is an example of prorating by time. In this example, each of the five days gets a fifth of the total FIXED or QUANTITY charge.
"status": "success",
"count": 1,
"type": "CalculatedCost",
"requestId": "2977286f-472a-4c97-aabc-45c3734d94a4",
"results": [
"calculatedCostId": "1e906fb3-0826-42e0-8c4c-b48ac195b5aa",
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"tariffName": "Large General",
"totalCost": 3949.88,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"currency": "USD",
"summary": {
"subTotalCost": 3949.88,
"taxCost": 0,
"totalCost": 3949.88,
"adjustedTotalCost": 3949.88,
"kWh": 8607.6,
"kW": 85.3
"accuracy": 100,
"items": [
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 516,
"cost": 42.5132,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 624.2,
"cost": 51.42786,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 639.5,
"cost": 52.6885,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-05T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 1528.1,
"cost": 125.90008,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-05T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 1633.2,
"cost": 134.55936,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10859,
"itemQuantity": 756.1,
"cost": 82.1049,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10859,
"itemQuantity": 913.5,
"cost": 99.1969,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10859,
"itemQuantity": 850,
"cost": 92.3015,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.14239,
"itemQuantity": 340.6,
"cost": 48.49808,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.14239,
"itemQuantity": 415.1,
"cost": 59.10608,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.14239,
"itemQuantity": 391.3,
"cost": 55.71724,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 8.5,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 725.05,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 4.88,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 416.264,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T19:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 18.08,
"itemQuantity": 83.8,
"cost": 1515.104,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-02T16:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 68,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 68,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 68,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 68,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 68,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 68,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-05T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 68,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 68,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-05T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 68,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 68,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "excessTransformerCapacity",
"rateAmount": 1,
"itemQuantity": 0,
"cost": 0,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.57,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 21.8904606,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.57,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 21.8904606,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-03T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.57,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 21.8904606,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-05T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.57,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 21.8904606,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-05T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-06T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.57,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 21.8904606,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"assumptions": [...]
This request contains a single day with 15-minute meter data.
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"minimums": "true",
"detailLevel": "CHARGE_TYPE_AND_TOU",
"groupBy": "QTRHOUR",
"billingPeriod": true,
"propertyInputs": [
"duration": 900000,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"keyName": "consumption",
"dataSeries": [
"0.92", "0.95", "1.07", "1", "0.92", "0.92", "1", "1", "1", "1.16", "1", "1.12", "1.68", "1", "3.08", "4.4",
"4.12", "4.12", "2.04", "1", "0.92", "1", "1.2", "0.96", "0.96", "1.2", "0.96", "1", "0.92", "1.2", "1", "1.08",
"1.56", "1.6", "1.92", "0.84", "1.08", "0.88", "1.08", "1.4", "1.84", "4.08", "4.12", "3.96", "5.84", "2.96", "0.84", "0.84",
"1", "1.56", "0.96", "2", "2.24", "0.8", "1.08", "1.4", "1.4", "1.36", "1.52", "2.32", "1.52", "1.28", "1.92", "1.6",
"1.36", "0.8", "1.56", "1.64", "1.8", "1.52", "1.08", "0.88", "1.12", "3.92", "4.44", "4.08", "4.24", "2.24", "0.64", "0.52",
"0.56", "0.56", "0.52", "0.52", "0.56", "0.56", "0.56", "0.76", "0.56", "0.48", "0.64", "0.76", "0.76", "0.72", "0.68", "0.72"
As groupBy=QTRHOUR, response items are split into 15-minute intervals. This response has been truncated.
"status": "success",
"count": 1,
"type": "CalculatedCost",
"requestId": "51523747-6e09-44ae-b52b-f7674df609e1",
"results": [
"calculatedCostId": "a157cc94-8ba3-4690-8716-1d09834e2dc4",
"masterTariffId": 3154596,
"tariffName": "Large General",
"totalCost": 859.89,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"currency": "USD",
"summary": {
"subTotalCost": 859.89,
"taxCost": 0,
"totalCost": 859.89,
"adjustedTotalCost": 859.89,
"kWh": 146.46,
"kW": 23.36
"accuracy": 100,
"items": [
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 0.92,
"cost": 0.075816,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:15:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:30:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 0.95,
"cost": 0.07831,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:30:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:45:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 1.07,
"cost": 0.088186,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T23:45:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.08239,
"itemQuantity": 0.72,
"cost": 0.059356,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "OFF_PEAK",
"touId": 4881,
"touName": "Summer Off-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3172564,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T07:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T07:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10859,
"itemQuantity": 0.92,
"cost": 0.09992,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3172564,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T07:15:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T07:30:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10859,
"itemQuantity": 1.2,
"cost": 0.1303,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3172564,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T07:30:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T07:45:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10859,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 0.1086,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"tariffId": 3172564,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T22:45:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T23:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.10859,
"itemQuantity": 0.76,
"cost": 0.08246,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T12:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T12:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.14239,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 0.1424,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T12:15:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T12:30:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.14239,
"itemQuantity": 1.56,
"cost": 0.222188,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T12:30:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T12:45:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.14239,
"itemQuantity": 0.96,
"cost": 0.136708,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T16:45:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T17:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "consumption",
"rateAmount": 0.14239,
"itemQuantity": 1.64,
"cost": 0.233572,
"chargeType": "CONSUMPTION_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T11:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T11:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 8.5,
"itemQuantity": 23.36,
"cost": 198.56,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-01T11:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T11:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T11:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 4.88,
"itemQuantity": 23.36,
"cost": 113.9968,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"period": "PARTIAL_PEAK",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-01T11:00:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"touId": 4880,
"touName": "Summer Mid-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T14:45:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T15:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "billingDemand320",
"rateAmount": 18.08,
"itemQuantity": 9.28,
"cost": 167.7824,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"period": "ON_PEAK",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-01T14:45:00-07:00",
"duration": 900000,
"touId": 4879,
"touName": "Summer On-Peak",
"seasonId": 755,
"seasonName": "Summer"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 3.54166667,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 3.54166667,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:15:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:30:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 3.54166667,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 3.54166667,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:30:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:45:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 3.54166667,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 3.54166667,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T23:45:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "fixed",
"rateAmount": 3.54166667,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 3.54166667,
"chargeType": "FIXED_PRICE"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "excessTransformerCapacity",
"rateAmount": 1,
"itemQuantity": 0,
"cost": 0,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:15:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.0296875,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 0.24820719,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:15:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:30:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.0296875,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 0.24820719,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:30:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-01T00:45:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.0296875,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 0.24820719,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-01T23:45:00-07:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-06-02T00:00:00-07:00",
"quantityKey": "percentage",
"rateAmount": 0.0296875,
"itemQuantity": 1,
"cost": 0.24820719,
"chargeType": "QUANTITY"
"assumptions": [...]
Demand charges and intervals
Demand charges are discrete and require special handling for the purposes of time-wise aggregation.
For typical demand charges that occur within a month/billing period, the fromDateTime
and toDateTime
of each CalculatedCostItem
will span the interval where the demand charge was incurred and will have a length equal to the groupBy
parameter value, regardless of the interval size at which the demand charge is measured. While this follows our time-wise cost bucketing conventions, it obfuscates the exact time interval that triggers the demand charge. To provide this information, we return an additional field containing the interval start time: demandInterval
and a field that notes the interval length: duration
For demand charges associated with an interval outside the billing period (e.g. annual demand charges), the fromDateTime
and toDateTime
of the CalculatedCostItem
will span the billing period to which the charge was applied, regardless of the groupBy parameter value. This helps denote that the charge is associated with a particular billing period, not a time interval within that period. Again, the demandInterval
and duration
fields in the CalculatedCostItem
help identify when the demand occurred.
Example: 15-minute billing period demand charge, groupBy=HOUR
To expose the interaction between groupBy
and demand charges, we run a calculation against a rate with an in-period, 15-minute demand charge with groupBy=MONTH
. To get accurate results, we pass in 15-minute consumption values from which demand values are inferred (though it is also possible to pass in demand values as a kW dataSeries
"masterTariffId": 81357,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-05:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-02T00:00:00-05:00",
"groupBy": "MONTH",
"billingPeriod": "true",
"propertyInputs": [{
"duration": 900000,
"dataSeries": [15.75, 15.75, 15.75, 15.75, 15.85, 15.95, 16.075, 16.225, 16.275, 16.3, 16.35, 16.35, 16.55, 16.8, 17.025, 17.3, 17.475, 17.625, 17.8, 17.95, 18.0, 18.075, 18.075, 18.125, 18.375, 18.75, 19.125, 19.5, 19.7, 19.825, 19.975, 20.075, 20.2, 20.275, 20.375, 20.475, 20.575, 20.65, 20.75, 20.85, 20.95, 21.1, 21.2, 21.325, 21.275, 21.125, 20.95, 20.8, 20.65, 20.5, 20.325, 20.175, 20.1, 20.1, 20.1, 20.1, 20.175, 20.225, 20.3, 20.35, 20.175, 19.85, 19.55, 19.225, 19.025, 18.925, 18.8, 18.65, 18.525, 18.3, 18.15, 17.925, 17.675, 17.35, 17.05, 16.725, 16.5, 16.325, 16.125, 15.95, 15.75, 15.525, 15.3, 15.075, 15.05, 15.1, 15.175, 15.225, 15.375, 15.575, 15.75, 15.95, 15.975, 15.9, 15.825, 15.775, 15.8, 15.85, 15.925, 15.975, 16.125, 16.325, 16.5, 16.7, 16.725, 16.725, 16.725, 16.725, 16.925, 17.175, 17.4, 17.675, 17.8, 17.85, 17.925, 17.975, 17.95, 17.9, 17.85, 17.775, 18.075, 18.45, 18.9, 19.35, 19.6, 19.7, 19.825, 19.975, 20.075, 20.2, 20.35, 20.45, 20.55, 20.6, 20.675, 20.725, 20.825, 20.95, 21.1, 21.2, 21.225, 21.225, 21.225, 21.225, 21.175, 21.05, 20.9, 20.8, 20.775, 20.775, 20.775, 20.775, 20.7, 20.65, 20.575, 20.525, 20.3, 19.975, 19.675, 19.35, 19.125, 18.95, 18.75, 18.575, 18.425, 18.275, 18.175, 18.05, 17.75, 17.375, 17.0, 16.625, 16.45, 16.4, 16.35, 16.275, 16.05, 15.725, 15.425, 15.1, 15.05, 15.1, 15.175, 15.225, 15.375, 15.575, 15.75, 15.95, 15.975, 15.9, 15.825, 15.65, 15.375, 15.375, 15.375, 15.375, 15.475, 15.55, 15.625, 15.725, 15.75, 15.7, 15.675, 15.675, 15.825, 16.05, 16.275, 16.5, 16.8, 17.05, 17.325, 17.625, 17.75, 17.875, 17.975, 18.05, 18.275, 18.525, 18.75, 19.025, 19.125, 19.2, 19.225, 19.275, 19.275, 19.25, 19.2, 19.15, 19.2, 19.25, 19.325, 19.375, 19.525, 19.725, 19.95, 20.125, 20.125, 20.0, 19.9, 19.775, 19.725, 19.7, 19.65, 19.625, 19.575, 19.5, 19.475, 19.425, 19.475, 19.6, 19.7, 19.825, 19.725, 19.55, 19.35, 19.175, 19.0, 18.875, 18.725, 18.6, 18.375, 18.125, 17.85, 17.6, 17.4, 17.225, 17.075, 16.9, 16.65, 16.375, 16.075, 15.8, 15.55, 15.375, 15.15, 14.925, 14.85, 14.925, 14.95, 15.0, 15.15, 15.3, 15.525, 15.675, 15.7, 15.575, 15.475, 15.3, 15.075, 15.125, 15.15, 15.2, 15.25, 15.325, 15.4, 15.475, 15.525, 15.45, 15.45, 15.45, 15.6, 15.825, 16.05, 16.2, 16.475, 16.725, 17.025, 17.25, 17.4, 17.425, 17.475, 17.55, 17.7, 17.975, 18.225, 18.45, 18.575, 18.6, 18.6, 18.65, 18.6, 18.575, 18.525, 18.45, 18.5, 18.55, 18.6, 18.675, 18.825, 18.975, 19.125, 19.3, 19.3, 19.2, 19.125, 19.025, 18.975, 18.9, 18.875, 18.825, 18.775, 18.75, 18.75, 18.7, 18.8, 18.95, 19.1, 19.25, 19.2, 18.975, 18.825, 18.6, 18.475, 18.4, 18.275, 18.175, 18.0, 17.775, 17.55, 17.325, 17.125, 16.95, 16.8, 16.6, 16.35, 16.05, 15.75, 15.45, 15.225, 15.0, 14.825, 14.625, 14.575, 14.625, 14.7, 14.725, 14.875, 15.075, 15.25, 15.45, 15.425, 15.325, 15.2, 15.0, 14.8, 14.85, 14.925, 14.975, 15.05, 15.1, 15.175, 15.225, 15.225, 15.225, 15.225, 15.225, 15.375, 15.575, 15.75, 15.95, 16.175, 16.425, 16.65, 16.925, 17.025, 17.025, 17.025, 17.025, 17.175, 17.4, 17.675, 17.925, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 17.95, 17.9, 17.85, 17.775, 17.8, 17.85, 17.925, 17.975, 18.1, 18.2, 18.325, 18.475, 18.45, 18.4, 18.325, 18.275, 18.225, 18.15, 18.075, 18.025, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.0, 18.15, 18.3, 18.525, 18.675, 18.625, 18.45, 18.25, 18.075, 17.95, 17.9, 17.85, 17.775, 17.625, 17.45, 17.25, 17.075, 16.875, 16.7, 16.5, 16.325, 16.05, 15.725, 15.425, 15.1, 14.875, 14.7, 14.5, 14.325, 14.3, 14.35, 14.425, 14.475, 14.625, 14.825, 15.0, 15.2, 15.175, 15.05, 14.9, 14.95, 15.225, 15.3, 15.325, 15.375, 15.45, 15.5, 15.575, 15.625, 15.675, 15.675, 15.675, 15.675, 15.775, 15.975, 16.2, 16.375, 16.575, 16.8, 17.025, 17.25, 17.325, 17.325, 17.375, 17.4, 17.55, 17.775, 18.025, 18.3, 18.375, 18.375, 18.425, 18.45, 18.425, 18.375, 18.3, 18.275, 18.3, 18.325, 18.375, 18.45, 18.55, 18.625, 18.75, 18.85, 18.85, 18.775, 18.7, 18.625, 18.575, 18.525, 18.45, 18.425, 18.375, 18.375, 18.375, 18.375, 18.525, 18.675, 18.825, 19.0, 18.925, 18.75, 18.55, 18.375, 18.25, 18.2, 18.15, 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Since billingPeriod=true
and groupBy=MONTH
, the CalculatedCostItem
for the in-period demand charge has to/from dates
which span the calculation interval. To see the exact demand interval, we look at the demandInterval
and duration
for the item.
"status": "success",
"count": 1,
"type": "CalculatedCost",
"requestId": "0bd83017-f43c-422e-abb3-fce80b041274",
"results": [
"masterTariffId": 81357,
"tariffName": "Residential",
"totalCost": 10.99,
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-05:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-02T00:00:00-05:00",
"currency": "USD",
"summary": {
"subTotalCost": 10.99,
"taxCost": 0,
"totalCost": 10.99,
"adjustedTotalCost": 10.99,
"kWh": 47054.25,
"kW": 85.3
"accuracy": 100,
"items": [
"tariffRateId": 16986826,
"tariffRateBandId": 10176060,
"rateSequenceNumber": 2,
"rateGroupName": "Transmission Service - DS-1",
"rateName": "Interval Metered Customer - Zone 2",
"fromDateTime": "2016-06-04T00:00:00-05:00",
"toDateTime": "2016-07-02T00:00:00-05:00",
"quantityKey": "ratchetBillingDemand3048",
"rateType": "COST_PER_UNIT",
"rateAmount": 0.12886,
"itemQuantity": 85.3,
"cost": 10.991758,
"chargeType": "DEMAND_BASED",
"demandInterval": "2016-06-17T10:45:00-05:00",
"duration": 900000
Updated 11 days ago